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#128749070Sunday, March 23, 2014 4:22 AM GMT

(Hi guys! I'm SagePakkana's alternate ego. He will be gone for two days for now and he told me to handle this RP while he is going away. So enjoy this RP and "make every homie proud" that's what he said.) -STORY- The RP forum became the most popular due to the specialty of imagination. Most Robloxians today joined that forum and made numerous threads. That is until one day, someone began to corrupt it. TheWhiteCrusader posted the Pickel Roleplay, which then corrupted many successful and well-known threads. SagePakkana once talked to him, but he failed as TheWhiteCrusader corrupted his message withan invitation of letting him join his roleplay. This made Sage frustrated. Since then, he thought that if someone could delete that thread, everything will be normal. Sage began to create a thread, a thread of which only characters from every RP can join and will battle themselves until one can stand and he/she will be the one who will delete TheWhiteCrusader's thread. This is an journey to become the Moderator, the one who has the ability to delete and revive threads. -ABOUT- This is the first(?) crossover RP in which characters from different RPs will go on a journey to become the Moderator, the one who can delete and revive threads. This has all genres from every RP. There will be no original characters, only characters from different RPs, which includes the dead ones. -SETTING AND LOCATIONS- This sets in the "RP-World", a fictional world containing locations from different RPs. Here is a list of locations and their respective RPs:(You should probably remember them.) City of Dorthol(Siege of Dorthol) Damascus Academy(Damascus-North Academy) New York(InFamous) Chicago(Chaotic Disturbance) Crystal Castle AKA Castle Apix(The 250 Crystals of Robloxia) Arztoka(Super War) Sevry,France(Desunion) The Gorge(Cartoon Roleplay: Other Side of the Coin) Kingdom of Rendal Ruins(Age of the Elves) The Wasteland(The Dark World) Demon High(Demon High) Holdsville(The Aftermath-Wanderer of Holdsville) Saricous(The Ruined King's Son) Legion Academy(Legion Academy) New Watermont City(Blood-Primal) Epsilon(Epsilon) Nation of Halin(Land of Ferinox) ????(Pickle Roleplay) -RULES- 1.ROBLOX rules apply. 2.No trolling. 3.No spamming. 4.No bullying. 5.Romance is allowed but limited as in no s*xing. 6.You can kill someone but ask my permission first. 7.There will be no original characters, only characters from different RPs. 8.Never go OP. 9.If you have any suggestions, PM me. 10.First three people will become admin. 11.My word is law. 12.Have fun. -CS- Name: Age: Gender: From what RP thread: Appearance: Personality: Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: Alignment: Bio: Other: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to this RP, I thought it will be nice to add a theme song in it so it can be more appealing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNDA0_LTqbM
#128750401Sunday, March 23, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

#128751008Sunday, March 23, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

(Interesting... marked.)
#128753586Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:21 AM GMT

Name: SIacktivist Age: What are you, a stalker?! Gender: M From what RP thread: The 250 Crystals of ROBLOXia Appearance: Look up "Popsci Exoskeleton" on Google Images, and ROBLOXify it. Personality: N/A, I suck at this, plus I don't really think it's necessary. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: Electrified Katana, and parkour skills. Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: N/A Other: Has a personal A.I, Caroline, based in his helmet. Name: Caroline Age: 2 Gender: F From what RP thread: The 250 Crystals of ROBLOXia Appearance: N/A; SIacktivist's helmet; Serina's voice from Halo Wars. Personality: N/A, I suck at this, plus I don't really think it's necessary.Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: N/A Other: SIacktivist's personal A.I.
#128755307Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:42 AM GMT

#128763593Sunday, March 23, 2014 8:58 AM GMT

(I saw two places from my RPs credited in this. If it's Dorthol from after the events of the RP, then there's an extremely strong chance that all it'll be is ruins, because I'll be presenting the PCs with challenge after challenge after traumatizing challenge, and then maybe a betrayal or two, an important NPC death, etc. Also, the PCs aren't invincible in Siege of Dorthol, by the way. And LoF is almost dead :( ) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128763657Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:00 AM GMT

(Also, can NPCs from these threads join?) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128764200Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:19 AM GMT

(It depends I guess.)
#128764255Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:20 AM GMT

(I was thinking about making a CS for King Tnorr Tarthel II of the Kingdom of Tarthel, who allegedly rode with an army to aid the city. Or perhaps the general of his that arrived.) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128764434Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:26 AM GMT

(I don't know which character you're going with, but its your decision so you are the one who will make the the choice and not others.)
#128764446Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:27 AM GMT

(Do you have an opinion?) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128764459Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:27 AM GMT

#128764479Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:28 AM GMT

(K.) Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128765089Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:49 AM GMT

#128765171Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:53 AM GMT

Hey, leave Tim alone okay? He's a nice guy and you shouldn't even do something bad to him.
#128765236Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:55 AM GMT

#128765299Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:57 AM GMT

Just cut it out and leave mt thread alone. I have other people to join here.
#128765317Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:58 AM GMT

#128765627Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:09 AM GMT

Sorry guys, just a slight problem. So, I'll be waiting for two more people and we'll start.
#128765666Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:11 AM GMT

#128765703Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:12 AM GMT

Don't mind the woman, I'm still waiting.
#128766432Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:41 AM GMT

Name: Darikinth Age: Unknown Gender: M From what RP thread: Land of Ferinox Appearance: Tall, with black hair and a goatee. Personality: Unknown. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: A magical sword called the "Lightblade". I haven't gotten into the full extent of it's powers on the thread yet, however. Alignment: True Good. Bio: Hell, I'm not revealing this, for in case LoF is revived! All that needs to be known is that he has a three-eyed dog as a companion, and that he is running from some individuals known as the Shadow Minions Other: He is an NPC that has interacted with Arthur Fangoran (Duck14) and Caligo Pedridot (Wasabimasta). Name: General Grilt Age: 45 Gender: M From what RP thread: Siege of Dorthol Appearance: Tall, even for Rathen, with a medium-gray skin and unusually bright... Whatever you want to call the lines that run down their cheekline. He wears iron armor with the royal symbol of Tarthel on it - A wolf's head - and his fathers helmet, which was also his grandfathers before his fathers, crafted by one of the finest Rathen blacksmiths. Albeit, that blacksmith was Grilt's grandfather's brother. Personality: TBR, haven't really used him in the RP yet. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: A longsword, although he commands an army. Alignment: Lawful Good Bio: TBR because I'm lazy Other: He's another NPC, listed in the list of important NPCs for his respective RP. Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128766531Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:44 AM GMT

Accepted. All I need is one more player and we're good to go. I'll make mine later.
#128766855Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:54 AM GMT

-CS- Name: "Nathaniel Cooper; aliases Nat, Nathan - any other pointless nicknames." Age: "Eighteen years of age." Gender: "Male." From what RP thread: Blood-Primal Appearance: Hair: Nathaniel has the most delicate and dexterous hair; the rather admiring swerve at the brink of his forehead. It is profound that it stays up for a long time. His hair is a russet-auburn colour, developing a rather annoying blonde; a random blond colour is acknowledged to be fairly rare (Also, apparently his swerving is exactly the only beauteous thing about it - the rest of his hair is unkempt and fairly disheveled). Eyes: His eyes are a awkward brown colour, being generic and plain. However, he has a slight tint of azure on the outermost ring of his eyes. Complexion: His skin is a insipid colour; containing little colour or pigment. When utterly pressured to blush at the brink of running away in embarrassment, Nathaniel blushes a highly light vermilion colour on his cheeks; showing prominently. Build: A medium upper body and arms, and between medium and petite in his legs. Nathaniel stands roundabout six foot one and weights roughly one hundred and fifty pounds. Top: Nathaniel wears a feculent fresh-fallen snow-white button up shirt, which is baggy and often creased. Over that he wears a maroon cardigan to hide the creased shirt - that's probably it's main purpose. Bottom: He isn't too much of a fashion police, and wears some beige coloured pants with a brown belt holding it up firmly. Shoes: Stereotypical black dress pants, and when he wants, might wear his white sneakers. Accessories: Nothing much; just his square glasses and his watch. Personality: For the first misfortune of traits of poor little Nathaniel encountered, is pestiferous actions. He would be extremely exasperating and infuriating someone would eventually blow and get vexed - hopefully not saying a few apoplectic remarks. Which ties in with the second misfortune Nathaniel encountered, his irascible, acrimonious, maybe bitter mood. Referring back to the apoplectic remarks, he might get vexed fairly easily; so tone down the annoyance, hence the fact that it's Hippocratic. And last but not least, the third misfortune of Nathaniel, is his absurdity, satire and irony. He may not be a Michael McIntyre, but he tries his very best to humorous and bubbly, which to be frank, loses most of it's hilarity in the first breath of the sentence. Now, let's cross over to his woes to fortunes. For his first fortune of traits of Nathaniel is his jubilance, exuberance, and mega elation inside of him. Despite his misfortunes in traits, this one explains a lot; he's definitely elated everywhere he goes, and very agreeable to queries. For the second fortune of traits, is his extroversion. For some daft reason, he wonders why he likes to be the center of attention, but I'm sure this question remains to be unanswered - his childhood he never spent time with his friends, being introverted and fixing his toy cars during his spare time this preceded to awful amounts of loneliness, with regards to his love of cars and wasting his time doing it. And last but not least, the third fortune in traits, is his conscientiousness. He believes wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly is a trait, in addition to skill, is a rather primary trait to have - if people are naive, moronic, imbecile-like, asinine, fatuous, risible, or absurd, then Nathaniel isn't the person to be friends with. If you are a charming person, you might just convince him. Power/Skill/Ability/Weapon: Blood Mark: Profectus | A ability to control the air, simply making quick air strikes slashing the opponent, or creating little air tornadoes out of the hands, but that requires complete concentration, something Nathaniel lacks. In addition to the air strikes, can create breezes from the air strikes and a enchanted ability of that air strike is generating a blast of wind around the Nathaniel only lasting for a short amount of time. There's other things Profectus can do but it's small things like shields that are fairly weak. Air Strike is fairly good; requires concentration. Air tornadoes are rare within Profectus and Nathaniel cannot hold this strong ability; only when he's ready. Breezes are weak but do not need much concentration, the blast of wind around Nathaniel is just like doing a air strike but forming it around him your a really short amount of time, that requires concentration. Shields are really weak and serve some sort of purpose. Alignment: Neutral-Good Bio: "Oh; me? I was oh so intrigued by machines and other types of metals. You could say an average childhood boy who liked playing cars; and to be frank, is veracious. I admired fixing my broken cars I used to purposely slam the cars into a cars way, and out of boredom, I'd fix it. And practically, good as new. But as a young boy, I would abhor the awful and un-primitive sight of the city; pretty much a humble and exuberant boy - but, things do change. That's what makes me agitated to least. When my parents died, I swore I would do anything to get vengeance to find the person who killed them - but my wish rang ignored, fading somewhere in my deranged brain. I guess this blood mark is the only thing that keeps me company." Other: Blood Mark Location: In the middle of his palm on his right hand; hiding it is not a problem to him. The blood mark is a light colour, resulting in a blue-white colour. It is shaped somewhat like three small tornadoes together, with an outline of a even whiter colour.
#128767008Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:59 AM GMT

Accepted! Now let the RP begin! For the rest, you can still join whenever you like.

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