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#128752601Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:10 AM GMT

March tenth, three thousand, two hundred fifty... After an alien race attacked the first Orbital Station around Jupiter an all out galactic war happened in the Sol System. These aliens, Plamethei plural, Plametheos singular, are an awkward species. The Plamethei (Plah-me-thai) has only been closely observed once by a group of scientists among Station Artemis when the first wave struck managed to kill most of them, and then dissect one. But before they could transmit any information, they had been hit with a Warhead Rod from a cruiser and blew up. They invaded months ago, first in Russia, then they moved down to the Korean peninsula and China. Japan concealed themselves from the world and shutdown. Europe, Australia, North and South America all teamed up together and created The Hyperion Federation in favour of Hyperion, the greatest creation of Man, a intergalactic cruiser set with cloning vats and the most advanced weaponry the three continents could throw on the table. It's capacity? One billion people. It was hidden deep under Canada, and stored for when the final skirmish was to begin. Appearance of a Plametheos; It has scaly skin that is slimy and refreshes itself, it has four legs and an abdomen that extends up three feet into one head with six eyes, a set of canine jaws and a curve back into it's back where tubes connected to the backside. They have a three foot long tail with a stinger on the back full with deadly venom. They have five fingers and opposable thumbs with sharp claws and hairs on their palms. Hi, welcome to a futuristic post-apocalyptic roam roleplay hosted by me, Precisonfire23. Here you will learn about the back-story of the Plamethei and how Earth defends itself against them. After the extraterrestrial threat, or the Plamethei are dealt with, the continents and countries will split into individual Empires and rebuild themselves each, this opening a gate to wars, new political groups, religions, cities, governments and more. You as each player will not automatically become the President or Dictator or King or Queen of your country, no no no, you must go through elections, assassinations, and more to find yourself a stable government. Also, through seclusion this means each empire will have a chance to prevail through their scientific and technological discoveries. If you have read all of the above put [HTFB] exactly like that in ~Tags. Character Sheet: (Please Copy and paste everything UNDER this.) Name: ~Age: ~Race: ~Nationality: ~Height: ~Weight: ~Items: ~Weapons: ~Skills: ~Aspirations: ~Previous or Current Occupation: -Advanced (Mostly for employees or Military)- Employee: ~How long have you been working: ~What is the name of the place you are working at: ~What do you do: Military: ~Rank: (Anything under General) ~Patch Figure: (Give Details) ~Time in Service: ~Deployment Areas: ~Home Base: ~Job: -Standard Again- ~Place of Origin: (Continent, Country, City/Town, State/Province) ~External Family Members: Optional (Full names though if you do) ~Immediate Family Members: Optional (Full names though if you do) `Pet: Optional (Breed, Name, Age in Human Years preferably, weight, height) ~Personality: ~Biography: ~Current Place: ~Fluent Languages: Optional ~Tags: +Rules+ I. Don't Spam. II. Don't Troll. III. Don't break ROBLOX forum rules, if you do, I will not stand responsible. IV. Put effort into your posts. V: Use the best grammar you possibly can.
#129073075Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:42 AM GMT

(Bump) The Gladium IV, a cruiser stationed in the Atalntic Ocean along the North and South sides protecting convoy routes, monorails, military bases and construction yards. (Supported by groynes) At least six thousand soldiers were manning stations, fueling jets, checking radars and running satellite scans, with what satellites weren't destroyed or hijacked by the Plamethei. About two miles off the monorail railing, there was an explosion. The monorail got stuck on broken supports, the head almost touching the water. Then loud shots were heard for miles. Plamethei "skippers" were heading towards the Gladium IV. Their scorpion-tail like cannons were lined with E.M.P amplifiers, shutting down 3/5 of the electrical grid running along the Border.
#162492234Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:31 AM GMT

(nerco-bump) King of Thayca! | God of Yitheris | Lieutenant Jeffé of the Intergalactic Empire | Detective of RP |
#162492829Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:40 AM GMT


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