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#129073418Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:46 AM GMT

[Intro] "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is... well, my name isn't really important. You see, I'm the narrator of this story, and for some reason they never give narrators names. So I guess you could just call me 'Narrator'. It's quite the neat title, and in all honesty I am quite honored to be narrating this particular story. Now tell me, have you ever watched morning cartoons? Oh, who am I kidding. With my luck, you probably haven't. You no-life-imbecile. Yet if you have, you know that morning cartoons are quite violent. Though, somehow all the cartoons end up being somewhat positive. You assume a character's going to win and that character will, because that's what it has done so many times before. Well, turns out that those cartoons are actually planned. Wait, what? You knew that? What?! No they're not made by artists that put the blood sweat and tears into making something humorous! That's just rude to assume. No in fact, those morning cartoons are actually another dimension. Yes, that means you have the beautiful chances of going there! All you have to do is buy some tickets to the Bermuda triangle, and you're set! Yet, before you begin to consider let me tell you some things about this magical place. 1.) Never, I repeat NEVER make that dog angry. He's got the temper of a thousand poodles, mostly because he's a cartoon... but still. 2.) Don't call it Cartoon Land or Toonville, that's just stupid. The name's HuggableLand. It's nice, sweet, exactly what we want it to be! 3.) If you break any of the laws, you will be sent directly to GrudgeLand, the less happy part of HuggableLand. In fact it's quite depressing. 4.) Always be happy, that's the biggest law people mess up. Unless your character specifically states that you have to be grumpy, but never be sad. Being sad will get you into GrudgeLand before you can say 'Justin Bieber's singing doesn't suck!' Not that that means you can just go ahead and do it... 5.) Don't let Grudgies into Huggable zones! They are obviously after being stuck in a place like that filled with diseases, so be safe. 6.) Oh, and finally, last but certainly not least. The big finale. The one that will be your downfall if you don't do it right. Have fun with your new role. Well, that's about all I can tell you myself. Oh, and maybe I should tell you, you shouldn't start or be involved in any rebellions. It doesn't really end well for anyone." (I will explain more in the next posts, if you want, I'd enjoy if you tracked this post. Thank you.)
#129075361Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

[Rules and Extra Info] 1.)After considering to join, try to come up with a unique-like character. You can base it, but don't be it. I want this to be kind of a fresh thing, and I don't want people arguing about whether that characters ever done this or that. 2.)Post your Sig twice under your CS sheet, or if you don't have one, just Sig once. 3.)Ignore number 8, it's just to trap the people that skip through the entire thing and just want to get to the game. 4.)Be respectful towards others, if you can't be, you'll be banished. Disagreements happen, but don't let it get out of control. 5.)No god-modding or anything of the sort! 6.)Ignore trolls. They can just go back to their darn bridges. 7.)You control your own character, not others. 8.)Max of TWO characters! I might control more than two to help you and your story, to get you more involved with others, and maybe I'll make admins out of some of you later, but I only want to have to keep track of two characters from each person! 9.)Post your Sig 5 times under you CS sheet, or if you don't have one, just 2 phrases of "Sig" 10.)All other Roblox Forum Rules. Now, there are 3 factions, you don't actually have to be in. There's the Hearts, which are ruled by a bimbo queen named Mary The Red(It's a cartoon so it's simple.) The Spades which are ruled by a corrupt leader name Frank. Both are of royal blood. For some reason Frank has no last name, and it puzzles people. Then finally there's the rebellion. They don't go under a name, but they are looking for an Anarchy, yet their leader unknowingly wants to be the king himself. You don't have to be in the Factions, but if you do just put Hearts/Spades/Rebellion according to which one you want. Oh, and Neutral for none of them. Next post is the CS!
#129075638Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Uhhhhhhhhhh I don't understand...
#129076177Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:16 AM GMT

Last post before I start accepting CS sheets. The CS sheet itself! Feel free to make new locations. Just make them neat and original. Describe them under the CS first though! Name- Gender- Age/Era of Cartoon- Appearance(+Clothing)- Bio(2 Sent. Min.)- Location- Faction(H/S/R/N)- Personality- Inventory-
#129076632Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

Kipec, to simplify it. It's like we're the morning cartoons, but really we're in a different dimension. I used a roleplay chat type element to give the back-story so... Really, there's 2 spots that concern you HuggableLand the spot that still pops up on morning cartoons and GrudgeLand the place where cartoons are banished to if they break the rules. So basically everything you see is the cartoons trying to stay in the better environment. The leaders basically know about how they're seen from other dimensions, and they don't want to be frowned upon. It's trippy I know, I didn't go into TOO much detail because I want other people to invest a back-story into it to. I want it to be a little more open.
#129077471Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

You look like the imagination land guy from south park.
#129077721Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

Okay I am just gonna make a C.S. just because I want to. Name- Tinko - Goes by Tink Gender- Male Age/Era of Cartoon- 1980s - 1986 Appearance(+Clothing)- Tink is a rabbit like creature with a four fingered hand as of normal cartoons, his fur is a slimy green and the rabbit ears reach to about his height which is about 3 feet. He often has his ears dragging on the ground but they often get stepped on. His eyes measure at about 4 inches and are and orange color. His mouth is red penguin beak about the size of a normal human hand. Bio(2 Sent. Min.)- In the late 1980's a new cartoon was released airing on Saturday mornings it was titled "Tinko and Blammo" where Tinko and blammo a raccoon like creature go on adventures throughout Antarctica, it was a hit for Five years overtime its quality worsened and then it came to a breaking point when they kicked out Tinko, he was favored by all children and the show was then titled "Blammo" it ratings dropped overnight and the show was canceled. Location- (Confused) Faction(H/S/R/N)- Hearts Personality- Very kind and very generous but has a very vengeful hate for Blammo and they haven't talked since the 80's. Inventory- Blizzard gun, basically a snowball cannon.
#129135829Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:07 PM GMT

Accepted, you could've kept it simple and said HuggableLand for location. Like the grudge part, does kind of remind me of that one cartoon where it's like a monster school almost from the appearance description.
#129136088Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

Okay, now we play the waiting game...
#129136297Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

I also ignored one of my rules with that, but who cares. You probably get the gist, that's to check on people who don't seem very legit. You just seem confused about it. It's just very blank that's all, I don't like things that are too descriptive.
#129157932Friday, March 28, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

Name-Codename:DAPUNK, his actual name is Johnny Decker Gender-Male Age/Era of Cartoon-I dunno, the nineties? Appearance(+Clothing)-Wild but short red hair, pale skin, and unlike the usual, instead of four he has five fingers. He has red eyes, red leather pants, and his back has a large bolt lodged in it, and it's visible. He does'nt have a mouth but can still speak anyway. He's also a cyborg, which is where the bolt comes from. He also wears a small red sleeveless jacket, and a grey-t-shirt with a red vertical stripe. He also wears a simple blue sweater and blue jeans. Bio-I'll tell you when we start, or when i cool down from the rage of accidenally deleting it. Location-HuggableLand Faction(H/S/R/N)-Hearts Personality-He's mostly pretty nice to anyone he likes, but is also kind of random-ish. Inventory- Himself, he can turn his hands into drills, and can use his hands as rockets, or use both vice-versa, and other powers.
#129203390Friday, March 28, 2014 9:06 PM GMT

dead i guess I'm Atom07,faultydex was my alt. I won't be using it anymore, unless this one gets banned.
#129215079Friday, March 28, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

Accepted after the I read the bio. You're technically accepted, but what I'm saying is you won't get to start until we get one. Decent compromise amiright?
#129215690Friday, March 28, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

Name- Narrator Gender- Male Voice Age/Era of Cartoon- Any Appearance(+Clothing)- He is an invisible entity. Bio(2 Sent. Min.)- He's basically the stories manipulator/teller. Unlike most narrators though, he's not too serious about it, and will often talk to the Toons. Location- Faction(H/S/R/N)- Neutral, but kind of makes fun of the Royal families. Personality- Laid back, very insulting, but also easily insulted. Inventory- Nothing (Basically this guy is the equivalent to when people do "General RP" over their post. He's going to change surroundings and comment on a bunch of different things in different areas around the same time.)
#129215842Friday, March 28, 2014 11:22 PM GMT

Ah, heck. You can start. :D
#129215946Friday, March 28, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

Gimme a scene.
#129234694Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:54 AM GMT

(Okay, Bio:Johnny Decker was a star once. A star. He remembers it like it was yesterday. He used to entertain the masses in his very own show, involving his adventures fighting the forces of evil and saving the world, the universe, our very existence, time itself, and sometimes to even more extremes, until he was finally defeated by his worst nemesis(who i'll make later) and was never seen again, until a year later, he came back the way he was, -although this time he was a cyborg- stronger than ever and back for revenge, recreated by an unknown source. I'm Atom07,faultydex was my alt. I won't be using it anymore, unless this one gets banned.
#129240180Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you a story. A story starting with a under-appreciated, probably depressed, nearly homicidal green beak rabbit thing and a cyborg seeking revenge because he wasn't good enough to actually beat his one big enemy. A story so great and complicated, it starts in the unviewed part of HuggableLand, and I don't mean GrudgeLand. No, I mean the place where the law abiding Toons can just take a break. Fun Town. It's like the Vegas of your world my friends. One, the rabbit, stuck in a bathroom stall with mafia members around it while he has to listen to the pleasant noise of a drunk woman puking in a toilet. The other forced to watch a wedding chapel in a church that doesn't seem to have any relevance to this story so far, but we'll start here because we can!"
#129240442Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:04 AM GMT

Tink sat in the stall sort of stuck like glue he listened to the endless puking as he read the text written and scratched on the stall door. The Mafia members just kept talking like he or the drunk woman wasn't there. Tink listened in on the conversation.
#129249284Saturday, March 29, 2014 6:43 AM GMT

Johnny was just sitting there, until he finally got up and walked away, exclaiming some unintelligible gibbereish and then firing a drill hand at the nearest object. Name-Eternity Mageslayer Gender-Male Age/Era of Cartoon-90'S Appearance(+Clothing)-He wears a football helmet with excessively large horns, a visor and knight armor. Bio(2 Sent. Min.)-Eternity is Johnny's nemesis, who defeated him after beating him in a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Eternity is not very skilled, is completely incompetent and actually sometimes foils his own plans on his own without even actually knowing it, but he won in a bet against Johnny that if he lost, he would be destroyed. Johnny accepted, and lost. Location-Currently trying to find Johnny, in his G.D.S.O.D.(Giant Death Ship Of Death) Faction(H/S/R/N)-Hearts Personality-Arrogant, incompetent, and mostly not very bright. Inventory-Rocks, and his helmet that can for some reason fire lazers. He also has a small lazergun that ironically just fires pebbles and rocks. He also has a remote in his pocket that can summon tiny orb drones.
#129250734Saturday, March 29, 2014 7:30 AM GMT

#129259913Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:06 PM GMT

"Then in an instant flash Tink heard something that had highly surprised him. The rumors of a Rebellion? The Mafia members seemed in on it..."
#129260227Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:12 PM GMT

(Note to make, the first post is advice from the Narrator saying that you should try and fit into society and not break any of the rules, or you'll be sent to GrudgeLand. The second is actual rules. Just to clarify!)
#129260685Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:21 PM GMT

(Accepted again "flexy", just don't kill one them off for quite bit okay?)
#129261179Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:31 PM GMT

*one of them/quite a bit

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