#130130158Monday, April 07, 2014 10:55 PM GMT

Germania AA Batteries shot down most of the bombers we pressume trying to bomb Germanai would be close to impossible. Tanks are being Mass Produced there are 2.000.000 in total in the Germanian Country and 250 are made every month Infantry is now 1 Billion
#130130780Monday, April 07, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

== EVENT UPDATE == The fleet of Axis ships lands on eastern Reair. There are 100,000 troops in all. They begin moving toward the Reair capitol, destroying everything in their path. The death toll is 36,000. == EVENT UPDATE == The 1,000,000 Axis men reach the outskirts of Reission and begin burning down everything in their path, as well as killing any civilians that they encounter. They intend on capturing the entire continent, so they split into 2 groups of 500,000 and move both north and south. The death toll is 52,000.
#130130914Monday, April 07, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

Reair 25 million people in our army Vs their weak 100,000 DIE!
#130131699Monday, April 07, 2014 11:12 PM GMT

== EVENT UPDATE (REAIR) == You decimate their forces, but they were not actually looking for your capitol. They land in an important industrial sector of your country, where much of the war supplies and vehicles are being produced. Using sticky bombs, C4, flamethrowers, incendiary bombs and grenades, they completely devastate the area, intending to cripple your ability to supply your troops. While you stop them from dealing any further damage, an entire city is almost destroyed, killing 25,000 more people, and 132,000 tons of supplies are lost. After the land infantry are defeated, the ships retreat,
#130131876Monday, April 07, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

Reair I go inside their country and start making laws with 5 million from my army.
#130132297Monday, April 07, 2014 11:19 PM GMT

Germania Germanian Troops March to Reair finishing off The Axis work by pushing through using light tanks and A lot of troops. Invasion squad Heavy Tanks: 450 Light Tanks: 650 Infantry: 20 Million Planes: 800
#130132766Monday, April 07, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

Reair 20 million on the ground 10,000 in the skys shooting 10,000 bio boming from the sky 5000 tanks.
#130133140Monday, April 07, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

Germania Stuka Dive Bombers aim for Airfields not allowing the planes to take off some aim for Auto plants and Barracks even 5 Stuka dive bombers aim for the Munitions and fuel Depo to completely cripple Reair. Reair Tanks could not Penetrate the thuck armour of our heavy tanks it already had a 75mm gun and nicknamed the Reairian tanks the grill.
#130133630Monday, April 07, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

Germania A Germanian spy disguised as a Alteris Representative went in the Presidential Villa where the President is he took out a walther P38 and shot the president in the eye he then ran away through the bathroom window. And went to the secret LZ and got picked up by a Limousine disguised as a Tudor car.
#130134593Monday, April 07, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

Reair Germaina shooting down planes filled with bombs. Those bombe just exploded.
#130134866Monday, April 07, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

(We don't have a Presidential Villa. It's a White House like building, and the President sleeps with guards. It's very hard to insert a spy in. If you want to assassinate my President, find another way, but i'm going to ignore your other post for now.) [Alteris] Our army grows to 1,000,000,000 and we now have a total of 2,285,000 of our most advanced jets, planes, tanks, and transport vehicles. We build another 3 carriers and 2 more supercarriers, as well as 1,000 new battleships. We successfully develop armor that can withstand over 6 shots from Germanian tanks, as well as advanced cannons reverse engineered from the UberTank. These cannons can penetrate the armor of the strongest Germanian tank in 3 shots. We send our troops into Reair to defend against the Germanian invasion force. Troops: Heavy tanks: 550 Light tanks: 700 Infantry: 25,000,000 Planes: 850 Strike jets: 100 Rocket trucks: 100 Battleships (bombarding Germanian troop locations from the coastline): 100
#130139249Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

[Reission] I'm too lazy to make a real post, because yeah soooooooooo, just imagine this. I walk up to the Axis people. And suddenly, Every single one of them is dead. Because you know, we better. They have guns, we have guns. They have a army, we have a army. But you know what they don't have? Cake, and without cake (I'm talking REALLY good cake, like Reission Cake) there broken. Cake keeps Reission together. We will win, like seriously. Alsooooo put landmines underneath the earth EVERYWHERE. I mean like everywhere. sooooo, yeah. P.S. Axis is dead Like I don't even know why I'm having this conversation. P.S.S. I will never post something serious. So don't expect numbers and high-tech military commands of death. Just try to read this normally.
#130139677Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

There are now 500 billion Tudor Dollars, 500 billion Tudor Quarters and 500 billion Tudor Cents in circulation. All Tudor cities are unlocked. We attempt to negotiate peace. [Tudor] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Ocean] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Central] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Germania] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Italy] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor America] Our population stabilizes at 1 billion. [Tudor Asia] Our population stabilizes to 1 billion. [Tudor Africa] Our population stabilizes to 1 billion. [Tudor America South] Our population stabilizes to 1 billion. [Tudor Australia] Our population stabilizes to 1 billion. [Tudor Military] Our military has 2.5 billion members. We supply all soldiers with 2 iron swords, 1 gas mask, 2 muskets, full iron armor, and 500 bullets. Each 10,000 person regiment is supplied with 5 airplane, 5 tanks, 2 submarine and 2 warship. [Tudor Space Program] [Marks (Space Station)] Size: 50 pieces Population: 100 [Embassy in Reair] [Embassy in Rades] [Embassy in Germania]
#130139841Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

Reair I drop 10000 pieces of bio bombs over Germania.
#130140329Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

==MAJOR ADMIN WARNING== Immediate skip the warnings 1 day ban on zzzzfb for magically killing people.
#130142146Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:05 AM GMT

British radars detect faulty movements on radars. Spitfires are sent to investigate and see exhausts of the bombers. All pilots get the scramble order.
#130142338Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

The United Kingdom(Humania) launches its first probe into space, the Robert I. It orbits around earth as a spy satellite and relays pictures to the UKSC.
#130142565Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:10 AM GMT

Well see ya'll in a day. For "magically" killing people. Kinda funny how I said guns? I mean I wonder what my soldiers will do with those guns. Maybe they will kill Axis?? Also think for a sec, Reission is a massive country, we out number them COMPLETELY. So me saying "giving all my countries people weapons" , probably means were going to go up to Axis and just murder them. P.S. Sometimes you guys got think to figure out what my messages mean. I mean I understand I'm not completely specific, but hey I'm lazy. So yeah, 1 day ban for "magically" killing people, when I said we had guns and we use them. I mean come on, power of deduction, not jumping to conclusions. P.S.S. Let Byron read my messages before you make a admin decision. He knows me personally so he can understand my messages a bit better. Peace out, from your epic country Reission.
#130143767Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

[Humanian Armed Forces] The Humanian Forces combined with the navy, army, air force, and other special forces department now number about 36,000,000 men. The RAF has about 350 Lancasters Bombers, Supermarine Spitfires, Hurricanes, Tempests, and Wellington Bombers Humania has 34 cruise missiles in stock and a nuclear warning system plus a more advanced radar that can detect to a much higher altitude. We have currently 1 ICBM in construction. Each soldier is now armed with the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle with 15 ammo clips, 2 grenades, a bayonet, a gas mask, Osprey Body Armour, a PAGST Helmet with radio, and also Parades uniform and UBACS.
#130145440Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

[Alteris] We tell Tudor that we will only stand down if Germania stops all attacks on Allied lands. We develop a high altitude radar system, capable of detecting extremely high flying aircraft. The radar system is not as effective as real time satellite imaging, but allows us to shoot down stealth aircraft more easily. Alteris forces deployed to Reair push back the oncoming Germanian invasion. Enemy aircraft in the air are also shot down, and we begin the seizing and destruction of Germanian supply transports. Preparations are secretly made for the invasion of Germanian homelands. We ask Reair and Humania on a secure line for support.
#130146359Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:50 AM GMT

Reair Bio bomb protection.
#130159298Tuesday, April 08, 2014 5:04 AM GMT

[Alteris] Our orbital railgun finishes reloading. We prepare for the invasion of Germania.
#130163936Tuesday, April 08, 2014 8:28 AM GMT

Germania To enter Germania there is a Large river spanning the Germanian border We blow up all the bridges crossing the river and we dig in on the Germanian sidem
#130164298Tuesday, April 08, 2014 8:53 AM GMT

The United Kingdom asks Alteris if we can send an expeditionary force of 500,000 men and 30 tanks plus air cover and ships carrying depth charges to help with the invasion of Germany.
#130164388Tuesday, April 08, 2014 8:59 AM GMT

The United Kingdom invents a new plane, the Gloster Meteor for the RAF, it has a jet engine rather than a slow propeller, we fit it with two cannons and 4 Machine guns. To reduce weight, we cut the size of the fuel tank so that it has enough fuel for a three and a half hour hour flight rather then eight hours.