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#129697764Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:04 AM GMT

About price floor. Before you flame me, this is a--practically, a bible. a reference book against price floor. Refer to the section you disagree about price floor with. Each section is divided with alphabetical/numerical order. Take your time to read whichever section you disagree about price floor with. The more you read the more you learn. :) ••• A1: The Blog Post and the truth about it ••• Roblox wants clothing makers to earn money. However, here's where they're wrong. This is not the way to go; Minus tax, without price floor, you could get 100, may'be around 120 sales on a 10 ticket shirt, equaling 1000-1200 tickets. With price floor: you could get 9, may'be around 8 sales on a 100 ticket shirt, equaling 900-800 tickets. not to mention tax will be added! It's less with the price floor, because of the decreased amount of buyers and sales clothing gets, because of how expensive things are. It's vise versa when it's without the price floor. People have given up on buying clothing as a whole; I know I did. The thing is, most people don't realize that without price floor, with cheap clohing, you got more recognition, and being able to benefit people with clothing you designed. You may have even gotten more profit, as depicted above, but since it came in smaller quantities, you probably didn't realize it. Here's another brilliant point; the price floor monopolizes! The only way the price floor is good for BC'ers, is by making already-rich clothing makers even more rich, and the poorer less poor. "If users have to spend 25 R$ on a shirt, they’re not going to spend it on a bad-looking shirt. In contrast, for 1 R$, you might not even think about it." "In contrast, for 1 R$, you might not even think about it." "for 1 R$, you might not even think about it." "think about it." "think" "about" "it." Is roblox trying to convince anyone that this is a bad thing? That is my only thought on this remark. These are the main reasons why they made price floor: 1. Raise the quality of items in the catalog. 2. "Reward makers and sellers of clothing." > Has been covered in this section. 3. "To incentivize non-paying users to buy ROBUX." > covered in B1. The 1 remaining point will be covered next. ••• A2: "Raise the quality of items in the catalog." ••• I don't know if this is just an assumption made by roblox, but I think it is. Have you checked the catalog lately? Check it out, here it is, I set it to the clothing section: http://www.roblox.com/catalog/browse.aspx?Subcategory=12&SortType=0&SortAggregation=3&SortCurrency=0&LegendExpanded=true&Category=3 So far, I counted a few very high quality shirts, however, these were from 3-4 years ago. I counted 3 if not more, obviously copied shirts made by DarkestUniverse, and yet they have 70k sales(monopolization). Everything else is bad quality and somewhat monopolized. ••• B1: Reviews ••• These are some of the most accurate reviews, most of which are from fellow BC'ers. this is just 1 by an NBC'er: "Copiers will actually increase, because they think they can get more profit. After all, there's no proof that they're a copier is there? High prices = less sales. It's basic economy. Actually, most protestors have boycotted BC and Robux buying. And since I'd say about 80-85% of ROBLOX's community are against the price floor, that's pretty damaging." -rose6666 How about another by a BC'er: "I just can't stand the price floor. This update is: 1. Stupid. 2. Stupid. 3. Stupid. If they want people to buy BC, then why did they nerf it with this update?" -ezergad3000. I'm going to share with you a metaphor. This metaphor...it is so brilliantly accurate and yet so simple...it completely changed the mind of someone, named jojods1125 who is OBC. This is what he said about it: "That statement was so accurate--and simple--that I actually considered supporting this.". So, this is the metaphor: "Let me tell you this... If you had an apple, and someone took your apple and said... you can get your apple back once you give me a banana, would you do it? Thats called a bully." It could have never been said more perfectly than the one who wrote it--YWY, who is also BC. Is this the kind of reviews you enjoy seeing people who payed you, ROBLOX? Also, the only thing that stopped jojods1125 from supporting, was "Roblox isn't changing, so why bother?" And that's just the problem. WE NEED TO MAKE them realize that it's bad no matter how long it goes on and that they need to do something about it. It can go from something as simple as a support. As the power of the consumer we need to speak up and let them know this is not what they should be doing to their own community and economy. ••• B2: Money is not an excuse ••• "they already make an exorbitant amount of cash, and they hardly need more." -HASARAS. Thank you HASARAS, now, money is not an excuse for price floor to not be removed; they gave their reasons for it, and we need to make them realize that's not what the rest of the community thinks(this goes to you, BC'ers). They have enough money to rent a battleship and they can do it again. They have enough money to give away 20,000$+ every month through devex. Bottom line is, they did fine without price floor, so if they needed some extra money, price floor would've started at a much lower price, but it didn't now, did it? This thus concludes it was only added for the 3 reasons in A1, which I've proved wrong. On to the next subject. ••• B3: "They already lowered it once!" ••• Personally, setting it to 300 tix and 25 robux was an utter mistake, and it ended up being immediately lowered afterwards. I, and many others, wouldn't consider that a change. 100 tix is technically what it was supposed to be at anyway. Even if they did lower it already, 100 tix and 10 robux is still an unreasonable price, even to some BC'ers. ••• C1: "It's just virtual clothing." ••• I'd like to point out that clothing was originally a just for fun hobby that should've never changed. If it's just "virtual clothing", roblox wouldn't have made it into a huge deal that it gives huge profits and competes with game making. In fact, if they want to encourage game developing, which is the predominant factor of ROBLOX, why did they bother to encourage clothing, and disadvantage NBC even further with a price floor? "It's the community that turned it into a business; they just went along with it." "they just went along with it." "they" "just went" "along" "with it." Here's the sad part... roblox listened to a small few individuals that were money hungry, and so they just "went along with it." Completely, blatantly ignoring every angered review on it. They made it out to be such a great thing, when that only applies to those money hungry BC'ers, while 3/4 of the community hates and uproars against it. Or, they probably gave up because of how roblox still hasn't listened, even when they claim they do. Thousands have left, and I know this from experience. :( ••• B4: "It helps with inflation!" ••• I don't know the last time you've reality checked. It has been 7 months, and ever since around the time of price floor have the rates settled at 22-23:1. If roblox wanted to resolve inflation, they'd use plenty of other amazingly simple methods(3rdblox and accessiblemrstealth have threads on this; I won't get too much into the subject of inflation). ••• B5: "I don't get why people are still posting about price floors? I mean, ROBLOX as already stated they would not be changing the price floors" ••• Because we have a right to speak as the consumer, and we are going to continue putting our foot down against roblox's bad updates. We won't stop until we make them realize that price floor needs to be changed. ••••••••• C2: WHAT MUST BE DONE ••••••••• Honestly, the only thing I ask for is it to lowered. Atleast 20-50 tickets at the least. This will not only benefit NBC, but BC too. Please note, This is not WNTS. They changed a 5 to a 100. The effect it has is drastic, but not the update itself. If anything is WNTS, it's the price floor itself for specifically violating the "more/less privileges for BC/NBC" rule. will you give up just because they haven't listened, ..or take a stand against not only NBC'ers, but BC'ers, too?
#129698068Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:09 AM GMT

TL;DR is the whole section at the bottom. Also, I saw this on a thread and an immediate response came to my mind, so, why not add it here "the community as a whole needs to learn to accept changes." Roblox as a whole needs to learn to accept the community. That means doing something about price floor.
#129698379Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:14 AM GMT

Support. The thread by Malvus was given the big fat [Content Deleted].
#129698707Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:20 AM GMT

#129698762Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:20 AM GMT

It'd actually help inflation if ROBLOX made everything buy-able w/ tix, or gave tix a greater value than ROBUX.
#129699760Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

#129701952Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:20 AM GMT

Very well explained and to the point, i completely support this message.
#129715156Thursday, April 03, 2014 1:42 PM GMT

Bump&Thanks for feedback
#129715676Thursday, April 03, 2014 1:57 PM GMT

Support, we need to change ROBLOX, into a website where people actually enjoy it, not just earn money from.
#129717372Thursday, April 03, 2014 2:41 PM GMT

Bump. so far I think i've scared all the opposers away.
#129725460Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

Dang right! Supported, and copied to a file for reposting in case they CD this one.
#129725613Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

I've been trying to protest for a while now. So I support. It takes me 20 days, 3 weeks just to get an outfit.
#129725985Thursday, April 03, 2014 6:05 PM GMT

Your information isn't accurate or made up. About the boycotting, I still see a lot of people in games who joined after the price floor who bought and wear clothes. The example for profit doesn't really work. before the price floor, I rarely saw clothes for 10 tix or over which had sales, due to how people could buy clothes for 1 tix instead. With the market fee, clothes selling for 1 tix didn't even give you any tix. The price floor also gave a incentive for people to start making clothes, since you can now make lots of R$ from it, instead of just getting popular or dominating the market. Clothing makers made barely anything compared to place developers before the price floor too.
#129733289Thursday, April 03, 2014 7:51 PM GMT

"Your information isn't accurate or made up." If you've found anything inaccurate about it, then i'd like to know. I found only the most accurate viewpoints, most of which were by BC'ers. It's also simple economics, that can add up to less profit with price floor and vise versa. "About the boycotting, I still see a lot of people in games who joined after the price floor who bought and wear clothes." I'm trying to save them from having to wait another 10 days to buy another single piece of clothing, as well as BC'ers who dislike price floor as well. "The example for profit doesn't really work. before the price floor, I rarely saw clothes for 10 tix or over which had sales, due to how people could buy clothes for 1 tix instead." It wasn't just for that specific price; it was for any price it also depends on how good the clothing is. Let's say you had a high quality piece of clothing. If, before price floor, you sold it for 2 tix(-1 tix because of tax), and it got 1,000 sales, you'd end up with 1,000 tix, add a few(because before price floor, people were far more anticipated to buying clothing, and since it was so cheap, 1,000 sales was very easy to achieve). Now, with price floor, (also, with monopolizing somewhat involved,) it would probably take the same amount of time as the 2 ticket shirt above to reach 14 sales, if it were sold for 100 tickets. If it were bought 14-15 times it would give 980-1050 tickets. Even if 1,050 is more than 1,000 as shown above, that shouldn't be a reason to add a price floor over it. BOTTOM LINE IS, they should just lower tax instead! I mean, it's a fake virtual currency, there is no "bank", why on earth is there any tax at all? If they want clothing makers to earn money, they should lower the tax for clothing. (dangit, I should've included this in another section) "With the market fee, clothes selling for 1 tix didn't even give you any tix." And that was a brilliant example by whoever sold for 1 tix, that they cared so much for benefiting players rather than profit. It also gave them more recognition instead. "The price floor also gave a incentive for people to start making clothes, since you can now make lots of R$ from it, instead of just getting popular or dominating the market." I've personally lost all incentive to make any clothing anymore. Also, the clothing that's dominating the market now a days are literally nothing but low quality or copied clothing monopolization. I also haven't seen anything newly made, better quality, or any more clothing makers than there already were, so this is nothing more than an assumption. "Clothing makers made barely anything compared to place developers before the price floor too." First, I just want to ask you, how do you know? Second, clothing should've never been considered compared to place developers; this is developing an image, not a 3D world. Clothing was originally, and intended to be a just-for-fun hobby, which should've never changed. Also, I've seen plenty of good high-quality clothing from 2010; years before the price floor. If roblox wants clothing makers to get more money, they could've lowered the tax, and/or the clothing designers could've made better clothing, ran ads, and gotten plenty of sales, even if it were sold for 10-20+ tickets.
#129733437Thursday, April 03, 2014 7:52 PM GMT

Also, I'd just like to point out, that roblox is trying to ENCOURAGE game delevoping, so why are they encouraging clothing more?
#129737622Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

#129738052Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:35 PM GMT

Some nice points there. "Also, I'd just like to point out, that roblox is trying to ENCOURAGE game delevoping, so why are they encouraging clothing more?" Not really, considering the existence of DevEx. I do wish they did something to incentivize developing games for people that do not have OBC or are not planning to use DevEx.
#129738867Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

Whoops, "3. To incentivize non-paying users to buy ROBUX. > covered in *B2.*" Thanks for the supports surprised to see you agree @deltav c:
#129739414Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:47 PM GMT

I don't really want to argue about it anymore, seeing as that would eventually result in it going of a tangent and me becoming a dork. I don't want that anymore :( The format is nicely done, by the way. This is a good anti-price floor thread.
#129739818Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:50 PM GMT

Do you even make clothes? No? Then don't say you make more money without it, because when the change came I saw a jump in profit.
#129740466Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

When will everyone realize that the price floor is staying? ~kthxbai~
#129742405Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:14 PM GMT

omg too short didn't read mastur trole
#129743398Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:24 PM GMT

#129743425Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:24 PM GMT

Support. -Shadow of Death
#129745923Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:48 PM GMT

No support. Last time I checked, ROBLOX was about fun, not fashion?

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