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#12978557Monday, August 17, 2009 3:59 PM GMT

" now just concentrate on the rock alright.." my mentor or more like best friend told me, in case your wondering I am Tekadas yes my name is wierd becasue my dad was german and my mom is uhh hmm.. i dont really know but i do know shes not from e-arth yes i said e-arth since earth was destroyed we live on an almost identical planet called E-arth, anyway since my mom was alien or a previous inhabatent of this planet I got some pretty strange abilitys like for instance would a normal boy be able to lift a 300 pound rock with his mind and strenght well no i have done it but now my friend wants me to lift it with my mind... poor robert he has no idea what im going through right now just lifting this and telling you about my life Name: TekeDas Age: 15 Gender: i am a cross breed i dont need a gender but i do act, look, and feel like a male Speices: half human half Tekaw so im a Hukatman power: Telekenisis
#12978804Monday, August 17, 2009 4:05 PM GMT

if your wondering ive so far lifted the rock's left side and im concentrating on getting its right and back side up out of the ground and wait hold on " rob this isnt working!!!! ahh" aww come on the rock fell back down hmm all well so now i got one thing to do.. run from the villagers!!
#12979161Monday, August 17, 2009 4:12 PM GMT

villagers: †˙´®´ ˙´ˆß!!!!! ©´† †˙å† ç®´å†¨®´!!!! ( translation: there he is get that creature!!!) " not again do these guys every give up?" rob " guess not hey could u use ure powers on them?" " i guess i could" so now im focusing im focusing and hey look there floating in mid air now le- villager: * shoots him with electrified bullet that makes him not able to concentrate* " ahh!!! " oww man did that hurt so now i try to remvove the bullet and keep them in the air and try to do all that while my mind is bieng bombarded with electrified bulets... i hate villagers
#12979278Monday, August 17, 2009 4:14 PM GMT

" Pulse!" i say and the villagers go flying and some of them get injured from the fall " oww man does that every hurt " also it hurts more when i use a single burst of kenetic energy... but it gets them out of the way
#13025415Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:32 PM GMT

Name:Aracno Age:13 Gender:M Speices:Human power:Shapshifting
#13025480Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:33 PM GMT

then they came back up and ran at me and fired the bullets " Sheild!" and u guessed it a sheild apperaered in front of me and it blocked the bullets then i yelled " Teletransport!" and well yeah we were whisked away and re-materailized on the sandy beach
#13025888Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:43 PM GMT

and boy did my head hurt....ALOT!
#13026053Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:47 PM GMT

rob" so let me guess u want ure medication now? or are we still running?" " uhh DUH! of course i want it now!" " ok ok man don't get allla ngry at me " " * takes pils* uhh im srry its just that i rarly use three bursts in one day"
#13026210Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:50 PM GMT

" so now that uve taken them why dont we get back home to corinth?" " good idea. do u have a bus pass then?" " huh? i thought u were gonna teleport us" " * laughs* ohh man uve forgoten whew.. those pills cancel out my powers and temporarily shirnk my brain power remeber?" " ohhh yea" " good now i have one question." " * they start walking* wat is it?" " why is there sand here?" i love having my brain shrunk... " uhh ull remeber soon"
#13026452Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:56 PM GMT

then we finnaly got back to the city corinth which actully was a city on the water manly becasue instead of colonizing on the ground we chose the sky and oceans under and avove we also chose space, and underground, and used the forest lands as forests and kept the envirment peacful and suttle that was until those idiotic backwards creatures captured most of our people and used them as villagers to keep use away from the mainland....unfortantly-for them- we dont need to use boats to get across the water unless its for moving our citys, entertainment, or just plain fun! and the villagers hate fun.. there kinda amish... but one thing different about them and actull amish people. THE VILLAGERS USSE TECHNOLOGY! and have an armada of boats...while in the amish country they live under our protection
#13026613Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:00 PM GMT

and ounce in awhile treat them selves to some fun by comming to corinth... anyway enough about our enemys coritnh is a beatuful place but unlike most citys that are built to go above the water. if corinth didnt have a wall of protection it would sink! beacuse it was practically underwater but didnt have any leaks, or problems becasue when earth was destroyed the atlantians donated technology to us
#13026709Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:02 PM GMT

so now we leave in peacfull harmony with animals, and humans alike and since we live under 1 ruler we dont have any problems with war... its a pretty peacful place ohh e-arth how i wish this was earth
#13026837Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:06 PM GMT

now ure probably wondering are the villagers our only enemys? NO our real enemys our the tekaw... and the last time they invaded one told me to join him in defeating the humans... but i ddint agree i used the one thing that i only use in dire circumstances... Overload
#13027115Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:12 PM GMT

" so rob did u move into one of those low rise seawater apartments yet?" " nahh i gave that up and decied to live in the pent house" " WHOA! seriolsy!? u got the pent house!? of which holat??" yea hotels are called holats. " the marine" " nice.."
#13028814Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:54 PM GMT

" but i guess i could risk some energy " " ok" " Teletransport!" yeay! were in corinth and stangly i dont have a head ache...wierd " good we made it" " so u need more pills?" " nope it didnt hurt at all..hmm i wonder.." " sheild!, Pulse!" just then of course the shield poped in front of me and it fired in a snigle pulse at the water creating a big wave of water and my head only hurt a little it! " whoa this is amazing im not hurt nor is anything destroyed! i think its the energy this place puts out." rob" so that must mean the closer u get to energy being outputted the less of a headache u get!" " sweet! so that means if u caried a generator everywhere we wouldent have to worry about those pills anymore!"
#13028965Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:57 PM GMT

" wait.. we would foirst need to buy a handheld generator.." " ohh yea.. right hmm but hold if i draw power then we cant i draw power from those electrified bullets?" " don't know" ( to get it out of the way the next 2 rpgs will be named this part 2-3 What cannot be seen... part 3-3 As the world turns
#13029012Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:59 PM GMT

srry for hard to read grammer " so wait if i can draw power then why cant i draw power from those electrified bullets?" thats wat i meant to say
#13078381Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:14 PM GMT

" so now that we no that now what?" and guess what a giant rock was flying straight at us and hit the north side of the sea wall " what in the name of gambo was that?!"
#13078719Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:25 PM GMT

and what do u no we had anthor attack this time i was prepared " shield!" " pulse!" and of course i had a sheild and sent a huge blast towards there starship " teletranslocate!" i was then closer to the ship " pulse!"

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