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#130088749Monday, April 07, 2014 8:50 AM GMT

This is a Post Apocalypse RP which takes place in a large country off the coast of Russia (That I made up.) called Chekna after a Nuclear War. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES No Godmodding. No Innapropriate behavior. No killing/injuring without permission from other players -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTIONS Allies of Chekna Cheknan Federal Army (CFA) Normally conscripts picked off the streets, they are brutal & racist towards blacks & Russians, they have 3 Bases near Gëltliñ Iranian Army (IrA) They are unmerciful soldiers mostly from before the war. They have no Bases/Outposts Chinese Military Force (CMF) They are not as brutal as Iran or Chekna but they are somewhere up there, they have a base near Bëlmórthë. Enemies of Chekna British Armed Forces (BAF) They are merciful & accepting, mostly from after the war since Operation Payback was a deadly operation that Britain will never do again, they have a base near Russian Defence Force (RDF) They are the best of the best, mostly Ex-Russian Army & Spetsnaz soldiers from before the war, they have a Base near Bëlmórthë. United States Army (US Army) They are proud soldiers mostly from before the war, they have a outpost near Gëltliñ. Enemies of everybody Mutants Mostly form before & during the war as experiments & soldiers that had been exposed to radiation. Anarchists All from After the war, they have a settlement near the RDF outpost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACES Gëltliñ Bëlmórthë RDF Base Anarchist Settlement BAF Base US Army Base IrA Traffic Checkpoint CMF Base -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Name: Appearance Clothes Inventory Powers(Optional no OP.): Nationality: Faction: Character Description(Optional): PS: If you want to add suggestions or just flame me PM me & don't ruin the forum.
#130089043Monday, April 07, 2014 9:07 AM GMT

Name: Stephen Ghorshkov (It's Russian, deal with it.) Appearance: Brown scruffy hair with Sideburns & a square goatee (Like Gordon Freeman's.) Clothes: RDF standard gear & clothes Inventory: AK-47 & M9 Powers(Optional no OP.): Immune to radiation Nationality: Russia Faction: RDF Character Description(Optional):
#130089650Monday, April 07, 2014 9:44 AM GMT

(marked, i'll post in around 2-3 hours)
#130089678Monday, April 07, 2014 9:46 AM GMT

Name: Henry Peters Appearance: Tall, standing at 1.83 meters, brown eyes, trecky hair, and has a scar on left cheek. Clothes: Osprey Body Armour with Parades uniform, PAGST Helmet with radio Inventory: L85A2 with SUSAT Scope, 15 clips and a Tactical USP-45 with 10 clips. Powers(Optional no OP.): N/A Nationality: English Faction: British Armed Forces
#130089689Monday, April 07, 2014 9:47 AM GMT

Also, a Radiation suit in 'Inventory', is that okay?
#130090889Monday, April 07, 2014 10:43 AM GMT

#130091811Monday, April 07, 2014 11:14 AM GMT

Name: Alexander Holt Physical Appearance: 5'9, average build, short, brown hair & light stubble, blue eyes Clothes: Black shirt with a with a woodland coat, black cargo pants and woodland boots. Inventory: OTs-27, 3x bandages, hunting knife. Nationality: Russia Faction: Non / civilian
#130092503Monday, April 07, 2014 11:35 AM GMT

name ; poop appearance ; 1'4, crappy build, non-existent, big puffy chest, bald clothes; none inventory; water bottle, meds, knife nationality; russia faction; pooptown (° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh the fans
#130095528Monday, April 07, 2014 12:59 PM GMT


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