#130683575Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

"H-Hey," Simone said gently over towards Mari, who appeared to slapped herself on her face, "A-are you okay...?" As she said that sentence, she slowly inched her head towards her, not exactly sure what's going on.
#130683964Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

Mari "I--uh," I began blushing. "Nothing. Just... uh... nothing."
#130684208Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

"T-thirsty," Dahy grasped, rapidly licking his chops. Not that it did anything, his tounge was bone dry. Looking around, he realized something was missing. "H-hey, the mentors, t-they're gone!"
#130684518Monday, April 14, 2014 12:01 AM GMT

Kion stirs slightly, as if he was breaking out of a trance, and begins speaking once again. "Music stop... Where funny woman with guitar?... And other..." Kion slowly begins to realize that the only people left in the room where the ones that were wearing the black robes as he was. Only after that realization did Kion notice the heat. He glances back at the table, noting that only the crackers were left... This has to be a dream; that is quite literally the only plausible explanation. Despite that, he can't help but begin panting. Oh, how he wished he grabbed the orange when he had the chance. "...Anyone here have explanation for Kion?" He can't help but move towards the crackers. Though the heat was approaching unbearable, his stomach protested louder. Convinced that he is only dreaming, his fear subsides a little so that he can at least think straight now.
#130685678Monday, April 14, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

"N-nothing," Simone repeated, "I... I'm not sure i-if that's correct b-but if you say so." She slowly turned back to where she was staring blankly at, saying, "S-sorry." She looked around the room once again, noticing a few people are gone as well, apparently dubbed 'mentors'. "Y-you're right," Simone said blankly, blinking a few times to make sure her eyes are working, "I... I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on either."
#130686528Monday, April 14, 2014 12:23 AM GMT

"Dunno," Dahy squeaked, looking up from where he sat beside the large. "The mentors and food disappeared, and so did the drink. There's crackers; saltines, and while they're great for s-stomachaches, I'm not sure they're best when we're deprived of drink."
#130686834Monday, April 14, 2014 12:26 AM GMT

" WATER! " I need it I need the water soft tasty magical water.
#130688150Monday, April 14, 2014 12:40 AM GMT

"It's p-probably there to just m-mock us," Simone said shakily, glancing at the rather unappetizing crackers. She never really liked dry meals, anyways.
#130688827Monday, April 14, 2014 12:47 AM GMT

Slowly but surely, the room is becoming hotter, reaching about 120 degrees (F). The room, without notice, is smaller. People are becoming pushed together. You also have to add in the unbearable amount of body heat.
#130689217Monday, April 14, 2014 12:51 AM GMT

Aaah! You're killing me! }} Dahy was slumped over on the floor, panting. Being from a cooler state, Illinois to be exact, he absolutely hated heat, warmth, and despised the way how the room was getting more crowded. "Gah," he rasped, wishing for a snow that would never come.
#130689339Monday, April 14, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

(Good! Wait until you see the map!)
#130689461Monday, April 14, 2014 12:53 AM GMT

Lol Crabby. }}
#130689568Monday, April 14, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

"What is the reason for this!" she gasped out loud, slumping herself on the wall as she sweated all over it, the heat extracting every little moisture she had under her skin. Her tongue felt extremely dry, and her throat felt extremely parched. She slid her jacket away from her body, and attempted to fan herself from the heat, but it didn't work.
#130689881Monday, April 14, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

Simply because the overall ruler loves to torture, Simone experiences the feeling of third-degree burns among her skin. It's a simple hallucination, blisters forming on every visible portion of her body. Of course, it would be nice to receive water; wouldn't it?
#130690287Monday, April 14, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

Okay, crackers were a bad idea. The panic is set right back into Kion, the heat about enough to send him onto his knees. He quickly sets about to removing his robe before he faints completely, all the while muttering incomprehensibly to himself. This was how he was going to die? He yells at the ceiling. "HEY. FUNNY MAN ON SPEAKER. WATE-" He croaks mid-sentence while his vision begins to blur.
#130690996Monday, April 14, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

(sssssssshoot 3rd degrees are painless are they? i googled it to double check ghggghg) Simone felt her skin become dry, leathery, and relatively numb as her nerves around and along the burns were completely destroyed. This was slightly worrying to her, her eyes widened, and her breathing quickened at the sight, along with plenty of blisters as well, which bothered her, to say the least. "Help," she breathed sharply, looking worriedly along everyone else, seeing as they didn't have the same marks and bumps along them like her. So she was going to be the first to die; her head feeling extremely light, as if this might have all been a dream. No. A nightmare. What the hell happened to her? (eghghgghgh)
#130691405Monday, April 14, 2014 1:12 AM GMT

I'm going to kill the owner of this stupid game choke him or her and and I need something water that's it I need water I feel so dry soooo dry thank god for sweat right?
#130691595Monday, April 14, 2014 1:14 AM GMT

Hilariously, Ryan stopped sweating. He had no moisture. His tongue, due to lack of lubrication, was similar to sand paper and was constantly swelling. So were his lungs. And his wind-pipe.
#130691920Monday, April 14, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

"...R....WATER" After a fit of coughing, Kion manages to complete his sentence, staring at the ceiling futility as he begins swaying back and forth. It appears as though he's about to faint. (Meanwhile, everyone should prepare their dice and prepare to make a Dex roll to avoid being crushed by Kion)
#130691944Monday, April 14, 2014 1:18 AM GMT

Dahy lay still, trying to conserve his strength. While he couldn't exactly call for help, he made a choking sound, in an attempt to speak.
#130692343Monday, April 14, 2014 1:21 AM GMT

(I hate you crabby. ) I try to yellout the pain I was having but my throat hurted even more, I wondered why I had to do this crap. I don't even have sweat to cool down why?!
#130692672Monday, April 14, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

"Don't ask for water." I say. "They'll probably make it ironic and dump a huge pool of freezing ice water in here, which would feel good for about half a minute. Pretty sick twist of irony."
#130693133Monday, April 14, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

"S-sound nic-...." Kion quickly collapses on one of the couches. His head is still spinning, but at least off his feet. "How you know that?"
#130695282Monday, April 14, 2014 1:47 AM GMT

"Look at the situation. We had plenty of food and drink, and now we're reduced to essentially famine qualities in a desert, and considering the conditions, I wouldn't be surprised if they go the extra mile for irony."
#130697016Monday, April 14, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

Kion let's that sink in, staring at the bright lights of the ceiling... It truly is like a desert, isn't it? He holds up his right hand towards the light, watching it come in and out of focus. "...Where DID food and drink go? One second is there, then poof, all go-" He commences another fit of coughing, and he rolls over on the couch.