#130697687Monday, April 14, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

Amelia slumps in a couch. "Reminds me of the Sahara desert." She mutters. "About as smart people, too."
#130701532Monday, April 14, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

Simone Jazmin continuously felt around her marked up arms, not noticing the conversations that the people around her were having.
#130710566Monday, April 14, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

Stiefnu Xiberras It had suddenly become horrendously hot, as if hell itself had broken in the room, if hell was anything like the Saharan Desert. It felt like what tuaregs might go through every single day of their sand-full lives. It was awful, not even on the hottest day in all of Greater London had it ever been this hot, or even in the hottest day in Valletta, he'd never experienced such an amount of heat, and he quickly started to experience all the effects of it. His entire skin was dry, it was blurry like an F1 starting grid panoramic shot, it felt as if his entire body was set to implode, he felt somewhat light - headed and as if his corneas were mere flames flickering on a rural campsite somewhere on Wiltshire. He truly hated it with all of his soul.
#130751845Monday, April 14, 2014 6:25 PM GMT

John "WATER!!! WAaater...." I say as it gets harder to breath.
#130768139Monday, April 14, 2014 9:26 PM GMT

Mari Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Sweat poured down my head, and I crouched on the ground to get away from the excessive body heat. Not much better. I had a terrible, crazy, disgusting idea. I began licking the sweat off of my arms and hands, and wiped my head-sweat onto my hands; licking that too. It helped the dehydration a bit--but I was probably going to stop sweating soon. Especially considering that irony thing the girl talked about. I stopped licking it and began to just open my mouth and sweat like a dog. Probably get a dry tongue, too, but this helps now for all I care.
#130778545Monday, April 14, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

(i posted this on the pad but there aren't much people on there soo ) "Y... You do realize s-sweat has salt... " Simone attempted, her throat dry and her voice scratchy, to tell the girl licking all over her, presumably the amazing amount of sweat everyone was giving off. "I-It... doesn't..." She gasped loudly, tugging her shirt away from her chest to allow air through it, as well as to keep it from clinging with the sweat.
#130780778Monday, April 14, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

"I KNOW EBONY DID THIs! " I core my mouth joint she might be listening and might try to make more heat. Noooo more heat just kill me please.
#130784701Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

(omgomgomg! how much have I missed?!)
#130804190Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:25 AM GMT

(Vamking, darling, you don't know any of the mentors names!) Map 1: In an instant, everyone goes from the room to the smooth waters of a crystal-clear ocean. The water soothing burns, and dry skin; its temperature a comforting level. You can see the bottom of the ocean, coral reefs decorated with fish and seaweed; the ocean seemingly untouchable by humans. The sun is setting, dots of pinks and purples cascading the sky as flames. Yet, as you try to swim, you are stuck. You are tired from the heat, your joints hallucinating heavy counters. You can't seem to move. Your hearing is also gone, you can't hear the gentle wind brushing your ear, or the sound of chattering sea animals echoing among the water. No one is around you, you are isolated. Each of you has a specific task to complete: Mari Robertson (Starfire) - You notice a family member floating out in sea. This member is important to you, possibly your mother, father, sister or brother. They're alive, yet they struggle to complete a simple tread. A voice echoes in your head, "If you want to live, go touch the family member. You will die otherwise." Since you have not ate (Yes, I know you wanted me to imagine it; however that does not work) you will have symptoms of starvation. You can call for Ebony to help you, since you interacted with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amanda Collins (Mark Jarkson) - Suddenly, you are locked in a form of a prison, floating out at sea. The walls are closed in, only bars allowing light. Your winged freedom is gone! Your prison is slowly sinking, eventually you will drown; however towards the bottom of the ocean is your key to freedom. A voice echoes in your head, "If you want to live, escape your prison before you drown! A key is a ways below you!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. You may not call for help as you did not interact with any mentors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joshua Jamieson (Hydreigons) - The waters are incredibly crystal clear, and you see a dark shadow creeping up behind you. Its large, and only black. Suddenly, you are yanked down to the bottom of the ocean in a tight grip of tentacles. It squeezes you, making death slow and painful. A voice echoes in your head, "If you want to live, kill this beast from lore! Possibly screaming, biting, kicking and punching will save your life! You only have a limited time before you drown!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. You may not call for help as you did not interact with any mentors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryan Farwell (Vamking12) - You stand on the platform which floats above the ocean; as you stick your hand in, you realize that the water boils your skin, providing oozing blisters. Your goal is to figure out a way to get to the cave below! If you try just jumping in, you will die in seconds. A voice echoes in your head, "If you want to live, escape into the cave below! Yet watch as the water burns you!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. Also, your tongue, lungs, and windpipe are still swelling. You may not call for help as you did not interact with any mentors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kion Skyes (Unit345) - You are in a psychedelic state, since you assumed you were dreaming before. Your brain registers everything as fake, yet is completely real. You imagine happiness while someone close to you is being brutally murdered from bullies you face in your lifetime. Your goal is to save them. A voice echoes in your head, "If you want to live, kill the rest of them! Brutally! I want to see their intestines shown!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. However, you will not witness the heaviness of the imaginary counter-weights because you fainted; thus you got some sleep. You may not call for help as you did not interact with any mentors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dahy Viska Maeb-Anatolli (Pawzkat) - You are on the edge of something, it rocks and shakes. You also seem heavier than usual. You are enjoying the thrill, yet realize you need to fall - and possibly die - into the ocean below. The ocean is decorated with spikes, all covered in blood and some even having impaled bodies on them! You need to get over your fear of falling, and dying, and get down to the ocean. You then need to climb up one of the spikes, the one impaled with the most people, and grab the trophy. A voice echoes in your head, "Dahy, you must collect that shiny piece of gold for me! See it sitting on the spike that has the most impaled on it, grab it! Be aware, however, they do bite!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. You can call for Lester to help you, since you interacted with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stiefnu Xiberras (Deshoras) - Do you happen to remember your love Katalin? The poor thing has been floating in an ocean that is incredibly cold! She is struggling to breathe, and swim. Her lips are blue, her skin similar to that of ice. You only have a few precious moments to swim to her, along with your weights, and save her. A voice echoes in your head, "If you wish to live, grab her! Grab her, hold her, and then finish her off so she no longer needs to suffer!" Since you did not eat, you will have symptoms of starvation. Since you did sleep, however, you will not be affected by the heaviness of the weights, but by the incredibly cold water (which would have a similar function). You may not call for any mentors to help, as you did not interact with any of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Scott (Earthbouncv4) - Claustrophobia has set in, you are in a tightly confound space under the ocean. There is limited air, and you are blocked in by a ton of rocks. The little room you have is seemingly getting smaller, and smaller. A voice echoes in your head, "In order for you to live, you must escape this confound space! If you do not, you will drown and no one will find your body." Since you ate, you do not have symptoms of starvation and are less affected by the weights. You may not call for any mentors to help, as you did not interact with any of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simone Jazmine (DeadDemon)- Because you drank the wine, you are in a sea full of nothing but human blood. The vision you had of the perfect ocean before was just a dream; however, this is real. Heads, organs, and a variety of other body parts float in the sea of death. You must swim down, into an abyss, and grab a bottle of a clear liquid. This will cure a sea of death. A voice echoes in your head, "Simone, you must swim down and grab the bottle of liquid! This way I can go back on vacation here, and you can also live." Since you did not eat, you are having symptoms of starvation. However, because you took off your jacket, you will be much cooler in the already warm waters of blood. You may call on Ebony to help you, since you interacted with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miles Trickler (Ericthehuman1) - You are surrounded in the clear, glistening waters of the ocean, yet you are hanging completely upside down from a pair of tentacles gripping your feet together. You are dunked in the water, held under for a minute, and then let back up. It is done over, and over again. You must kill this beast and take its eye in order to live. A voice echoes in your head, "If you wish to live, kill the beast and get its eye for me! I would prefer it for some jewelry for my wife." Since you did not eat, you will be experiencing symptoms of starvation. You may not call on any mentors to help you, since you did not interact with them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex ... (Kseeking) - You shouldn't forget your power of healing, as you are watching someone close to you be tortured a long ways away from you. You must heal them, allow for their limbs to grow back and everything. Yet, you have to kill them afterwards to end their suffering. A voice echoes in your head, "If you wish to live, save them! Then kill them for me, slowly." Since you did not eat, you will be experiencing symptoms of starvation. You may not call on any mentors to help you, since you did not interact with them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Possible deaths this round - Ryan (VamKing) *You were given this because you did not post a fear the first time around* John (EarthBound) *I rolled a die and your number came up the most* Alex (Kseeking) *I rolled a die and your number also came up the most* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unless I specified otherwise, all of you are rather slow. You have imaginary counters on you, and it is hard for you to move your joints. You are incredibly heavy, yet buoyant. Good luck!
#130814974Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:47 PM GMT

(yo simone ate a chicken leg on page 5 "Simone sighed, and went over to sit near the table. She took a cooked piece of chicken leg and bit right into the meat." )
#130818376Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:18 PM GMT

(Sorry darling! Get rid of the starvation factor and you receive less fatigue from the weights because you ate.)
#130818614Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:23 PM GMT

(I'm starting to think you want me to die crabby....) Alex I look ahead, there was somebody there, somebody in trouble, as the voice comes into my head, I had to kill them... "No." I thought in my head, "And how am I supossed to heal them?" (Does my character know about his healing powers?)
#130818952Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:31 PM GMT

"Ugh," the child grunted, his eyes wide with fear. The sight of everything..the sole impossibility was just..too much. Hunting over, the child began to dry-heave, though nothing came out.
#130822497Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:46 PM GMT

Simone floated in the ocean water, which was strangely dark red for whatever reason. Her burns weren't there anymore, and her skin felt cool to the touch. Simone didn't feel as thirsty or as dehydrated as she did before, though she was still fatigued . She felt oddly heavy, and her limbs were sticky and hard to move, but she wasn't drowning. She opened her eyes, to see around her, not noticing the odd silence that hung. Her gaze reached an arm, and a leg. She screamed loudly, attempting to move away from it, but alas towards a decapitated head, looking somewhat like her mother. Of course, she doesn't know what her mother did look like, so it just looked like a random human female. Simone screeched once again. And again, at the sudden realization that this red water might just be blood, seeing as it was coming out from the pieces of human parts. She was absolutely petrified. 'How did she even get here?' The thought rang through her head, over and over, almost overlapping the voice. If it wasn't for that damned voice, Simone was sure to be stuck there. "Simone, you must swim down and grab the bottle of liquid! This way I can go back on vacation here, and you can also live." H-Huh. She looked around her for where the voice was coming from her, but alas it was only coming from nowhere but her head. Her breathing became shallow, knowing that this was completely out of the ordinary. 'you can also live'. So, she was going to die here if she didn't do anything. Simone held her breath, and looked right down, seeing mostly red and a few hints of the abyss below. 'you must swim down and grab the bottle of liquid!' She opened her mouth, releasing her breath out. She breaths in, deeply this time. Was she really going to do this? Would this finish the nightmare? It was worth a shot, seeing as she had no other option, since she can't find any place to swim towards in the middle of this. Presumably, the bottle of liquid would be on the ocean floor? Or deeper? Her own voice, which Simone just realized she couldn't even hear herself, rang again at the sight of a naked torso that was floating towards her.
#130832330Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:02 PM GMT

John I look around and see that I am trapped by rocks and start to panic trying to do something to move the rocks and escape.
#130847970Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:01 PM GMT

Miles Seeing that his legs were the only thing being held together, Miles reached for anything sharp or hard every time he was dunked into the water. Never once did Miles look at the thing holding Miles' feet together. All he had to do was grab anything he could, which was probably going to be hard.
#130848124Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

[but i ate an apple on page three, or i guess if your really technical 'i picked it up with the intent of eating'. sigh] Amanda She seems a bit nervous. "A ways below me... a ways below me." Hell, Amanda hasn't got a chance to figure out what that means. "Uh... bottom of the floor?" She looks at the ground.
#130849028Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:12 PM GMT

Mari I looked over. Oh my... Dad! I attempted to pull my arms in front of me and paddle, but they would barely budge. Heavy... very heavy... I kept on trying anyways, anger flourishing in my veins. I had barely moved three inches. 'I can call on that mentor I hugged...' What? Ebony, he said... Ebony. No. Wait until she's really needed. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down and mixing with the salty waters. I need to save him. Frustrated, I pulled my arms, despite my stomach and the heaviness pulling at me, and tried to swim again. I moved a bit more. Yes! Without stopping to celebrate this small victory, I kept paddling, moving about an inch-and-a-half each five strokes. 'Come on, come on, for Dad!' I urged myself. Eventually I just became too tired and stopped. Okay. How do I call on her? Well... "Ebony!" I shouted. That could work.
#130850230Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

( I ate ham. ) ( What's my power? ) Ryan I see the blazing water around me and wonder how to get by. I ponder for quite a while and realized I'll most likely die this way, burned by water. I wonder around the small platform wanting to survive with no real answer.
#130869383Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

(KSeeking) You begin developing tunnel vision, you can only focus on the being and not on anything else. You can't see the shadow creeping up behind you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Pawz) The area of the platform becomes smaller, and smaller by the minute. Eventually you need to jump. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Dead) Oh dear, you accidentally open your mouth and begin choking on thick blood! Can you rise up to the surface? ~~~~~~~~~~~ (Earth) Scratching and screaming seems to make the water rise higher and higher. Perhaps calming down and assessing the situation will help. ~~~~~~~~~~ (Eric) There are no sharp objects around you, the only thing around you is water . . . Perhaps if you can coax a fish up to the surface, you can use that for a tasty treat. ~~~~~~~~~ (Star) Ebony is dropped in the water, and treads next to her. She spits the water out of her mouth, "You rang?" She asks. Her father sinks into the ocean. ~~~~~~~~~ (Vam) The platform shrinks as well. (Vamking and Mark, my apologies for not recording those notes. You may have a little bit more strength than the rest.)
#130869746Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:30 AM GMT

[no reply to my post]
#130869991Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:32 AM GMT

"Ah, help!" Dahy screamed, terrified now. "Someone? Please..."
#130870306Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:35 AM GMT

(Unit, Lester needs to hop in.) (Mark) Your prison begins dropping rather fast. Your prison is flooding.
#130870493Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:37 AM GMT

[No description about the bottom of the floor?]
#130870687Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

(Not yet!)