#130871022Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

Ryan realized the floor is shrinking He will have to think quick. Really quick! He looks under the platform looking something under there to protect him. This was a game of brains.
#130871298Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

Bubbles spilled out from her mouth, and red water flooded back in. She attempted to spit out all the blood in her mouth, and attempted to cough it out, all while letting it back in with her head still underwater. Simone would've just trashed around if it weren't for the fact that she couldn't use quick movements. Could she rise to the surface? With her stiff joints and her heavy limbs, Simone couldn't really be sure. Her frantic movements out from this sea of death only translated to gentle ones. She would have to attempt to slowly swim up, hopefully floating up before she suffocates and dies. She wouldn't die in here, would she? (yea i dunno)
#130875286Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

"What!! What!!... wha-what's wron-Oh." Standing directly behind Dahy is probably the last person anyone's hoped to see: Lester. He's staring down at the spikes, whistling while his stringy hair covers his face. "Damn, that does NOT look too good..." Lester is clicking his tongue, trying to find a safe section of ocean that they can fall into without being impaled. "...I suppose that you're trying to get that thing?" He gestures at the glimmer residing at the top of one of the grotesque spikes. He doesn't seem to notice that the platforms are shrinking, but they do have a bit of time to think before it disappears completely. (Kion's paragraph is coming soon, probably going to result in a double post. Sorry, I want to put a lot of care into it, and I didn't know until know that I was keeping Pawz hanging.)
#130875478Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

"Y-yes," Dahy stuttered, pacing nervously.
#130876241Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

"Got it. Alright, that shouldn't be too hard, right?!" Lester looks over to Dahy with a reassuring grin. That's always been how he's been attempted to help other people, from prison to now. He always attempts to make a situation less important and dangerous than it actually was.
#130895783Wednesday, April 16, 2014 8:09 AM GMT

((I'm guessing I have a platform to stand in, uncomfortably, but it's something?)) Stiefnu Xiberras He tip - toed the water like a toddler learning to swim. It was freezing, like taking a splash in Portishead in the middle of the winter, something he may or may have not done in his late teens while under the effects of a certain type of drinks. His burning and his swelling was calmed though, obviously, he went from one end of the thermostat to another. He still hadn't noticed the figure in the water, feeling as if he'd been in the loudest concert ever, or if a firework had misfired right next to his eardrums.. Or worse, he felt like a WWI soldier in the Somme might have felt after so much shelling, weary, starving, deaf, useless. He did however felt somewhat rested, perhaps his nap helped after all. He glanced around the place.. And then he saw her.... "K-Kati.. Katalin!".. A fearing shout escaped from him, but it was useless even to him, he couldn't even hear himself, how much of a bloody fool was he? He scanned for anything useful to bring her from far away, also fruitless. A mental preparation of billions of shards entering him entered his mind before splashing into the frigid sea. However, no preparation could've served for the actual coldness inside the water.. But he soldiered on, because to him, Katalin meant everything, and he promised to himself he'd do anything for her, and alas, he was now putting said promise to the test. His gaze could reach further and further into each detail of her, her dead and frozen - looking, blue - ish lips, her icy body just barely staying afloat.. It was a dreadful sight. His swim was shortly unaffected, his joints were surprinsigly rested thanks to that nap, but the cold temperatures of the water produced a similar, weary effect on his limbs, hindering his progress towards her. And then, the silence was broken.. ""If you wish to live, grab her! Grab her, hold her, and then finish her off so she no longer needs to suffer!" It made him shiver with absolute terror and rage, making him shout again, instantaneously. "Who's there?!" "What do you want?! Sod off!" It was all worthless, he realized soon he was battling his own head, his mind. It was unbearable, the thought of saving her just to finish her off... And not just any person, but Kati, his one and only love, his other half.. Sweet and lovely Kati.. Killed by the man she loved. He kept swimming, a shocked, horrified rictus drawing itself on his face, eventually being just a few metres away from her. Did he really want to live? A life knowing he murdered the only woman who loved him, the woman he treasured above all things.. Honestly, he couldn't even think about it. But a slight possibility, perhaps an emotional excuse, a carte blanche do it appeared.. What if this wasn't real? Kati couldn't have possibly vanished from the flat out of nowhere, could she? All of these questions rumbled inside his head, while he approached Katalin in a heartbreaking, winding swim, as fast as he could, although, it wasn't Michael Phelps in the water. It was useless Stiefnu Xiberras from Malta trying to save the only thing that matters to him. She was visibly struggling to even dangle dangerously on the surface, she wouldn't take much longer, and he knew that. ((Now, should Stiefnu grab her right now, or in the next post so as to symbolize the heavyness of his limbs? I'd say next post so you can also post something else relevant, an event or additional info perhaps.))
#130901262Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:04 AM GMT

"No-no it's really hard," Dahy squeaked, his face paling white. Sitting on the ground, he hugged himself close to Lester's leg, too afraid of the bearing drop to do anything else.
#130947867Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:01 PM GMT

Mari "Ebony! My dad! He-- he's drowning!" I began to cry but tried to force it back. I instantly pulled up my arms and began paddling. My stomach yelled at me furiously but I ignored it with haste.
#130961938Thursday, April 17, 2014 12:20 AM GMT

Kion Kion was floating face up, staring at the sky with a look of serenity on his face. He savored the waves, the coolness, the relief. He didn't understand why the dream he was in was so... vivid, so realistic when the events that have transpired could not have actually happened. People disappearing, waking up in an ocean... He didn't question anything; in his state how could anyone? He simply continued to bask in silence, calming himself down and letting his mind go blank.... ... Peace ... "If you want to live, kill the rest of them! Brutally! I want to see their intestines shown!" This is about enough for Kion to stir. Was that his voice?... No, it COULDN'T be his voice... he glances to the side, looking around despite having full knowledge that he was alone in this... wait.... yes, off to the side, on a platform jutting out of the water. On it, silently kicking at a lump of flesh on the ground were two figures. Kion immediately recognized them.... but from where? And what are they doing? Kion slowly mouths out the phrase once again 'Kill the rest of them... brutally...' Kion curses silently. No, he couldn't harm another human being! He wasn't like them! He wasn't about to succumb to brutal savagery to get what he wanted. But another part of him gnawed on. This was all fake. The bullies are fake, the water is fake. That starvation, that pain wrenching stomach pain? Also fake. Nothing was real, what harm would it be to follow that order? You wouldn't HURT anyone! Only the illusions of your mind! It might release some stress, and you're not harming anyone. Besides, that pound of flesh might need your help. Morally satisfied, Kion begins wading towards the platform. He was convinced his hunger was an illusion of his mind; it truly didn't bother him that much. Assuming that he manages to get to the platform without the bullies notice, he quickly smashes the platform with his fist in an attempt to shake it. Lester Lester slowly lifts Dahy to his feet "Come on now!" Lester eyes the platform once again. It was still shrinking, and they were running out of time quickly. Lester clamps forcefully onto Dahy shoulders and looks him in the eye. "Listen. You called for me to help you. And help you I shall! All I ask is that for now, you put your trust in me, because I'm not sure I can help you like this again. Can you trust me Dahy?" Yes, can you trust the psychopath?!
#131073907Friday, April 18, 2014 12:05 AM GMT

#131074866Friday, April 18, 2014 12:11 AM GMT

Alex I swim with all my might over me to the hurt person.
#131096588Friday, April 18, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

(My apologies to all of you, I have been incredibly sick with the stomach flu. I am semi-back, however.) (VamKing) There is a jacket under there, however the waters have been roaring higher and higher. He will risk burning his arm if he grabs the jacket. (Dead) Of course you floated up, oddly enough you are incredibly buoyant! Something slimy, however, touches your leg. (Deshoras) Unexpectedly, she drops towards the bottom of the ocean. (Star) Ebony floats on her back next to her, "And what do you want me to do about it, Mari?" She asks, tilting her head. Her father is dropping farther below the ocean. (Unit) Smashing/hitting the platform only worsened their anger. Now their red eyes are after you, saying things similar to those that were said to you before. (KSeeking) The person seems much farther away than usual.
#131096735Friday, April 18, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

[i can't exactly do anything because i never got a reply]
#131097214Friday, April 18, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

(Sorry darling, my brain has been in a fog lately.) (Mark) Your dropping, and dropping, until suddenly you hear a clank at the bottom of your cell. Possibly a key touching your prison? Of course, you must have mighty-long arms to be able to reach the bottom of your prison. Perhaps, you could tilt it?
#131097376Friday, April 18, 2014 3:14 AM GMT

Just swim down to get the key? I mean, if my jail is under water, all I have to do is swim down to get the key, unlock it, and I'm free.
#131097793Friday, April 18, 2014 3:17 AM GMT

Simone quickly glanced over towards the thing touching her leg, almost having her spine tingle at the sensation of it being so... gross and slimy. She simply attempted kick it off, momentarily shaking her leg. ( yo im thedeaddemon and that was my alt. im writing this on my phone so )
#131098106Friday, April 18, 2014 3:21 AM GMT

( wait. damn forgot to switch my phone as well im also sorry that you have the stomach-flu. didnt notice before cuz i just skimmed over to my part but yeah that sounds like it would really suck. sorry )
#131100257Friday, April 18, 2014 3:44 AM GMT

(missed me, but that's okay, you're sick, and my post probably didn't include enough information.)
#131100519Friday, April 18, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

"Excuse me, Sir or Madame, but I never got your name in that room, can you tell me what it is?" "Eric Caska "Alright, Eric Caska, what is your gender and birthday? (The year is 2014)" "Hmm. I am a male. I was born in 1997, January 2nd." "Hmm...Yes, very interesting. How do you act?" "Odd question. I guess I HAVE to tell you. I am very observent. I always think everything through. I am not one to talk. But if I'm forced to, I will. Like right now. I am very brave though, if their's a risk, I'd likely ignore it." "Since this room's light is so dim, I can't get your appearance, can you tell me what you look like?" "I am quite skinny, I am pale too. My ears are quite normal and my eyes are red with spots of gray. I have a cut going through my eye but my eye isn't affected. I am wearing a t-shirt and jeans." "Now, if you could just fill this paper out for me and give it to me when you are done, I would appreciate it, my victim." Biography(Not optional, just 1-2 sentences): I lived a normal life. My parents encouraged me to do stuff. I didn't particapate in any extra activities. I am a straight A Student. Or was. I am not one to make friends. My dad would... Declipline me everyday after school. You hand the paper back to the man, and you are then shoved out of the room. A black robe is handed to you by a guard, and the guard tells you to put it on. OOC (Out of Character) portion (None of these are optional, attempt to fill in all of them): What does your character fear?: Heights. He also fears his father. Does your character see anything, such as ghosts and spirits?: Yes. How was your character treated when they were at home?: He lived with both of his parents, his dad belted him everytime after school. His mom was nice and bake him dinner and lunch for school. He was forced to eat outside of the house for dinner by his dad. How does your character act in scary situations?: He second guesses himself. But after a while like climbing he might get used to it. If he doesn't look down. If it's not one of his fears, such as a man holding a knife, he'd act brave. He probably would be ruthless and might end up killing the man for example. Have they been involved in a supernatural phenomenon?: No. Have they been in love before? (If so, in a PM I will ask you to explain that person to me): No. Does your character see abnormal things?: Nope. What is your timezone? (I do not need your state or anything else, just the timezone you are in; I can plan accordingly if I know the Timezone): GMT (2 hours behind EST) 7) Your character MUST experience fear in the maps.
#131101372Friday, April 18, 2014 3:55 AM GMT

(Sorry darling, have to wait till next round. The game is closed off after the first map starts.) (Eric, I am incredibly sorry, and I may be missing something, however I can not find your reply after this post: (Eric) There are no sharp objects around you, the only thing around you is water . . . Perhaps if you can coax a fish up to the surface, you can use that for a tasty treat.)
#131106946Friday, April 18, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

Miles Hmm, maybe I should try that... Instead if reaching for something sharp whenever Miles was pushed under the water, he reached around for some fish.
#131173767Friday, April 18, 2014 9:11 PM GMT

Mari "He's going to drown! Can you help me get to him?" Mari asked frantically.
#131179551Friday, April 18, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

Ryan I'm brave I'll grab the jacket and wear it. I'm not I'm ready to for a little burn and some pain.
#131238673Saturday, April 19, 2014 2:29 PM GMT

(hhhhhhhhhhhh )
#131315003Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:35 AM GMT

Stiefnu Xiberras He kept swimming, meter after weary, heavy, and frigid meter, it was horrible, but he was somehow managing to do get closer at a somewhat decent speed, Katalin was now just at arm reach, the bloke now had the chance to bring her to the platform he jumped from to do anything to save her from the cold. But it seemed as Kati just couldn't keep afloat, and she started to drop, out of the blue, into the bottom of the unimaginably cold sea, with a weak, defeated look, void and blank in her stare. A shocked expression etched itself on Stiefnu's face for a fraction of a second before he could snap out of it. He made a go for it, and lunged at the dropping body of Kati, his arms stretched to grab any part of her, or her clothing to keep her from hitting the bottom, his left hand finding her arm, gripping tightly, but at not overly too strong to hurt her, he tried lifting her whole body upwards, so as to carry her in his back to be able to swim to the hopefully-still-there platform.