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#13027767Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:30 PM GMT

Formed by UNESCO(United Nations Education of Scientific and Cultural Organization) in November 17, 1965 and celebrated at September 8, was to show of the awareness that the globally effected population can't read or write. The estimations recall that approximately 774 million adults are illiterate with about 74 million kids. The reason I wanted to brought up to this is, that I want to know how is any kind of literacy is being taught throughout different nations of the world. And how it can/or not improve upon either in writing/grammar/speech skills. Or you could post your favorite author from the region you're living at. But I would greatly hope everyone can understand the situation about people not getting proper education that could make them unemployed or can't tell the difference from the word "hail" to the other definition of "hail". Enjoy your literature. :D
#13028319Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:43 PM GMT

so becosue they cant read you gave it a long name?
#13051619Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:12 PM GMT

@ Tovtov: What? Now just to give a tip or two on YOUR literacy, here's a correction: "So because they can't read, you gave it a long name?" Right. Anyway, some people in my school read pretty good, and while other's read slow without showing the emotion of the text. I'd say I'm pretty good at reading, writing and spelling. :P Once you get good, you can get into foreign languages. Such as me and others. 8P
#13071587Wednesday, August 19, 2009 9:11 AM GMT

iplay some people in countries you are to blind to know thier name cant read
#13071842Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:08 AM GMT

@Iplay, thank you for giving your thoughts and some things on your school's literacy @Tovtov4, um.. if I can read that correctly, yes, Literacy can be in many forms including for the blind or the deaf. Example, Helen Keller, blind/deaf who rose through the ashes of her disabilities and conquered it, brining many novels she typed into the typewriter, and that's an extraordinary.
#13072531Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:12 AM GMT

what the hell are you talking about i was repling to iplay thet he think thet becouse he know how he read and ignor other countries thet there are ppl who cnat read in there
#13073597Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:23 PM GMT

um.... made a mistake, it was the grammar, thought you said that we are talking about people, while there are people who are Blind. Yea.. the "Blind" part convinced me. Sorry.

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