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#130530203Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

Within the Greymoon spire, a wizard sat patiently at his desk studying the ancient manuscript laid out before him. Upon the oaken table lay but the manuscript, a bottle of ink and an owls feather for writing messages or notes for his elderly mind; These days he would have forgotten something as simple as to bathe if it wasn't for his notes being there. "These Archaic words predict a colossal extirpation of the human race." he said dubiously. The wizard went to one of his cabinets and begun scouring through the contents until behold he found the item he was looking for; A jade pot with the engraving of a winged lion on the side. He reached into his pocket, fumbling around for a bit and pulled out a gilded dagger stained with red. He placed his hand above the pot and slit his hand, letting the blood flow into the pot. White mists flew from the pots inside and lurched their way across the table unto the ground forwardmore until they had left under the door. Inside of the pot images swirled and contrasted until they began to form a singular image that was recognizable. Beneath the grounds of man, there were firey depths filled with vicious demons and bloodthirsty balrogs all under the control of a skeleton warlock known as Taggarat. Then, as the picture slowly zoomed in on one person, it showed a beastly figure that turned to look him eye to eye. Him! The wizard fell back in his chair and gasped at air, for the very sight of this creature terrified the all-powerful spellcaster. "The Darkened One..." he breathed, and reached for the pot once more to see nothing but his own self mirrored image in the pots portrayal. He turned away from the pot to write a message for his owl to deliver when a bright light shot forth from it. The wizard sat it down and gazed inside; The images showed six warriors in battle against powerful beasts of dark magic. However, the figures were so blurred that he was unable to decipher what they looked like, or who they were. Then, standing before the others was a powerful wizard who was battering back the forces of evil with storms of magic spells. It was him. "These are the legendary three as it has been foretold." He went back to the cabinet and pulled out a large, archaic table that looked to be thousands of years old. He read the words directly from it, they said "A time of darkness will cover the land. Six heroes, each different from each other, will stand up to the forces of evil and overcome them." It was transcripted in an ancient dragon tongue that was only translatable by very few, mainly wizards and elder dwarves who sought quietness in the Ebren Mountain ranges. He placed the stone back into the cabinet. "I must find the other five." he exclaimed, seeking his staff to support him while he walked down two flights of stairs. He left the spire under the guard of two battle mages, Richard and Simon Bertrand his two most trusted apprentices. :: Rules Clearly no godmodding, metagaming or powerplaying. Your character can not be overpowered at the start, time will be given throughout the roleplay to develop your characters skills & powers. I will not deal with trolling at all. If you troll you will be ignore or kicked out of the roleplay. Rp dev. credits:: VoidHack, Jcarsonw2, Snakehunt. :: Character Creation Cleshay is a Role-play that doesnt use character sheets, however, in place of one you must describe your character with a detail paragraph that requires you characters name, age, appearance and backstory and any other important details you may want to include.
#130530372Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:57 PM GMT

Very interesting concept..
#130531802Saturday, April 12, 2014 5:11 PM GMT

I crept near the pond I usually go to to get my drinking water, as I approached it I paused before gazing into it, the glassy reflective surface of the water gave me a picture of what I look like. I have brown hair that's long for my gender- Obviously male, blue eyes and have fair skin. A muscular but still light physique. Of course, I know this. I run this through my head often to make sure I am still the person I think I am. Fairly strange and mundane but I've seen some odd things happen in my existence. A strange thing it is, how long has it been? Twenty years, no less. I wish I could remember every day of my existence, but the years before five seem to blurr together. I can recall some things before that. My parents chose the name Ward for me, with my family name being Kari. It wasn't an uncommon family name from where I was from- Eastern deserts that have seemingly infinite sands. I remember one day that I tried to count them all when I was three, I didn't know what came after twenty-five back then. Such a long time ago. I remember my first weapon, my parents always wanted me to live up to my name, Ward, and be a protector. I wield the same weapon today; A spear that doesn't have a protruding end, it's an odd weapon. The blade of the spear is on the front half of the shaft- It's a cross between a scythe and a spear I suppose [For reference, it's like a naginata], a versatile weapon. Fits me well. I look down at my clothes- white cloth that falls over my arms and my body with brown leather pants that have tanned in the sun of my village. My village was a nice place as it stood, but one day a unpredicted sandstorm came through while I was away, I believe I was fifteen at the time? Yes, fifteen. When I returned nothing was there. Now I am here, a forest clearing where I hunt animals and try to survive- I can't say it's hard business but the winters are brutal. I don't see many people often any more, not since the sandstorm. Ever since I was young I always knew I possessed some sort of unknown talents- My parents knew, and tried their best to train me but it was cut short because of their downfall. I only started to really tap into it in the last two years but my progress has been slowed significantly I am Ward Kari, and this is my life. (woo)

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