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#130738757Monday, April 14, 2014 3:15 PM GMT

Name: Guinevery Splintershield Brothers: Olorin Splintershield, Unknown Age: 27 Weapons: Javelin, Axe, Sword, Trident, Bow, Spear _________________________________________________________________________________ Story: One Day, When Guinevery was 3 years old, Her Father and Mother Left Argainia for an Unknown reason leaving her and one of the brothers behind, Guinevery and her Brother left eachother after Guinevery wanted to go to Jardia and the Brother to Mandor, Then when she was about 10 Years of age she became a merchant at the side of the street, she got just enove money to buy food, Then when she was sooo Hungry she jumped into a cart full of food that was heading to Mandor, she lived in Mandor till she was 16, Then she got a bout over to Halmar, at this time she was woundering where her Family where, Then when she was 19 she was rich enough to buy a cart to somewhere, she rode all the way down south where she found a castle that looked abandened she looked inside the ruble and found a flag, she recanised it, she thought back to when she was 2 years old and remembered her dad talking about a down fall of a Kingdom and showing this exact Crest then she remembered the word, Gormos, She found out that this was the Kingdom of Gormos and started it up, then one day her Brother came (the one that went with the mother and father) he told her that her father was executed in zwaard and they moved to Revos and her mother died from an attack from zwaard, Now Gormos is rising everyday and Guinevery is Queen and Olorin is 3rd in Command, after a while the other brother came and started at the bottom and is quickly makein' his way up the ranks. _________________________________________________________________________________ Join Kingdom of Gormos today, we are growing fast, but we need you to help.

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