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#131503229Monday, April 21, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

NEKO STORY You are a neko, a humanoid with animal ears and tails stuck on. One day, you're doing chores in your village, when suddenly pirates invade you're home for money. They capture you. That's when everything goes black. When you wake up, you're in a cage, covered in rags and ready to be bought by a vampire master. VAMPIRE STORY You are a vampire, a blood-sucking creature of the night. You live rich, lavish lives and always have enough money for a Neko slave. Whether you will be kind or harsh to your slave, the choice is yours. Rules -Follow Site Rules -Don't make your own character fall in love with your other character -Give your character at least one flaw -Timeskip or fade to black when torturing or using adult scenes -You can't be awful to your slave unless your timeskip -You have a limit of 4 characters, but try to keep genders equal -You can't make your slave character be your master's character's slave(that's the challenge of this rp... sorta) Slave Form: Name Age Gender Personality History(optional) Looks Other Master Form: Name Age Gender Personality History(optional) Looks Good or Bad Other
Top 100 Poster
#131503320Monday, April 21, 2014 11:44 PM GMT

... Again?
#131505951Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

Give up. Please. This will not become a thing.
#131506636Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

NEKO STORY (This should be interesting.) You are a neko, a humanoid with animal ears and tails stuck on. One day, you're doing chores in your village, when suddenly pirates invade you're home for money. They capture you. That's when everything goes black. When you wake up, you're in a cage, covered in rags and ready to be bought by a vampire master. (Oh great. Cats as slaves. This relates back in the 1700s when slaves were raging. We don't want to relive that. And the slave thing is an unoriginal concept.) VAMPIRE STORY You are a vampire, a blood-sucking creature of the night. You live rich, lavish lives and always have enough money for a Neko slave. Whether you will be kind or harsh to your slave, the choice is yours. (Oh, vampires. Original indeed. Why is Neko capitalized in this?) Rules -Follow Site Rules (Oh, no duh.) -Don't make your own character fall in love with your other character (Who the heck would do that?) -Give your character at least one flaw (Oh, to prevent perfect people. I see, but you can just never accept them if they are perfect.) -Timeskip or fade to black when torturing or using adult scenes (I think everyone knows to skip those, or they would get banned anyways.) -You can't be awful to your slave unless your timeskip (Relates to the one above. Copying the rules, ey.) -You have a limit of 4 characters, but try to keep genders equal (Oh, I was hoping I could make 29 characters!!!) -You can't make your slave character be your master's character's slave(that's the challenge of this rp... sorta) (Well, that wouldn't be RP then, so they wouldn't do that. Slave Form: Name Age Gender Personality History(optional) Looks Other Master Form: Name Age Gender Personality History(optional) Looks Good or Bad (Yaaay, the three words. Typical.) Other (Face it, you need to work on originality, This has no plot.)
#131506723Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

Speaking of things, can we put our things in their things and make them things? Thing thong, ling long, ding dong.
#131506972Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

dude this idiot op has made this ateast three times and had never once posted in one of her threads wtf wtf wtf
#131507108Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

omg ninja you're an idiot learn how to spell hypocrite
#131508958Tuesday, April 22, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

I need my hidden blades.
#132421750Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

#132421896Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

No bump
#132423251Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Why do you bump this, if clearly you only have rather negative comments? -"My life needs editing." ~Mort Sahi-
#133852796Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:15 PM GMT

yes bump

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