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#131522186Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

[Name] Keroe Sakaen [Aliases] Seraph - Across Skazia Hellpyre - Used to increase other nomads' hostility against Keroe. Son of Fire - After disowning his father. [Age] Forgotten over time, assumed late twenties [Abilities] Seraph, being the Archmage, is noted for his abilities across many magical spectrums, though his best elements are usually ones of flexibility. Elements centered around solid masses such as ice or earth often prove trouble for him, while his rebellion against his father has left him with less faith, again weakening his light magic. He is a very adept fire mage, often considered the best in Thismonian and Mindalurian territories. Some speculate he chose Knight Combridge for his ice magic to cover his weaknesses. Fire: 11/10 Ether: 10/10 Thunder: 9/10 Shadow: 8/10 Water: 8/10 Wind: 6/10 Light: 3/10 Earth: 3/10 Ice: 2/10 [Profession] Hand-based Magic [Biography] In the more inland outskirts of the lands that many call Thismonia, nomadic tribes are often travelling due to the erratic weather, especially on the border line between Thismonia and the Dreadlands. One of these tribes is the one that many know as the Pagan Tribe - a tribe obsessed with making it's head tribesman, an ambitious warrior named Haraek Sakaen, attain godhood. Thought to be the most spiritually aligned group in the north, they would eventually find a heir in the form of Keroe Sakaen - a boy which stood out amongst the tribe's strong and swift hunters. Keroe was born a weak boy, barely able to swing an axe or shoot a bow, but those who knew him closely know of his potency with raw magic. By his early teens, he had already perfected the only art he was able of that time - fire magic. While he was inept in other areas, many realized that his proficiency with fire magic enough to compensate for his below mediocre ability in other magical disciplines. However, after reaching his later years, only did he realize his father's madness - to become a god meant to destabilize the order that was specifically created to control their world. In protest of his father's ambitions, Keroe left, heading south towards the more civil Thismonia while discarding all his connections to the Pagan Tribe except one, his name Seraph, which he chose in the circumstance that his father ever wanted to track Keroe down again. Keroe was eventually found in the lands outside a small Thismonian outpost in the north put to watch any Risen stragglers from the Dreadlands. Keroe, was found and surrendered to the forces there, uttering few words, most of which were contained in one sentence; "Where can I start a new life?" The suspicious footmen closely examined Keroe before they could finally answer his question. After their doubts left their minds, they pointed out the Thismonian Capital, a hub of opportunities for any traveler. His travels eventually stopped to a halt after he made his mark in capital - in the years he spent at the Mage Palace, Keroe was known as a prodigy among the workings of fire magic, combining his unique experiences in his nomadic life and the theoretical teachings in his Thismonian life to become a well-trained fire mage. Through time, he also prevailed in other elements, the only ones which he struggles to this day which were the elements of serene ice and stalwart earth and also the power of healing staffs. His ascension to Archmage was brutal - Long before his appointment of Archmage, he was considered one of the few mages who were able to survive longer than a minute in a duel against the Archmage - lasting a total time of 1:07. He dueled his Archmage more and more, and over the years, he was finally able to outdo his Archmage. When the Seraph's predecessor finally left his role in the reason of age, Seraph was immediately nominated as Archmage. When he was appointed Archmage, the guild that Seraph newly found control over, the Consortium of Mystics, found a surge of activity beyond learning that day. Seraph's younger, and better proficiency at offensive magic allowed his mages to make more presence in the Thismonian military, which many consider to be the modern reincarnation of the Warmage Corps, an ancient order created to take advantage of the magical power of the Thismonians in their wars against the Orcs. [End]

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