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#131730013Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:08 AM GMT

I suggest Roblox stop making these "updates" Not only are they not helping the website, there ruining it. Every time they come out with one, scripts stop working, and most of all when you enter a game you get the error message "roblox is out of date, please uninstall and try again." Well, i uninstall roblox, re install and get the same message. My suggestion, is to stop updating or get someone to take over ROBLOX who knows how to run it, because they certainly don't know how to.
#131730179Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:11 AM GMT

Have opinions?
#131730302Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:14 AM GMT

They own ROBLOX, they update it when they want to. Also, don't re-install ROBLOX when it's maintenance and it says that because it won't work. It's as simple as that.
#131730757Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:22 AM GMT

Well, then technically, there just giving us inconveniences. because, there telling us to do this to play a game, but , it still wont let you. Thats my problem..
#131732546Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:02 AM GMT

WTNS Roblox Updates what they want when they want and if 100-150 users are unhappy then its ok because they have a larger fan base to attend to. -May my stupidity be your guidance
#132381788Thursday, May 01, 2014 1:05 PM GMT

Technically, this is what im protesting. They dont care if there members leave. They can just coast on 50,000,000+ users they have with about 2,500,000+ active. One day, they'll regret it.
#132382107Thursday, May 01, 2014 1:17 PM GMT

The people who made Roblox are 2. eric and david. one died. david knows how to run it and how to teach the others how to too. You are just complaining.
#132382134Thursday, May 01, 2014 1:18 PM GMT

First of all, they are not going to stop updating. This is an online MMO. Secondly, this is YOUR OPINION. You hate the updates, I love them. And with the "roblox is out of date" message, well, I've been playing for four years and never gotten that message. ~Phelps in OT~
#132457623Friday, May 02, 2014 12:12 PM GMT

First of all, i dont want them to. I love the updates. All im saying is that its jut causing things to error. For ex: Scripts start to break. Ex: You have to reinstall ROBLOX 15 times for it to get into date. And we dont like that. They should have someway where we don t have to keep doing this.
#132457654Friday, May 02, 2014 12:13 PM GMT

Oh, and congratulations. You've never got that message. I have. Whats the point in even saying you haven't got the message you've been playing for four years? Brag?
#132457937Friday, May 02, 2014 12:22 PM GMT

If he hasn't gotten it in four years, that means it's not common. .-. Anyway, half of this thread belongs in TI, but for the side that belongs here, If you can't correct it, don't criticise it. If they're so terrible at thier job, then you, a person with no marketing, business, computing or game design degree (Watch you actually have one of those things somehow ;-;), should SURELY be able to fix them, right? ...Right...? Go on then. I mean, if they're such simpletons, reminding them how to make good updates should be simple, no? Showing them good updates should be simple, no? First of all, it *IS* an MMO. It's not a standalone title, they're expecting you to come back to roblox basically every single day. User retention is more important than the amount of members. As a result, they *NEED* to update, or they will DIE. *DIE*. I am not joking. An MMO that does not get updated is a dead MMO. It is a miracle if that MMO survives without updates. So they can't just "stop updating". Besides, most people put an excessive emphasis on controversial (not even nessessarily bad) updates, forgetting the 3 good ones that followed. Third of all, Your error report is very vague. When did this start happening? What OS are you using? Has this problem ever happened before?
#132458713Friday, May 02, 2014 12:50 PM GMT

You must be a special kind of stupid. When I said I had been playing for four years and never gotten the message, I was implying that it is rare. I've also never heard of anyone getting it. Your computer must have a problem running Roblox. ~Phelps in OT~
#132458789Friday, May 02, 2014 12:53 PM GMT

It's called advancing. There's no stopped development, or movement for that matter.
#132459664Friday, May 02, 2014 1:25 PM GMT

completely support! even it might be WNTS,but roblox should consider about our rights,sometimes is making the nbcs dignity loss. -Best Wishes!
#132459780Friday, May 02, 2014 1:29 PM GMT

You can't stop moving. We're continously advancing, which some people clearly neglect to accept. Also, who would be better at running Roblox? Clearly not people who support.

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