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#132195613Tuesday, April 29, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

The Red Nation and Blue Colony are at war, as some one from Red shot down an killer escaping from Blue. Blue is mad and declares war on Red. Red retaliates by saying the man they shot was an evil man. Blue doesn't listen and pretty soon the two sides go into conflict. You, in the meanwhile, are a commander for either Red or Blue. Create your squad and fight the Reds or Blues. Name: Squad Name: Numbers: Men: Tanks: Boats: Airplanes: Side (Red or Blue, it alternates) Strengths: Downsides (AT LEAST ONE!) My commander Name: Ray Silver Squad Name: The Slayers Numbers: Men: 60 Tanks: 5 Boats: 10 Airplanes: 25 Side: Red Strengths: Has high morale and power Downsides: Has slow reflexes and slow speed
#132200571Tuesday, April 29, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

shaquain twochains shanaynay watermelondrea shamariquadium friedchickiniqua monoshaquesha
#132208616Tuesday, April 29, 2014 3:35 AM GMT

One last thing: If you do random posts post them elsewhere. Forums are not meant for random posts.
#132209481Tuesday, April 29, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

this isn't a forum, it's a thread.
#132209847Tuesday, April 29, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

Oh. Ok. Er, please do not put random posts here.
#132210177Tuesday, April 29, 2014 3:56 AM GMT

oh, also, you'll have to be a bit more descriptive with this rp I see you're clearly new here, so I'll point out a few mistakes -why are the two factions at war? do they usually have a negative history? -explain more about the two factions, people would like to know more about their affiliation before they join it there are more but i'm going to sleep, sorry
#132214568Tuesday, April 29, 2014 5:07 AM GMT

Name: Col.Raymond986 Squad Name: Foxtrout-November Number of men: 75 Tanks: 4 Boats: 2 Planes: 2 Side: Blue Strength: Private Military contractors means well trained and equipped Downsides: No boat
#132270554Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

Oh... I get it. Thanks.
#132270612Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

(that's you, Deity)
#132273306Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

ray, no boats according to your bio)
#132275882Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

(Meh. Why not.) Name: SSgt. Ian O'Malley Squad Name: PHANTOM 1 Men: 6 Tanks: 0 Boats: Two three-person rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs). Airplanes: One cargo plane. Side: Red, because the Blues are overreacting six year olds. Strengths: Very stealthy and well-trained. Downsides: VERY few numbers, and only two transport vehicles with no offensive capabilities. Commonly works with other private military contractors (PMCs). (Yes, I blatantly copied Ghosts.)
#132278502Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:55 AM GMT

(Alright, 3 more people and we'll start.) (Here are the rules. 1: You can be invincible for ONLY one post. Next time you post it's gone. 2: After a week, I'll evaluate battles. Then I decide which side wins. 3: There must be at least 6 people ready to battle. 4: The side order alternates. Like this: Red Blue Red Blue... you get it.) Get ready for war.
#132414665Thursday, May 01, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

New story. A Red killer kills the Blue president. Red apologizes for the inconvenience, but Blue is mad. Blue attacks a museum AND Many Reds died. Red is furious and starts war with Blue.
#132415575Thursday, May 01, 2014 10:30 PM GMT

"Oh, that was your president we killed? Sorry for the accident."
#132445170Friday, May 02, 2014 4:13 AM GMT

Yeah... I stink.
#132447797Friday, May 02, 2014 5:08 AM GMT

New Story Line! The Red Nation has always hated the Blue colony. Whenever the Red Nation would make something, the Blue Colony would just making something even better. One day, the Red Nation heard that the Blue Colony's President was going to be at a meeting.The Red Nation got to work right away. On the day of the president's meeting The Red Nation has a sniper on the marks. The sniper shot the president leaving him for dead. The president was rushed to the hospital where he died later that day. A few months later, the Blue Colony found out that the Red Nation killed their president. The Red Nation was having a meeting that day so the Blue Colony took out their guns and killed all 12 Congress Members. That made the Red Colony Outrage. All the Red Nation's people joined the army and they declared war on the Blue Colony til this day.
#132448042Friday, May 02, 2014 5:15 AM GMT

Name: Rex "Scar" Macintosh Squad Name: Red Shadow Elite/Red/Blue Shadow Elite/Blue/ Numbers: Men: 10 Tanks: 1 Boats: 1 Airplanes: 2 Side: Red Strength: Stealthy, Great with long ranged guns, Never gets caught by other side Downfalls: Never Strikes same place Twice, Low Power,
#132448119Friday, May 02, 2014 5:17 AM GMT

Hehe...Guess Well be working together Phantom 1. Lets just hope you don't slow us down...
#132479648Friday, May 02, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

Thanks Anime. I accept your story. To balance things out, Ill be Blue.
#132480096Friday, May 02, 2014 8:28 PM GMT

Hmmm... Ill start a boss fight in the meanwhile. BOSS: BUILDERMAN!!! Builderman is attempting to kill off this RP and infest it with noobs! Fight Builderman to save the RP! Boss health points: 50,000 (Rules) Reply saying what you did to the boss. Once he dies, I'll give you three admin.
#132481337Friday, May 02, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

Alright guys, lets get ready to roll..." The 10 men take up their sniping positions and snipe Builderman's helmet off lowering his HP. Then Commander Scar goes and leaves a C4 on his foot blowing off his leg. He is unable to move and the Team goes to implant a c4 in his brain.
#132484474Friday, May 02, 2014 9:27 PM GMT

Builderman furiously smashes a man. He grabs Scar and stamps on him, weakening the commander. In the meanwhile, I fire my sniper gun on the boss's eyes. It works and now Builderman is confused. Boss Health: 47,000
#132488198Friday, May 02, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

Scar: -coughing up blood- Send in the air support.| The Teams one plane dives toward Builderman and the pilot jumps out before it crashes. Making Bob fall over and lose alot of health because he fell on some mountains which are like spikes for him.
#132517922Saturday, May 03, 2014 3:40 AM GMT

Build throws a wrench at the plane, but hits me instead. I get revenge by hitting his leg with a hatchet and punching his face as strong as possible. Boss Health Points: 29,000 (Critical hit Anime.)
#132517993Saturday, May 03, 2014 3:41 AM GMT

Unfortunately, Build goes into rage mode.

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