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#132258769Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

I sorta came across this as a sudden notice to how much this is true, around twenty minutes ago and thought I would dive into thought over it I guess this specific issue. Basically what's wrong is, as some larger beings then me have said, it has gotten dull. Well it's not just because it's dull, but if you haven't noticed the C&G community I assume isn't even, as big as people think really is, I post at night and during day and really don't see many different faces, Ironically. How does this affect clans? This means that the community is actually smaller and less effective as it might have been a couple of years ago, though the numbers might of been a bit larger, what I can say is we are all getting acquainted too much. How does this affect the clan world or more on the point C&G? Well it means we don't have as much traffic from random people, thought we would call them newbags, it means these newbags are influenced to join more of the Hyped up and noticed and recognized clans on C&G. This means the community is shrinking its self down to only the selected the few and the surviving clans, we have a bunch of clans coming in this summer, this is ideally going to spike interest and make all these people go rush over to one group or another gain a new pretty rank. But we are still limiting the community to the ones that we deemed worthy. How we could possibly fix this? Though you may think this is stupid, but I suggest we get more people to acceptingly come to C&G and boast their opinion, talk up a storm about how their clan is going to be great, and so on, so on. What I am saying is, though we don't have a new form of raiding or some new VAK clan, C&G in general needs more people to come in and talk to spike even more activity than what we have currently. The result may be Chaos/more great ideas, idiots who complain about nostalgia or compare this time to past time, are not going to help set forth the community or any clan really. I am not really sure if this makes a lot of sense on my part, but in simplest terms possible, we just need to have more people to come in and actually affect people. We are stuck down to the same idiots since at least 2013 affecting how C&G or clan work. Newly claimed overseer of Salt mine production, Under Outlaw and Sadcamp. I also manage the beans ;)
#132258831Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:37 PM GMT

wowwww I thought I was on C&G this whole flippen time, let it die. Newly claimed overseer of Salt mine production, Under Outlaw and Sadcamp. I also manage the beans ;)

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