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#132299339Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:47 AM GMT

1) Data Transfer Now, one of the things that the admins said would come with Game Universes is for Data to be transfered from one Place to the other. This would include Leaderboards, or methods of data transfered via GUI, etc. Currently, the new DataStore has been more efficient at DataPersistence to transfer stats. But still, we can't use scripting to TRANSFER stats, yet. My suggestion is to make stat transfers automatic and being able to select certain parts of the Workspace as for what to transfer over to the next game. For example, a leaderboard. Or, a Value inside a GUI in the StarterGUI. TL;DR: Make it possible to transfer stats from one place to another. 2) Optional Game Return Since we can't have persistent data, we can't put teleports to all of our places on the spawn that are locked off to users of the level that we chose to make required for them (Assuming it's a game that has specific levels that go after eachother, I am making one of my own.) So, what this idea suggests is that a player can make it optional to either allow or not allow users to go DIRECTLY into one of their places. This could be configurable with 3 options The possible settings: 1) User can go directly into the game (This would be useful to have an open game that is still unified with places, but not making all the places active.) 2) Users can go directly into the game if they have been there before. (It'd be more efficient to go right back to where you left off if you lost connection, right? Who would want to redo the game every time?) 3) Users cannot enter the game unless via teleport. (This basically is how it is right now, you can only enter by going through a teleport in another game.) TL;DR: Implement new settings to universes that allow to pick up where you left off in the game, if the creator manually set it to.
#132299454Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:50 AM GMT

2 is scriptable. 1. Stats are transferable through scripts and it takes little to no effort to make this happen in a standard leaderboard.
#132299547Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:53 AM GMT

@Enes, No it isn't, not yet. We can only save stats using DataPersistence & DataStore. There is no actual transfer of stats yet. I checked the wiki, there's no way to move stats from one game and clone them exactly as they were to another.
#132299591Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:55 AM GMT

2 is not scriptable because: A - You cannot join a game inside of a universe, the play button redirects you to the start map. B - There's no way to have teleports to other games without allowing literally anyone to skip levels, nor can we write a code to check whether or not they have been in that map and left, definitely not from the starter map.
#132299786Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:00 PM GMT

Currently, the only way we can connect the games unified under the Game page where we set the name and places of our universe is just the teleports inside them, whether it's a GUI we script to teleport us, a part that teleports us, or those literal teleporters they added in roughly 2011 or 2012. I am alright with using teleports to move from game to game, but these ideas would make the places that all make up the Game infinitely more unified and functional.
#189196240Sunday, May 15, 2016 8:53 PM GMT

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