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#132916119Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

Just so you know guys, this is a Forum Game! Sure, its an RPG style game, but Its still a game!So if your gonna complain to me that this is not a game I'm just gonna ignore it. Story Line Its been 3 days after a Zombie Outbreak. Your low on food, water, resources, and weapons. You decided to start a base at a Supermarket (More Food + Water), Police Station (More Defense + Weapons), or Home Depot (More Resources + Weapons). Rules 1.) Don't complain about all the crap that happened to your people cause of events. 2.) No more than 10 players at a time. 3.) Try to have fun! 4.) If you wanna talk to me out of the game use ( and ). How to Play There are 10 players on this zombie apocalypse planet. Your point of the game is to make your Clan/Shelter/Group survive as long as they can! Food and Water Food and Water is needed to survive. If you do not have enough food and water one of your Members will die. In order to survive a turn, you must have as much food as people and double the amount of water as people. For instance, if you have 2 people and 4 Drinks, you will survive the turn. If you have 2 drinks you would have to scavenge for more before 2 turns. Population You must have at least 1 person to still be in the game. You will only have a maximum of 10 people in your group. Resources You need resources to build stuff to get more resources and craft weapons,medical items, and Crafting items. The three main items are Metal, Wood, and Cloth. Medical Items Sometimes one of your people were to brake their arm. Then, you would have to use a medical item to heal it! There are 4 types of medical items. Bandages (Bleeding) Pills (Sickness), Cast (Broken Bones), Medical Bag (Everything.) Weapon Items Weapon items come in 5 types: Melee, Rifles, Machine Guns, Submachine guns, and Pistols. Melee and Pistols are Secondary Weapons, and Everything else is Primary Weapons. Each character is allowed to have a Primary and Secondary weapon. Melee doesn't require any ammo and makes no sound during Scouting, Scavenging, and Eliminations Missions. Melee weapons are the best for Scouting and scavenging missions. Missions There are three types of Missions. Scavenging, Scouting, and Elimination. Scavenging Missions allow the group to go and get food and water for the party. Scouting Missions allow the group to scout the area before they head in. Its great for knowing what kind of enemy your against and what type of items there is. Elimination Missions are zombie killing missions. If you do that before you head off into the Scavenging Mission your team is more safe from harm.
#132917516Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

This is a pretty nice idea. I would like to join. Also can there be sniper and shot gun? Pretty please?
#132917962Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

Yes, you may join. Also a sniper would be classified as a rifle with a scope and a shotgun....I will add that. Anyway, you have to choose the starter base in the story line. AnimeLoverThomas: The Games Master
#132918960Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:51 PM GMT

Story Former Juggernaut in the ROBLOX wars. When the infection broke out I cryed like an infant and ran with survivors to an abandoned hospital. Supplies can last for about a day or 2 and no swords or gun but a sharp plastic bottle and a piece of metal. Name is Eager.
#132919362Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:55 PM GMT

Well a Hospital could work. You just can't be with 3 survivors. And also I will give you weapons. Nice story though. Here's your stats. Eager's Team: Food: 10 (5 Turns) Water: 20 (5 Turns). Metal: 25 Cloth: 25. Wood: 25 Pop: 2 Ammo: 30 People Equipment (Primary,Secondary) Eager Charch (Leader): Fists, Feet Mimi Hatzuna: Fists,Feet Weapons: Revolver, Lead Pipe. Medical Items: Pills, Medical Kit (2)
#132919714Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

Thank you. Because of my age I can't say much so I may switch accounts so I can play the game better if it is okay with you. I am sorry if this annoys you. Serve, protect and Blast zombies.
#132919864Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

Oh its okay! I'm just glad people are liking this game! AnimeLoverThomas: The Games Master
#132919987Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

2 magazines for the revolver.
#132920089Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

Post above I'm switching then, sorry. This is my first game and I am enthusiastic a lot about it.
#132920294Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

Actually, when your teammates go on a scouting, elimination, or scavenging I'll decide how many rounds and bullets you use.
#132920804Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

I'm on my Kindle fire right now so a verify post has been sent. I'm terrible and I'm proud of it. Now, ( first person mode ) I have very low supplies and I have decided to go scavenge for some.
#132920921Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

I will try to avoid THEM but if THEY see me I'll reduce them to twitching piles of ##### and ######.
#132921211Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

( Gets out lead pipe ) let's go ( walks down a path ) Oh God. Today I found hundreds of walkers STARING at me...
#132921478Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Actually, its like a turn based RPG. So I'll give you options and you decide which one you get. Chance Event! When heading over to your scavenging place, you find an abandoned car with enough food and water for two turns. You take it back to your base in order to not starve or die from thirst. One more option may be selected. [A] Shopping Mart (Possible for Food and Water) [B] Set up barricades ( Extra Defense ) [C] Police Office ( Lights on; sign of survivors)
#132921585Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

Number 3.
#132921815Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

Select People to Go: Eager [A] Mimi [B] (Note: Not all survivors are friendly. Best to bring some firepower before going) Mimi: Fists, Legs Eager: Fists, Revolver
#132922217Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

When going to look for survivors I chose number 2 to a company me. Hopefully they aren't bandits... ( That sounds good? ) Serve, protect and Blast zombies.
#132922469Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

(We'll see what happens when another person joins and does their turn. Ask someone to join please!)
#132922741Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

I have a good friend of mine. I could ask him... Visits the police station...also I sound like a mad man while talking to a screen.
#132923381Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

You can ask him if you want to.
#132923499Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:39 PM GMT

I will, tomorrow because it is half past twelve in the morning where I live. Now, ON WITH THE STORY.
#132924257Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

Okay,) You come back with a new survivor name John Evergreens and a Baseball bat. The Mission was a success! [1]Take a rest [2]Take a Rest [3] Take a rest
#132924534Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:51 PM GMT

I am a tired boy ( lol ) and I decided to take a good well-deserved rest.
#132925343Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

When you wake up, you give a days worth (1 turn) of food to your teammates. This leaves you with 5 days left of food. You.... [1] Equip Weapons [2] Super Market [3] Scout Area behind hospital
#132925369Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

( Just a question, are there military bases ? ) Serve, protect and Blast zombies.

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