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#133005189Thursday, May 08, 2014 12:56 AM GMT

Well, try looking at this. During the Ukraine crisis in 2014, the EU fought against Russia, backing what was left of Ukraine. The US sent some campaigns to Ukraine, but Russia fired missiles at Alaska as a warning. The US was enraged. They were sick of Russia. They invaded Russia with the EU, basically starting another Cold War. China, Russia, and the US exchanged fire and missiles, basically blowing each other up. 20 years later, the world lay smoldering. The Russians, in one last attempt, pour a bunch of deadly diseases into a missile before launch. The missile hits Disney World (haha) sending radioactive materials and chemicals everywhere. Reports of cannibals began to appear, more and more. People board their homes, the world goes down into lockdown. Nonetheless, the disease spreads. A few months later, the US government falls, and after that, the disease spreads to other nations. By the next two years, the world has fallen, overrun by flesh eating corpses. Stop with the horrible backstories. Now, to rules. Rules: NO GODMOD. Godmod determines a bad thread from a good one. You can't have people running around, starting with automatic rifles, and such. Make people work. People need common sense. If they look like an idiot telling from their CS, don't let them in. Have some sort of message to make sure they read the rules, instead of just skipping them or skimming. There are a few others I shouldn't need to explain. Now, Character Sheets. There are a few different things you would need for a zombie apocalypse signup. Like, Their name. Age. Appearance, and inventory. There are a few others that aren't that important. Once again, if they look like an idiot, don't let them in. Chances are, they run around, killing zombies like a machine. -Bail
#133005678Thursday, May 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Bail.... did you make this? John Marston up my butt
#133005712Thursday, May 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Im confused as to the purpose of this thread.
#133012259Thursday, May 08, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

godmod doesn't determine quality of a thread, quality of a thread determines the quality of a thread i give it a 7/10 meh. not bad, but lots of room for improvement.
#133018728Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:27 AM GMT

Stop RPing about zombies.
#133019183Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:33 AM GMT

yea i looked at a pile of shht n its still a pile of shht man

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