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#133118143Friday, May 09, 2014 12:47 AM GMT

First of all, if this has been posted before, I haven't played ROBLOX for months. Common sense would tell you I wouldn't know. But anyways, here's the idea. I know your first concern, it's mine too: people giving 999,999,999 points for a game. Well thankfully, I've divised a plan. The player points are partially manual, although each extra player point is 5R$, yes that might make it not worth it at all to add player points, or some super rich person might abusively put 10000R$ on a badge and the player gets thousands of player points, and they instantly get famous. Nope. Here's the solution to that, once they add above 5 player points to a badge, and/or have 5 or more badges with player points in-game a moderator has to make sure that the badges are normal (in other words aren't abusing the system), and they have to check the game, and how difficult it would be to obtain, if impossible, it wouldn't matter, since some things appear impossible at first, but legitimately are, but I'm getting a bit off topic here. Anyways, that's the plan, I've fixed the possible abuse of the system, giving 25 free player points shouldn't be that big of a deal, quite honestly, and nobody would spend 600R$, and 99999R$ more just to advertise, and try to use a game like that to get famous with 100k R$...Or even if it did. 25 PP is nothing. This isn't the end of this (sorry but long post). Another problem is here, what about removing player points? You may ask... You get refunded, no interest or anything, readding player points, (or adding extra) will result in you losing Robux, and thus making it a non-profitable strategy. (Sorry no profits involved in potentially a abusive profit) But yes, I think you get the point I was trying to imply, we need more ways to get player points, without adding all the scripts (and yes I can "script", although I'm a bit outdated on RBX.lua, with all of the new commands) Anyways, one more concern, I almost forgot this...What if people find exploits on the server for the badges, to therefore obtain player points, and award everyone the badge (and it was approved, and it was 90 player points, or something highly rewarding.) Although the chances of this are 0.00174928488839489201% (#percise), still the 1 / (70000 or something) chance that this does happen, the exploiter will need further punishment, and the people who report the exploiter (And get him banned, the reporter must not ban more than 2 exploiters in one day, or else will be later defunct of player points, just to prevent abuse of reporting everything) Anyways, I'm finally finally done! If you have any questions, or suggestions don't hesitate to ask, don't go "get out", or "bad", or "lol stupid", or anything that would have any resemblance whatsoever. And yes, I'm being captain obvious here, but they should give clan points too to your clan if you are in one. And no, previously added badges with PP on them will not affect you. kthxbye ~Da warrior of robloxia.~
#133119103Friday, May 09, 2014 12:56 AM GMT

#133119264Friday, May 09, 2014 12:57 AM GMT

Support. ~مانند یک گانگستر واقعی~

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