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#134088400Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:23 AM GMT

A1: First off, I do not know if this has been submitted before as i hardly ever come to the forums. I have also tried searching but my search turns up unrelated stuff or i am using the wrong search terms B1: Who here looks at the decal in detail to where you can see the description and the price to acquire it? Ever looked below and saw the current recommendations and thought "Boring! I wish i could hide it" B2: This suggestion would take care of that. A link could be added above the decal recommendation that would say "Hide This". Once clicked, the decal would no longer be shown until you decided to re-show it (which would be in a list under your settings or your profile that only you [and roblox staff] could see) B3: You might be thinking "What if i want to hide them all". The answer is, you can't. With that said, another question arises "If there are no recommendations, how can i know what to look at". Perhaps a better solution would be needed besides hiding the recommendations, Tagging & Relevance C1: Tagging would allow you to add your own custom tags to your decals that you decide to configure so that the decal doesn't just appear when searching through roblox decals in the studio. All roblox would have to do is add another line for the tagging input and moderate the tags after the decal is submitted. No one would be affected and no major changes would have to happen C2: By adding custom tags, you would then be able to search other decals for the same or similar tags that you used to search. It would be like searching the roblox catalog. i just did this search, DECALS » "cookie";Showing 1 - 42 of 2,231 results. Just on the first page, i saw at least 7 different images i could use if i was building something that would call for a cookie. Say i wanted something else, DECALS » "pineapple pudding";No items found, The searching by tag option would show foods related to a cookie like candy, DECALS » "candy" Showing 1 - 42 of 1,131 results, because they both are snacks D1: Or, instead of searching by tag, the tag could be grouped into something (like a branch) that would allow you to search for all decals with options to check and uncheck what you want to be displayed and what you dont want to be displayed. [EX: say i wanted to search for "food", 1,291 results, but i didnt want breakfast food or anything dairy and instead wanted to see fast food so i would break it down to drinks {739}, burgers {532}, fries {550}, and pies {2,428}. I would unchecked what i didn't want from the food category and just keep what i want to see E1: This could be very useful if your looking for something, but don't know the name of it (like that yucky cake that only comes out around christmas [fruitcake if you couldnt guess] or a big pointy needle tower [no idea what im even referencing, but you get the idea] E2: Thoughts, Comments, Concerns, Feedback. No Spam. Don't post without reading the whole thing first
#134093946Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

#134181671Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:48 PM GMT

1 Support, 0 Oppose, 0 Improvement
#134182719Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:02 PM GMT

support but it is tl for all you idiots out there tl;dr version dis idea good so support Please visit! No viruses here <3 -- http://vaktovian.myminicity.com

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