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#134610508Monday, May 19, 2014 5:45 PM GMT

[1. Plot] "PROCESSING..." The computer says. A humming noise is apparent from the old piece of technology as it scanned the man that was standing before it. The robotic voice greets the man by saying, "WELCOME, AGENT #342, PLEASE ENTER THE REQUIRED CODE," it asks. A few taps are heard and a ding sound is heard. "THANK YOU, WHAT IS IT YOU WOULD LIKE T-T-T-T..." the voice seemingly giltches and the man grumbles in frustration before kicking the device below him, which causes the computer to power up again and it continues on, "-ODAY, AGENT?". "Bring up file D-23-68, 'Operation Last Stand,' if you would?" the person asks. "YES SIR," more humming is heard as it searches for the file in question. Another ding, and information floods the screen. The man reads through it, checking all the info is in its right place. Once he's satified, he asks, "Computer, print of three copies of this file," another humming sound is heard and then the printer starts up, and it begins the printing of the documents. After a short wait, all three copies are in the man's possesion, he asks, "Computer, erase all files that metion or are related to 'Operation Last Stand' to be deleted immediately," the computer replies with, "AGENT, YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZATION TO DO THAT," The computer informs the man. The man sighs, and draws his handgun, aiming it at the computer and fires multiple times to make sure it won't come back on. He then hastily yanks the mainframe out and crushes it below his boot. The man turns nonchalantly and walks out of the room. [EIGHT YEARS PREVIOUS] The world had finally run out of minerals. By carelessly using them on trivial things, they had run their planet dry. The Government needed a new plan of action, and fast, otherwise the populous would uprise. So, they decided to send people into space! They were sent to mine resources from planets that had the most resources out of all the ones they had scanned. Now, here you were: Among hundreds of people on a trip to God knows where. Most of the people chosen were undesireables, or volunteers. You were stuck in a cramped room with two bunk beds and three other people in your cabin. Why, oh why did it have to be this way? Apparently, you were on your way to a place called 'Omega VII'. A mediumish planet that has a freezing surface, and a scorching inside. It has the largest source of copper, iron and other minerals on it, and is having the most people sent there. You're supposedly staying there for three months before the relieve crew come along to fill in for you, and you head back to earth to recieve a rather large sum of money. Or if they are criminals, parole or even freedom. You should get up, as your alarm is beeping. [2. Rules] 1. No Godmodding. (Eg: I find a billion gold) 2. Don't worry, it won't just be digging, there will be horror and survival elements to it. 3. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, NO MARY SUES/GARY STUS! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND FEED YOUR LlVER TO THE FAMILY DOG IT YOU DO!!1!ELEVEN! 4. Romance to an extent, relationships, klsslng hugging. THAT'S ALL! 5. Please, have a detailed CS. 6. "gud grmmur plz!11!" Traslation: Good grammar please. 7. Do not listen, or even acknowledge them, if you do, a bad thing may, or may not happen to your character. 8. Don't complain if your character dies, there are thousands of people, you can just make a new one and fit him in somewhere. 9. Put 'Pug' in other. Why, cuz Pugs. [3. Jobs] Miner: Your stereotypical day to day miner. These guys are most of the people on this excavation. They have a pickaxe and a shovel, with a yellow helmet with a light at the top, aso have gas-masks for extreme situations. Mechanical Miner: These guys use the mechanical equipment brought along, like diggers, etc. There job is a whole lot easier, but they have to work double the time the miners do. There's about one of them for every thirty normal miners. The use the mechanical equipment and they have an orange helmet with a light at the top. Demolition Miner: The explosives expert, the guys that make things go 'BOOM!'. They use explosives to get through hard surfaces. Apart from that, they are regular miners and when they aren't blowing stuff up, they have a pickaxe, explosive and a black helmet with a light at the top. Tool-pusher: The person that is to keep an eye on his/her section of miners, they man the radio to command and wear a white helmet with a light on the top. Guard: The big tough guys/girls. They are armed with shotguns and assault rifles to 'quell' any riots. They are only called in incase of emergency and spend most of their tim in the barracks or watching over miners. [4. CS] Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Job: Likes/Dislikes: Sicknesses (if any): Clothing: Appearence: Bio: Other: [5. Admins] Me- Of course. Soardlo- For proof-reading this. Hissey- For attempting to proof-read it, but failing. [6. Notes] * How'd I do? Any critisicms are welcome, apart from trolls. Let me rephrase that, any GOOD critiscms are welcome, not: "ERMAHGERD U SUlX UND SHOULD KILL URSELF!!11!ELEVEN!!". THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! - Tailsdahfox136.
#134621975Monday, May 19, 2014 8:26 PM GMT

Bump. Life is like a box of chocolates. You end up fat when you eat them all.
#134624868Monday, May 19, 2014 8:56 PM GMT

( Can we be a quartermaster? )
#134624942Monday, May 19, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

#196169977Sunday, August 14, 2016 6:49 PM GMT

My god, this brings back memories.
#196177591Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:25 PM GMT

I was like, "TAILS MADE A RP?!" Then I saw the date it was posted.
#196177957Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

I liked the idea at the time. But I can see several blatant errors in writing I have made during this. I am still kinda intrigued by this idea, and I may rework it at some point.

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