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#13485409Friday, August 28, 2009 1:41 AM GMT

Episode 1:The first day back at work Characters:Mr.Tentacles,Junior Tentacles,Mrs.Tentacles,Joe the Floppy fish -Sun shines through window and burns junior tentacles,He screams- -Mr.tentacles runs in with cutlass-WHO DA HECK IS HERE COME OUT FOOL ILL BEAT YOU UP! Tentacles Junior:e_e Mr.Tentacles:Sorry,I freaked out -Mrs.tentacles walks in and puts here tentacles up and stretches,Flowers Near her die- Mrs.Tentacles:Junior What happened Junior:I was burnt Mrs.Tentacles:By what Junior:The sun Mrs.Tentacles:>_> -They all walk in the kitchen for scrambled fish eggs- Mr.Tentacles:-Finishes breakfast-Well Im off to work! -Mr.tentacles walks out the door and ets in the car*Batman theme starts playing*- -Mr.tentacles arrives at work- Joe:Hey Tentacles How you doin! Mr.Tentacles:Fine,Fine thanks Joe:Thats cool,So anything exiting over the summer? Mr.tentacles:Nope Joe:Well I ate my first fish Mr.Tentacles:But,Why! Joe:Cause it was fun! Mr.Tentacles:Yea......Righttt.... -Mr.tentacles walks to his cubicle and turns on his computer - Mr.Tentacles:-turns on radio but its set to 600 volume-AHHHHH TURN IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!-Throws it out the window- -Boss walks in- Boss:Mr.Tentacles what just happened here! Mr.Tentacles:-Smiles-Umm the radio was loud :) Boss:Ok dont do it again Mr.Tentacles:YES SIR! -A strom passes over- Mr.Tentacles:-Puts up radio antennea-There we go!-Lightning flies through the hole the radio craeted and hits Mr.Tentacles,He burst into flames- Joe:-Rips off fire extinguisher off wall- Part 2 is coming soon!
#13485492Friday, August 28, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

Post what you think will happen next!
#13485870Friday, August 28, 2009 1:51 AM GMT

People dont comment do they
#13485969Friday, August 28, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

#13486034Friday, August 28, 2009 1:54 AM GMT

Ya I know its epic
#13486319Friday, August 28, 2009 2:01 AM GMT

ore post of its leet self,So suspenseful
#13486440Friday, August 28, 2009 2:04 AM GMT

How did they set fire underwater? >_<
#13507735Friday, August 28, 2009 8:16 PM GMT

I dont know
#13509804Friday, August 28, 2009 9:02 PM GMT

But i think Joe will save Mr.Tentacles.
#13676772Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

Mr.Tentacles Part 2 -Joe sprays the fire extinguisher all over Mr.Tentacles and Mr.T pops up all black and with 3rd degree burns- -Lee the turtle starts laughing- Joe:-slapss lee- Go away Mr.T-Call Help! Joe-Calls 564- -Ambulance takes Mr.Tentacles- *Junior Tentacles Day at School* -School bus pulls up at school and junior trips and falls down bus stairs- Tentacles Jr.:First on my shecdule is Reading! -Tentacles Jr. walks to Reading and pulls out books, and book falls on foot,He screams- Tentacles Jr.:OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HLOY FING COW THAT HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reading Octopus:Tentacles Jr. You have detention! -Junior tentacles goes to his next class,Band- Tentacles Jr.:-Pulls out Trombone and starts playing and hits the saxophone in the back of the head-O_O Tentacles Jr.:-Saxaphone player punches Tentacles Jr in the stomach and They get in to a fight,Jr. Throws him into the wall and breaks his nose- Police:-Busts through door and pulls out handcuffs- To be continued.......

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