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#134941039Saturday, May 24, 2014 3:39 AM GMT

The Kingdom of Cuilon is at war. On The Fifteenth of August, Anno Domini 1323, King Hess, First of his name, declared three laws to be instated when Lenoese troops stepped on Cuilon soil: All deserters found will be executed for treason. Every able-bodied Cuilonish man, excluding those in contract service, shall fulfill his mandatory duty as a soldier for the crown. Every man, woman, and child of the KIngdom will make sacrifices of themselves or their property to protect the integrity of the state and the Crown. On the Fifteenth of September, after a month-long siege, the outlying forts and the city itself of Rockport were taken and sacked by Lenoese forces. As the city which guarded the only route through the Cuilon-Leno Mountains, the whole area was now under Lenoese control. Cuilon survivors soon fled into the plainlands, burning and sacking any remaining Cuilonish towns and causing avalanches and mudslides to block their retreat. Many refugees were trapped before they could escape, leaving villages ripe for the picking. ___________________________________________________________________________ You are a soldier. You are a sellsword. A refugee. A peasant. No matter what profession you are or were, you are in Janerstoll. One of the few intact Cuilonish towns in the mountains, it supplied gold and iron through its massive mining system. The future for everyone in this town, including you, is uncertain, but one thing is inevitable: A whole lot of Lenoese are going to descend on the village. You can see the smoke of fires across the mountainside. A hundred, possibly a thousand armed troops lay there, ready to charge at the order. The people of Janerstoll, including all foreigners, only number 500. As a mining town, the people of Janerstoll tell of the tunnels dug from the mining shafts, before the Declaration of the Kingdom over 300 years ago. They know it leads right through the mountains, opening up into the safety of the plainlands on the other side. Navigating it will take at least a week and a half. Any man or woman not navigating the tunnels will hold a spear. Shepherds coming from the peaks say that they hear whispers of an attack. The Lenoese will mount the first assault in a few days. CS Name: Age: Gender: Profession: (Sellsword, Soldier, Peasant, etc.) Appearance: Armor/Clothing: (Remember, early-14th century medieval.) Weapons/Equipment: (^^^^^) Bio: (Optional)
#134943425Saturday, May 24, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

#134968665Saturday, May 24, 2014 3:16 PM GMT

#134972574Saturday, May 24, 2014 4:08 PM GMT

Name: Gerome Uxtil Age: 29 Gender: Male Profession: Prisoner/Kidnapper? Appearance: Gerome bears a Mesomorph body type and is relatively fit. His skin is tan and his chest and body are covered in various different scars. His blonde hair is windswept, partially covering his brown eyes and going down to his neck. It sticks up in every direction. His expression is generally boringly neutral, with big lips and a greek nose. His eyes look tired, as if he hasn’t slept in weeks. Armor/Clothing: Gerome commonly wore a pair of flexible brown leather armor, reinforced with a close set of steel rivets. The full set covered the majority of his body and included boots and gloves. It also looked a bit uncomfortable to wear since his skin had no room to breathe. This set was confiscated, and he currently wears only a ragged robe that covers the bottom half of his torso and legs. Weapons/Equipment: Gerome carried a backpack, which contained: A bedroll, a medical kit, a tinderbox, 4 unlit torches, about 6 days’ worth of trail rations, a waterskin, a rusty hunting trap, and 32 feet of hempen rope. The equipment looks used. In terms of weapons, he had 4 bolas’. To many, a bolas looks like a 4 foot rope with two counterweights made of wood tied to either end. Gerome is masterfully skilled at these weapons, able to trip anyone at any distance with his bolas with a single throw. He also carried a rondel with a 30 cm blade, a yew shortbow, and an arming sword about 70 cm in length. Bio: The most important thing to note about Gerome is that his tongue is cut out. Completely gone, rendering his ability to speak useless. He can only communicate through hand gestures and expression changes, unless given writing utensils. However, even with writing utensils he is introverted and withdrawn. In conclusion, his past is unknown to everyone except for him. What is CURRENTLY known is that he is infamous for kidnapping. Over the course of the last few months, he has kidnapped several citizens (Either from all across Culion, or just Janerstoll). There is no MO, and it appeared that he kidnapped people seemingly at random (Ranging from small kids to soldiers). He was recently captured. (Either by remnants of guards in Janerstoll, or by other mercenaries that recognized him) and will start the role-play in captivity (On a quick note, I will be attending Anime North for the majority of the weekend, so my activity for these next two days may be scarce. Also, I have a few more ideas for other characters, should you allow more than one per person or Gerome is denied.)
#134972662Saturday, May 24, 2014 4:09 PM GMT

#134995045Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:40 PM GMT


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