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#135270699Tuesday, May 27, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

Dinner party {BLOXY 2014} INT. Bedroom – Day JOHN is sitting in a chair thinking about his day. He suddenly hears a knock on the door. He jumps up as he remembers he is hosting a dinner party that night. He walks over to his dresser and looks at his calendar above the dresser and sees that it’s Friday the 13th. He picks up his gun off of the dresser and puts it in his pocket. The knocking grows louder. JOHN “I’m coming!” INT. Dining room - Day JOHN rushes to open the door. As he opens the door he is greeted by BILL. BILL “Hey JOHN how are you!” JOHN “Just dandy. How are you doing?” BILL “Great!” JOHN “Please come in.” BILL enters the house. BILL “Do you know who else is coming?” JOHN “Fred, Henry, and I think Henry is bringing his wife.” JOHN and BILL hear another knock on the door. JOHN opens the door. JOHN Hey Fred! Glad you could come. FRED Glad I could be here. Hey Bill. BILL “Hey Fred.” FRED “Who are we waiting on?” JOHN “Henry and his wife.” BILL “I am going to go wash up for dinner” FRED “If you don’t mind I will too.” JOHN “There is another bathroom in my bedroom.” FRED “Okay thanks.” FRED and BILL walk away. JOHN looks through the window then enters the kitchen to see how dinner is going. INT. Kitchen – Night JOHN hears a car pull into his driveway. JOHN “How’s dinner going?” Butler “Well sir, you have about 20 minutes until we eat.” JOHN “Alright thanks.” JOHN leaves the kitchen. INT. Dining room – Night JOHN looks through the window and sees Henry and his wife dead on the ground. EXT. Front walk – Night JOHN rushes over to the bodies and sees knife wounds in both of their backs. He quickly pulls out his cell phone and calls the police. He goes back inside. INT. Dining room – Night JOHN enters the house and starts pacing. FRED enters the room. FRED “What’s wrong?” JOHN “Henry and his wife are dead!” FRED “Oh my gosh! How did this happen?” JOHN “They were stabbed…” BILL re-enters the room. BILL ”What’s all the commotion?” JOHN “Henry and his wife were stabbed to death!” BILL “What!? Did you call the police?” JOHN “Of course I did, they said they are on their way but it might be a while. The police station is at least an hour away” JOHN “Well I guess we might as well eat while we are waiting for the police. You guys can go hang out in the living room.” FRED “Okay, be careful.” FRED and BILL leave the room. JOHN sits down at a dining room chair. JOHN starts talking to himself. JOHN “How could this happen?” “To my best friend no less.” JOHN hears screaming coming from the kitchen. JOHN “What was that?” JOHN walks into the kitchen to see the butler dead on the ground. JOHN “AHHHHH” JOHN sees a knife fly past his head and hit the wall. He quickly pulls out his gun, spins around, and shoots FRED. Perfect shot. END {This script will also be emailed to some of you}

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