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#13543985Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:18 PM GMT

Well,this is it,the foretold Ultimate war,the fabric of reality seperating worlds from each other has been broken,every single being,video game character,RP character are fighting for control of the universe,others have different options though,they plan to eradicate every being,bring about the Universal Armaggedon,time is getting short,either we unite or die. RULES: No Ubering No Controlling other characters No Instakill moves YOU CAN BE ANY OF YOUR RP OR VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS,JUST USE A CHAR SHEET RP Character Sheet: Name: Race: Gender: Apperance: Homeworld:(Just put Anything) What thread are you from?:(You can put "Alot" if you dont want to be specific) Weapons: Abilitys: Bio: Video Game Character Sheet: Name: What game are you from?: Location:(Put where they are) Name:Gold Ferno Race:Human Gender:Male Apperance: Homeworld:E.D.N III What thread are you from?:Alot Weapons:Colt M1991 "Frostbite",Shurikens Abilitys:Alot,mostly Ice based Bio:The only human that can live on E.D.N III,hes trying to escape from it,and find out whats going on at earth. Name:Kirby What game are you from?:Kirby Superstar Ultra Location:Pluto Name:Meta Knight What game are you from?:Kirby:Nightmare in Dreamland Location:Pluto
#13544233Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:25 PM GMT

#13544474Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:31 PM GMT

Name: Ranata Race: Demon Gender: Female Apperance: SilverHair,RedEyes,BlueShirt,SweaterOverIt,GreenPants Homeworld: The Demon World What thread are you from?:The Demon's Child, The Demon King. Weapons: Sword. Abilitys: "Alot" Like FinalSword puts. FireBalls,Thundershocks,healing,and attacking. Bio: A High Demon, That I use mostly.
#13544575Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:34 PM GMT

-Pluto- Kirby:*looking at map* Meta-Knight:You Took us to pluto instead of E.D.N didnt you.. Kirby:"^_^ Meta-Knight:*sighs* Right...Back to the halberd....told you we should have asked that Space Waddle Dee for directions... Kirby:>_> *follows*
#13544591Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:34 PM GMT

Name: Xyunto Race: Magi Gender: Male Apperance: Green skin, green hair, Magi utility belt, Magi fight suit, Magi battle helmet. Homeworld: Eldon What thread are you from?: Alot Weapons: CQ-8, Zero-Energy Magi Crowbar, Magi shotgun Abilitys: Magic abilities Bio: The High Magi Seer Counciler
#13544662Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:36 PM GMT

Name:Dan Race:Human Gender:Male Apperance:Golden Armour Homeworld:Earth What thread are you from?:Arena(Gladiators) Weapons:M9,Sword,Spear Abilitys:Fly for some time Bio:N/A
#13544686Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:37 PM GMT

Name: Ki- Adi-Mundi What game are you from?: star wars battlefront 2 and the movies Location:on my home planet fightiing clones who turned bad
#13544715Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:38 PM GMT

Name: Mark Race: Unknown Gender: Male Apperance: Black hoodie, 2 swords over back, blue jeans, blue eyes, black hair, black sneakers. Homeworld:(Just put Anything) What thread are you from?: Alot. YESH ALOT. Weapons: Duel Dragon blades Abilitys: Many. Bio: Unknown.
#13544719Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:38 PM GMT

Xyunto: *On Eldon, fighting off the Necrons*
#13544736Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:38 PM GMT

(Whoops. Homeworld: Earth)
#13544751Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:39 PM GMT

Halberd:*zooms past Eldon* Kirby:PUYO! (Whoosh!) Meta-Knight:>_> *piloting*
#13544775Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:40 PM GMT

killed the last clone*there sees rip in the sky and sees earth*oh my shlundi(replaced instead of god lol)
#13544789Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:40 PM GMT

Mark:*Sitting on a cliff*
#13544869Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:42 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Jumps over a Necron Warrior and stabs him in the head, then shoots another with Magi Shotgun*
#13544876Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:42 PM GMT

Dan:*Walking in forest*
#13544910Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:43 PM GMT

Mark:*Stands up and walks into a forest*
#13544914Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:43 PM GMT

looks around and sees clone gunship behind me*these guys never leave me alone! jumps on ship and slashes at pilot and drives it all the way to coruscant*
#13544923Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:43 PM GMT

Meta-Knight:There it is Kirby! Oh....Another Ice Planet....Kirby,eat that Fire Leo. Kirby:*looking at Fire Leo,is drooling* Fire Leo: O_O" *eaten* Kirby:*becomes fire kirby* =D Meta Knight:Lets go.... *lands on E.D.N III*
#13544931Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:43 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Slides under a Necron Warrior and trips him, then punches his face off*
#13544988Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:45 PM GMT

Dan:*Jumps in air**Flies*
#13544992Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:45 PM GMT

woops meant to say was going to the planet*
#13544999Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:45 PM GMT

Ranata: Strange..
#13545004Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:45 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Stabs the last Necron to death, panting*
#13545084Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:47 PM GMT

lands in the woodland looking for life*
#13545092Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:48 PM GMT

Fire Kirby:*walking across snow,keeping Meta Knight warm* Meta Knight:Shouldnt be far... Gold:*sitting ontop of VS* Hmm..*looks up at stars*

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