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#135782248Monday, June 02, 2014 8:09 AM GMT

note: srry but you cannot change that i have a bad grammar. i have been enough to roblox, they making even more money but they didn't EVEN care about NBC, that i still could accpet, but as roblox do more update that forcing people to buy BC, although roblox could finally get profit, but in case f this , roblox will be no longer a kids game, it will be paid later. roblox is now losing their minds because of money, if they do not earn more money, roblox will shut down, but i know that. they have a great profit but they do not even care about NBC, the problem is HOW OUTRAGE COULD ROBLOX DO IF THEY STILL LOSING THEIR MIND!? however, roblox is a free kids game, but roblox is doing even more update just for money, if we do not STOP roblox over earning, roblox will lost their promise of "roblox is a free game". as roblox losing their minds, they might even not to care the BC! i don't want that, since 10/8/2008, i went to a Chinese game called "摩尔庄园" they done a really good job about development, but because of they just want money and they do not care what negative effects will happen, a lot of Chinese people including me ar still complaining Taomee (the company who developed 摩尔庄园.) those veteran player from there wanted to save the noobs there but the company ignored it. WNTS might just ruin rolobx, if people hate roblox as they forcing us to pay the money to roblox, roblox will face palm and shut down. i just pleased that to get rid of BC, if we do not do it, roblox will eventually do even more hated update. as roblox do those hated update such as price floor that a lot of people hate it, roblox will be treated as a stupid game, even OBC player, roblox made them even harder to be successful, seriously. ik BC is the roblox source of money, but as roblox needs more money, the classic phrase "roblox is free for all" will be false.i know that roblox could earn money by another way, not just BC or robux. don't think those word were rubbish, i still have something to say for you, ask for it. auto reply: "WNTS" so did you even be honest? if not, get out NOW, completely irresponsible and unacceptable excuse. "roblox will go bankrupt" nope, i could darely guess that roblox could last even longer if without BC. "i am gonna sue roblox hardcore" feel free to do it. "no support" requires valid reasons. "obvious troll is obvious" NOPE. that's all.
#135782369Monday, June 02, 2014 8:12 AM GMT

WNTS - What Not To Suggest. BC is roblox's only source of money. And incase you say that Roblox isn't free, get the meaning right. This isn't a pay-to-play game. Then how could it earn money? Obvious troll is obvious YES "It's easier to criticise than to do better" Solution: Leave. We don't need you here.
#135782445Monday, June 02, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

scr, so do you want roblox take out your right even if you have BC? did you want to let roblox continue to update those hated update? are you sure that you were honest on your post? if not? leave.
#135782487Monday, June 02, 2014 8:17 AM GMT

Lottery you ahould not even be on roblox if all youre going to do is complain and post WNTS. No BC, No ROBLOX. Can you get that through your hugely thick skull?
#135782535Monday, June 02, 2014 8:18 AM GMT

No, I don't hate Roblox at all. They won't, and never will. You're talking about people with ASPD (AntiSocial Personality Disorder) 'hated update?' You're talking in a singular sense. As a whole, Roblox's good updates out-weigh its bad updates. And yes, I am being honest about 'MY' opinion. Don't accept it? Fine, because you can't seem to adapt to change. About the leaving aspect? I'll never leave.
#135782550Monday, June 02, 2014 8:19 AM GMT

no BC, no roblox. yes, but roblox loses their mind, and even you will get affected, so do you want that? thep, think TWICE, imagine there is a game, a lot of virtual stuff requires actual cash, will you accept?
#135782586Monday, June 02, 2014 8:20 AM GMT

You are not a mind reader. Either way, I don't care about the virtual stuff. I'm here to have fun, to play & create. Also, Roblox losing their mind? Elaborate.
#135782647Monday, June 02, 2014 8:22 AM GMT

Get out. Obvious troll is obvious. WNTS
#135782677Monday, June 02, 2014 8:23 AM GMT

so could you accept that even you were paid player, but the developer requires a larger money than your think? i am faced palm to this, this is a style of roblox.
#135782744Monday, June 02, 2014 8:26 AM GMT

Then get out of Roblox and quit your whining. Being a princess ain't going to get ya anywhere. Either way, do I care? The answer is, NO. (Note: Roblox would be sooooooo much worse if this was the case)
#135782835Monday, June 02, 2014 8:29 AM GMT

I have a job, and lottery, if it meant getting people like you to quit, I would pay anything roblox wanted.
#135782847Monday, June 02, 2014 8:30 AM GMT

scrin: imagine that roblox suddenly became a paid game and kick out all of the free players, WHAT DO YOU THINK TO ROBLOX? HUH? seriously, why you were limited by WNTS? luckily i normally not, getting rid of BC is the most power way to get roblox being the BEST and successful. still complain me that i still want me to getting rid of BC? you gtfo first, i am not gonna fight with u.
#135782900Monday, June 02, 2014 8:32 AM GMT

thep: even you have a job, so? you will lost anything just because of roblox! you will be unable to pay off the bills (unless your monthly income is more than US$3,000.)
#135782903Monday, June 02, 2014 8:32 AM GMT

You have not backed yourself up with any evidence. Therefor, I can't be convinced. Kick out all free players? Pfft, I would just move on with life. I wouldn't persoonally care. 'getting rid of BC is the most power way to get roblox being the BEST and successful.' Elaborate with factual evidence. Either way, Roblox would become bankrupt very quickly.
#135782944Monday, June 02, 2014 8:34 AM GMT

scr: roblox will get more people supported if roblox is about to bankrupt, i am sure that roblox will be continued quickly. however i am not gonna argue with you, but you do.
#135782970Monday, June 02, 2014 8:35 AM GMT

You're arguing with me. 'more people support...' Yeah, Roblox would've lost its reputation even before it came into people's mind.
#135782974Monday, June 02, 2014 8:35 AM GMT

This troll man. Any post made by lottery I'm just going to assume it's trolling and not post on it. Good day to you.
#135782985Monday, June 02, 2014 8:35 AM GMT

#135783048Monday, June 02, 2014 8:38 AM GMT

how many time i need to repeat? as roblox do more just want to get more money but forgot the dignity of NBC... this i still could accept, but if roblox force NBC to work with BC to continue to play roblox, i am GONNA... you know that, stp arguing with me.
#135783093Monday, June 02, 2014 8:40 AM GMT

Too bad. I'm trying to straighten you our in that thick skull of yours. 'forgot the dignity of NBC...' Right, they haven't removed any NBC privileges. 'you know that, stp arguing with me.' ...
#135783128Monday, June 02, 2014 8:42 AM GMT

however, if i am TROLL, my account will banned always and i do never come back, but i didn't get banned, that means i am not the TROLL. most poor people wanted to do this, roblox is negatively hard working, just do the hated update, if those update could be listened before do, i will be thankful to roblox, seriously.
#135783212Monday, June 02, 2014 8:45 AM GMT

Trolling isn't technically a Roblox Offense (Someone correct me if I'm wrong), however, should they break a rule, mods will take action. The fact that you say if you were a troll, you'd be banned and never come back, is not a valid argument. For as far as I could guess, you could be an alt. 'most poor people wanted to do this, roblox is negatively hard working, just do the hated update, if those update could be listened before do, i will be thankful to roblox, seriously. "Most"? 'roblox is negatively hard working, just do the hated update,' Right, so physic improvements, the featherweight update, Dynamic Lightning, etc are hated updates?
#135784277Monday, June 02, 2014 9:30 AM GMT

The only way for ROBLOX to earn more money is for people to buy ROBUX, but only a little people buy ROBUX. You do know that ROBLOX's servers costs thousands of dollars to run, right? This is in the WNTS. Also, for ROBLOX to make good updates, they need MONEY. So you expect them to do good updates with not much money, aye? If everyone was NBC, how will we earn ROBUX? And also, you do not care if ROBLOX shuts down, because you do not know what's the impact to the ROBLOX players. Have a nice day, Mr. Lottery248, the BC hater.
#135784295Monday, June 02, 2014 9:30 AM GMT

Every scenario above was what will happen if there is no BC.
#135784348Monday, June 02, 2014 9:33 AM GMT

Lot,I don't know why but every time you suggest something it makes me wish NBCers have less rights.

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