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#13687547Tuesday, September 01, 2009 12:56 PM GMT

It is 2599. High tensions mark the end of another century, as the Galactic Alliance has blocked off all resources to the large ice world of Gartehrn. Their motives are unknown, but it is thought that the leader of Gartehrn insulted the Alliance Overlord's mother. It is for this petty reason that, deprived of outworld goods, Gartehrn is slowly dying off. Cities have lost power, the leader fo the planet has resigned, and there have been riots and uprisings across the world. Looting has taken place, and factions have formed. Many smaller cities have crumbled altogether. How will you cope in this 'peaceful apocalypse'? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RACES Gartehrnians [Gar-TEH-run-E-ans] - The original citizens of Gartehrn. They look like humans, but are somewhat taller, and have small claws instead of fingernails. Most of them have banded together into the Gartehrn Alien Deprival Society (GADS), a group dedicated to killing other races and establishing Gartehrnian superiority, as they think it should have been in the first place. They live for 120 years. They have high resistance to the cold. Humans [HyOO-mans] - You already know most of this. Humans aligned themselves with the Earth Historical Alliance (EHA), a humans-only group. They do not accept other races, but they wish them no harm. They have little resistance to cold weather. Caninians [K-NINE-E-ans] - They have the torso, arms, head, and intelligence of a human, but they have the body of a dog below the waist. They come from the planet of Azen-2. Breeds, of course, vary. They have not established a unified clan, but instead prefer to be solitary. They live for 75 years. Cold resistance depends on breed. Reptilliarians [Rep-till-E-air-E-ans] - They look like lizards, but walk on 2 legs and are highly intelligent. They hail from the planet of Blackenmarsh. They have formed the Reptiles and Amphibians Shelter Organisation (RASO). This group provide shelter and hospitality to thse they find lost and cold out in the wild, even those who would wish them harm. They are cold blooded and must inject pure heat into themselves every few hours. This is a valued commodity and is hard to get hold of without A) paying or B) a fight. Due to their slow metabolism, they live for a long tome, often in excess of 300 years. They have little cold resistance due to being cold blooded. The Frozen Ones [*no pronunciation guide needed*] - These are the elusive spirits of Gartehrn. They live in the ice caves and sometimes come out in blizzards. They are like ghosts. They cannot pass through walls, but are not tangible. Some say they have been created from the essence of the ice itself. They are highly intelligent, but only partake their knowledge between themselves. Some are hostile to the other races, while some may help other races to survive. They, of course, have no group affiliation. They have no lifespan, and do not die of antural causes. However, they can die of heat exposure. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE YOUR OWN RACE, PM ME A DESCRIPTION OF IT. I WILL DECIDE WHETHER TO ALLOW IT OR NOT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES ~No Ubering. ~No Godmodding. ~No controlling other people's chars. ~Remember, this is an ICE world. It's always cold, 24/7. No rain, only snow. ~VERY IMPORTANT. STORY ROLEPLAYING ONLY. NO CH-ATRO-OM ROLEPLAYING. ~Frozen Ones are an admin race. I will tell you if you can be one or not. ~Just be sensible in general, will you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance (list clothes and other unique features here, unless using a custom race, in that case, list your entire appearance): Personal strength (1 only): Personal weakness (Again, 1 only): Unique talent (1 only): Personality: Bio (NOT OPTIONAL): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#13688193Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:33 PM GMT

Bump. Don't too long; didn't read me plawx.
#13688310Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:39 PM GMT

(i am thinking about joining)
#13688385Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:43 PM GMT

(Pl0x? It's one of the best RPs currently available! =3)
#13688421Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:46 PM GMT

(One of the best?)
#13688484Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:49 PM GMT

(It might not be if i do a come back >=) but i shall join) Name:Lee Sky Age:19 Gender:Male Race:Human Appearance:Black hair,Black jacket with grey shirt,blue eyes,blue jeans and blackish trainers (list clothes and other unique features here, unless using a custom race, in that case, list your entire appearance): Personal strength:His fists (1 only): Personal weakness:Him getting stunned(Again, 1 only): Unique talent (1 only):Can jump higher Personality:Sort of nice but you don't want to mess with him Bio (NOT OPTIONAL):
#13688523Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:52 PM GMT

[Bio not optional. Please put one in.
#13688546Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:53 PM GMT

(Fine) Bio:There is nothing much to say about Lee.But he is just there and then gone
#13688547Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:53 PM GMT

Name: rekoJ Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Gartehrnians Appearance: more human looking than the rest and wears a torn jeans Personal strength: Faster than any other Gartehrnians Personal weakness : Totally fail maths Unique talent: Fast Learner Personality: confident Bio: Almost got himself killed because of Humans
#13688548Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:53 PM GMT

(Might as well join.. Only if I can make a half human,half robot,just a suggestion..)
#13688605Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:56 PM GMT

[Sure. Can't imagine why cyborgs wouldn't be around in that day and age.]
#13688641Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:59 PM GMT

Aww man, if there's a half dog, why no neko (Half cat, in case you don't know)? I'll join if I can be a neko and only under those circumstances.
#13688662Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:00 PM GMT

(I wanted to be a prototype or something but i know he will say no)
#13688698Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:02 PM GMT

[Hmm. Thinking about the Neko idea.]
#13688712Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:02 PM GMT

(was i right about the prototype idea that your gonna say no?)
#13688746Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:04 PM GMT

[Like a prototype cyborg?]
#13688749Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:04 PM GMT

Yeah i don't think he's gonna let anybody like Mercer be in the rp... cuz last time I checked, he's godly.
#13688789Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:06 PM GMT

(Ok do not go that far.But not all the ownage powers but just the consume power?)
#13688796Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:07 PM GMT

(Oh,it said 2,599.. Didn't see the time.. Forget my last post.. I'll just make a guy in it,to be a bit fairer) Name: X-99. Age: N/A,rumored to be 25.. Gender: Male. Race: Human,in a robot suit.. Appearance: Black shirt,black pants,and a mecha suit.. Personal strength: High jumps. Personal weakness: Darkness.. Unique talent: Transformation. Personality: Nice,but doesn't know what to say,most of the times. Bio: Was going to his freind,until he tried a strange suit,that transformed him,forever.. Not much is known after that..
#13688814Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:07 PM GMT

So e go with the neko yet?

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