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#137058224Sunday, June 15, 2014 11:19 AM GMT

There are four common afterlives in Athea. Each afterlife will determine how your character is reborn. To get each afterlife, you have to do a certain deed (Or fail to do one), praise a certain Edran, ect. Moderators will ultimately decide. {The Haven} What is the Haven? The Haven is where peaceful, ordinary souls go to after death. The Haven is a place with hardly any strife. There is no war, no sickness, no death. However, there aren't any festivities nor joyous celebrations. It is simply ordinary life without a whole lot of work. The Haven is most preferred by simple folk. Farmers, fishermen, and servants. How do I get my character to The Haven? You can get your character to The Haven in several ways. First off, you may not take a key role in any battles. You may be in the battle lines, but you could not, for example, go in the vanguard and lead a cavalry charge. Moderators will ultimately decide your role. Another great way is to honor Recti, Edran of Justice. You can do things like this by sacrificing a sheep, burning fish, or just being all around just and caring. What are the benefits of going to The Haven? Well, if you go to The Haven you will be reborn as a normal person with a small amount of land. For example, if the die permits you could be reborn as a fisherman who owns a boat on the banks of a river. Or, if you're unlucky, you'll be reborn as a farmer in the mountains with a tent. There is also a 1/10 chance you will be reborn as a middle-class citizen, a shop owner. {Eternal Darkness} What is Eternal Darkness? Eternal Darkness is the worst place possible. It is a black pit of pain, torture, misery, strife, suffering, and fire. For every 100 people dead, 1 is sent to Eternal Darkness. Nothing good comes out of it. How do I get to Eternal Darkness? There are three ways to get their. First off, murder friends or family. It is the worst crime in Athea. Second of all, forsake vows of Knighthood or vows of Worship. This is also a great crime, and will have you sent to Eternal Darkness. The third way, is be executed for High Treason. High Treason can be located under "Three Treasons" What benefits do I get for going to Eternal Darkness? Well, first off you're banned from Athea for two days. Second of all you'll be reborn as a prisoner, a beggar, or even worse. You'll own no land, and there is a 1/10 chance that you'll become something terrible and hated, such as a Dedran Worshipper. You'll be misliked, and will never be able to rise to nobility. {Halls of Valor} What are the Halls of Valor? In the Halls of Valor, brave men and weapon walk the halls forever preparing for war with the Dedran and their followers. They boast of their deeds done during life, and boast of what they will soon do. It is a happy place full of men and women who loved to fight and love festivities. How do I get to the Halls of Valor? Well, the Halls of Valor are the place where brave soldiers go to die. So, pretty much, in order to enter the Halls of Valor you have to have fall bravely in battle doing a heroic deed. A deed worthy of a song. For example, standing in a mountain pass with an axe cutting down man after man, allowing your friends to escape. That would get you into the Halls of Valor. What are the benefits of going to the Halls of Valor? Well, there is a dice roll. You'll either be reborn as a soldier in the king's army with a sword, you could be reborn as a knight, you could be reborn as a hired blade. There is also a 1/10 chance you could be born as a Guild Master or Lord. {High Heaven} What is High Heaven? High Heaven is where heroes of even greater deeds and nobler hearts than those in the Halls of Valor go. The High Heaven is an extremely joyous celebration for eternity. Little else is known. How do I enter High Heaven? A moderator, or myself, will place you into High Heaven if we deem you worthy. Valorous deeds, justice, and generosity are all good. What benefits do I get from High Heaven? If you go to High Heaven, you will be blessed. There is a 5/10 chance you own land, and quite a bit. There is a 4/10 chance you could be a Guildmaster. And there is also a 1/10 chance, for "Other". Other is amazing, don't worry. One of the common "Others" is become Heir of the King.

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