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#139117823Thursday, July 03, 2014 5:54 PM GMT

Average players like us can't buy anything with the amount of tickets we get daily. That you should raise the amount of tickets we get to about 25 tickets a day so we are able to buy more things. That due to the small amount of tickets we get, average players will quit due to not being able to buy anything.
#139117920Thursday, July 03, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

It would be easier lowering the price floor and you already know they are not going to do that.
#139117976Thursday, July 03, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

...WNTS. No support, buy robux or BC if you don't like it. Otherwise, I have more important things to deal with. :3
#151913343Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:43 AM GMT

I completely forgot about this :\. Please ignore this forum.

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