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#139263009Saturday, July 05, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

#139264536Saturday, July 05, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

look at free models to try to decode them always use wiki for basic tutorials and reference practice practice practice code useless things
#139268294Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

start by not scamming like when you deleted my main's winter domino snowman ya hi im dodleman
#139269661Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

Well, that would depend, where do you want to start?. There are resources, free models made by other users, text and video tutorials made by other users, and experimenting with your own knowledge, so it's all a matter of personal choice and circumstances, we can suggest however it depends on what method suits you best when it comes to learning, start at your own pace and expand from there and certainly don't set your expectations too high.
#139326055Saturday, July 05, 2014 5:04 PM GMT

@frost i'm trying but that seems hard @anon im asking like how you started and do you think its a good way to start?
#139326451Saturday, July 05, 2014 5:08 PM GMT

I thought of something I wanted to make, then searched free models of the model (such as a zombie) and looked at the scripts. I did not understand much of it at first, so I could only modify it slightly, but when I came across something in a script that I found interesting I looked it up on the wiki, or asked Scripting Helpers. Just a fair warning: free models, in most cases, show very bad practices in coding and are likely to lag and break easily. They can be used as a resource for learning nonetheless.
#139330086Saturday, July 05, 2014 5:46 PM GMT

I started good in Free Models... Learned mostly from them then after, I advanced even further using the Wiki

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