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#139309642Saturday, July 05, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

How to I teleport a player to a specific place when the player touches a brick? Script?
#139310400Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:12 PM GMT

Just look in free models. We don't make scripts without any effort from you.
#139311574Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:31 PM GMT

game.workspace.teleporter if true then fuction = teleport () end teleport.humanoid.spawnpoint -- Teleporting the ROBLOXian to the origin of the spawn If I had a penny for every-time someone said "Price Floor", I would be rich!
#139311646Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:32 PM GMT

jjj thats so legit
#139311865Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:35 PM GMT

IT IS! ;D I'm learning scripting and it's less than 24 hours! I know I will be a pretty good scripter as time goes on like BuildIntoGames. He inspired me. :) If I had a penny for every-time someone said "Price Floor", I would be rich!
#139311986Saturday, July 05, 2014 1:37 PM GMT

wait you think that script would work? ahahaha
#139333705Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:23 PM GMT

smiley. Stop being such a jerk on these forums. I figured out a way that I did not need the script. Whenever I post help on here, and yyou respond, you are always a jerk to everyone on the forums. Just lay off for a bit ok?
#139333966Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:26 PM GMT

Actually, smiley was absolutely correct. You should at the very least ask what is needed, or what you need to learn. Get some thicker skin my friend.
#139333979Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:26 PM GMT

I'm only a jerk to annoying OPs, like you, who spam, and people who troll responses.
#139334245Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

Yeah, to be honest people who spend time assisting others on these forums get fed up to see idiots who don't read the rules. They spend time helping people who actually TRY to learn, not who request work be done like we're slaves. So get out. -=Robo=-
#139334389Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:31 PM GMT

smiley's dumb jk rol smiley u got mad then saw jk and u were like (i dont need to reply r0fl its all good lol ownage)
#139334442Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:31 PM GMT

I couldn't have put it better myself robo. Seeing someone eager to learn is great, but the opposite is one of the most frustrating things I have seen.
#139334496Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:32 PM GMT

rob wins and omg accomp exactly that happened i got mad for a split second and saw jk then i was fine hahahaha
#139334982Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:37 PM GMT

see smiley, this is what I usually get for being a "jerk" to these type of OPs.
#139335317Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:40 PM GMT

well, duel, no offense, but I can recall multiple occasions you've started arguments with people who actually needed help lol -=Robo=-
#139335545Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:43 PM GMT

people who have put little to no effort*
#139335726Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:45 PM GMT

Aye I remmeber them the same way Duel does. I don't think any of us have started arguements with someine who has made a legitamate effort and is asking for help.
#139335884Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:46 PM GMT

duel most of us do;)
#139336380Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:51 PM GMT

I usually make any flame very subtle and keep myself calm to try to keep the steryotype that this forum is not at all helpful.
#139336724Saturday, July 05, 2014 6:55 PM GMT

this forum is the most helpful there where else does anyone even help you
#139337284Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:00 PM GMT

Ehh, I try to hesitate coming here as much as possible with problems. I have multiple friends who I code with, we normally sort problems together, one in specific actually is the biggest help. I feel like the problem with learning is if you come here for every problem without trying to debug, it makes you come off as a really terrible coder lol I hate incapable people. -=Robo=-
#139337453Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:02 PM GMT

if you try your best and are really stumped im willing to help op clearly did not try at all
#139337671Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:04 PM GMT

Whatever. I was just asking a question. Did not mean to offend anyone. I know you are not here as slaves. Figured it out on my own without free models. Just wanted some help is all.
#139338033Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:08 PM GMT

"Stop being such a jerk" "you are always a jerk to everyone " >did not mean to offend anyone mmm yeah Whatever, I'm just glad you've found it. If you try and make an attempt that doesn't work perfectly, feel free to make a thread! just try first kk?:P
#139338854Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:15 PM GMT

ok lol.

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