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#139362359Saturday, July 05, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

I'm trying to move a model using MoveTo. Right now, there aren't any errors, but it's not doing what it's suppose to be. This is part of the script; copy = game.ReplicatedStorage.Traps:FindFirstChild(obj):Clone() copy:ResetOrientationToIdentity() copy.Parent = map mouse.TargetFilter=copy while moving do wait() if mouse.Target ~= nil then print(mouse.Hit.p) copy:MoveTo(mouse.Hit.p) copy:TranslateBy(Vector3.new(0,mouse.Hit.p.Y-copy.PrimaryPart.Position.Y,0)) The model shakes by moving between 2 points that are really close to each other. Any suggestions?
#139362456Saturday, July 05, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

Also, in the output, it prints the same number every time, instead of getting 2 different numbers.

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