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#139377461Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

I've tried to make this work but it always fails the script should be self explanatory. Right now it partly works by if theres 1 player it will show the message Then when 1 joins the message gets removed but once another player joins the message does not pop up if game.Players.NumPlayers < 2 then M = Instance.new("Message") M.Parent = Workspace M.Text = "There are not enough players to start. You must have at least 2 players." end repeat wait() until game.Players.NumPlayers >= 2 M:remove()
#139377929Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:16 AM GMT

if game.Players.NumPlayers < 3 then M = Instance.new("Message") M.Parent = Workspace M.Text = "There are not enough players to start. You must have at least 2 players." end repeat wait() until game.Players.NumPlayers == 3 M:remove()
#139381561Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:52 AM GMT

if game.Players.NumPlayers =< 3 then M = Instance.new("Message") M.Parent = Workspace M.Text = "There are not enough players to start. You must have at least 2 players." end repeat wait() until game.Players.NumPlayers == 3 M:remove() Need that = next to the < so it could be either 2 or more players. < means it HAS to be over 2 players.

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