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#139378548Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:22 AM GMT

Okay, so I am trying to make a GUI (updateButton) become invisible if a boolvalue called inCutscene turns true, and also turn visible if inCutscene is false. So far the updateButton successfully turns inactive but not invisible. I am also getting no errors. Here is a screenshot of my hierarchical setup: http://gyazo(dot)com/3a20a3d4fa401b9cbf845f91a301cdf2 Here is the script for introGUI: updateInfo = script.Parent.updateInfo Intro = script.Parent SS = game.ServerStorage Player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent cutscene = game.StarterGui.UIconfig.inCutscene if SS:FindFirstChild(Player.Name) then script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false script:Destroy() else cutscene.Value = true Intro.Visible = true updateInfo.Visible = false for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) Intro.TextTransparency = Intro.TextTransparency - 0.1 end wait(5) for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) Intro.TextTransparency = Intro.TextTransparency + 0.1 end Intro.Text = "Volea" for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) Intro.TextTransparency = Intro.TextTransparency - 0.1 end updateInfo.Visible = true for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) updateInfo.TextTransparency = updateInfo.TextTransparency - 0.1 end wait(5) for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) updateInfo.TextTransparency = updateInfo.TextTransparency + 0.1 end for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) Intro.TextTransparency = Intro.TextTransparency + 0.1 end updateInfo.Visible = false Intro.Visible = false for i=1, 10 do wait(0.01) Intro.BackgroundTransparency = Intro.BackgroundTransparency +0.1 end for i=1, 10 do wait(0.1) Intro.Parent.BackgroundTransparency = Intro.Parent.BackgroundTransparency +0.1 end cutscene.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false A = Instance.new("BoolValue",SS) A.Name = Player.Name end And here is the code for the script in the updateButton which should turn visible/invisible according to what the boolvalue, inCutscene, equals: button = script.Parent inCutscene=game.StarterGui.UIconfig.inCutscene --Debounce local Debounce = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(Clicked) if Debounce == false and inCutscene.Value == false then Debounce = true print("Button Clicked.") wait(1) Debounce = false end end) And now, finally, this is the script in the boolvalue: button = game.StarterGui.updateButton.Frame inCutscene = script.Parent if inCutscene.Value == true then button.Transparency = 1 button.Active = false else button.Transparency = 0 button.Active = true end And that is all. I really appreciate you reading this. If you can help me out with this, you would be a real life saver and I would be so happy! :D
#139378706Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Explain the problem exactly.
#139379067Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

Mmk, when the introGUI is running and the boolvalue is true, the button that I want to be both invisible and inactive is only inactive, and is visible. No errors come out of the output.
#139385321Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:32 AM GMT

#139390237Sunday, July 06, 2014 4:24 AM GMT

Bump 2

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