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#139463106Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:22 PM GMT

Alright when I made this script everything worked fine for only ONE player, but it can't work for two or more players? What's the problem because I obviously don't see one function StartGame() while wait(30) do for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v.Character.Torso.CFrame = game.Workspace.Teleport1.CFrame wait(5) local Info = v.PlayerGui.Information local BeepSoundId = 161164363 local getplayers = game.Players:GetChildren() local Beep = Instance.new("Sound", v.PlayerGui) Beep.Volume = 1 Beep.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id="..BeepSoundId.."" local ZombiesAlive = game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive local Round = 0 local BattleMusicId = 151514610 local BattleMusic = Instance.new("Sound", v.PlayerGui) BattleMusic.Name = "BattleMusic" Beep.Name = "Beep" BattleMusic.Volume = 1 BattleMusic.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id="..BattleMusicId.."" local InfoText = Info.Frame.TextLabel game.Workspace.PlayersAlive.Value = #getplayers local script = script.Check script:Clone().Parent = v.Character v.Character.Check.Disabled = false Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Oh, look another survivor!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Look, I am glad you are alive!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But I seriously need help right now!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But, right now I am trapped in Jeff The Killer's Prison!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "I need your help to get me out of here!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "You better watch out because he has some minions!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "That's all the information I can give you, he's coming to my cell!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" BattleMusic:Play() wait() Round = 1 local round1zombies = game.Lighting.Round1:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round1:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round1zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Defeated the minions? Great!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "You may now proceed on into the caves!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" game.Workspace.Blockers.Round2.CanCollide = false Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Alright, caves are a little more dangerous.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "There is a high chance that a ton of zombies can spawn..." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But from what I remembered there was not many." InfoText.Text = "" wait(3) BattleMusic:Play() local round2zombies = game.Lighting.Round2:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round2:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round2zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 wait(1) BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Great job!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Everything is going well so far" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But still no where close to saving me..." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Proceed on to exit the caves" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" wait(10) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Hmm.. I am detecting some minions on my radar.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Stay alert." wait(2.8) InfoText.Text = "" game.Workspace.Blockers.Round3Start.CanCollide = false wait(5) wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Yep, I was correct... MINIONS!!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" BattleMusic:Play() local round3zombies = game.Lighting.Round3:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round3:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round3zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 wait(1) BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Oh, and I forgot to say.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Blue leave bushes can heal you gradually." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "If you need healing you can touch the middle of it to heal" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "When your done healing or don't need healing proceed on into the field." wait(3) end end end StartGame()

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