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#139467533Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

I am a total noob at scripting but for my game I wanted there to be an area that when touched makes it so you take double damage so i was gonna repurpose the poined frog and i think i only need 2 of the 6 scripts. I want to convert this so when a player touches the brick they are affected (if possible script is removed when they get off it). Eating local hungryHumanoid = script.Parent -- Waits for script.childName to exist then returns it local function scriptWaitForChild(childName) while not script:FindFirstChild(childName) do wait() end return script[childName] end local poisonScript = scriptWaitForChild("Frogged") -- Feed the Humanoid this script is attached to, then remove their food and attach poisonScript if hungryHumanoid and hungryHumanoid:IsA("Humanoid") and hungryHumanoid.Parent then if poisonScript then local poisonScriptClone = poisonScript:Clone() poisonScriptClone.Parent = hungryHumanoid poisonScriptClone.Disabled = false end end script:Destroy() Frogged -- While poisoned, victim is slower, takes damage, and flickers green local victim = script.Parent if victim and victim:IsA("Humanoid") and victim.Parent then local victimChildren = victim.Parent:GetChildren() local originalColors = {} for i = 1, #victimChildren do -- Save original colors local child = victimChildren[i] if child and child:IsA("Part") then originalColors[i] = child.BrickColor end end local oldHealth = victim.Health --time to go to poll-land Spawn(function() while true do local nhealth = victim.Health if oldHealth-nhealth>0 then oldHealth = oldHealth-((oldHealth-nhealth)*2) victim.Health = oldHealth else oldHealth = nhealth end wait() end end) local originalWalkSpeed = victim.WalkSpeed victim.WalkSpeed = 16 for index = 1, 20 do -- Should be thought of as turning on and off 5 times if not victim or victim.Health <= 0 then break end for i = 1, #victimChildren do -- Color all parts green / Restore original colors local child = victimChildren[i] if child and child:IsA("Part") then if index % 2 ~= 0 then child.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(169,169,169) -- ("Pastel Blue") else child.BrickColor = originalColors[i] end end end wait(1) end if victim then victim.WalkSpeed = originalWalkSpeed end end script:Destroy()
#139467610Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

Thanks for helping :D
#139473120Monday, July 07, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

If you place it in a brick in the frog model, script.Parent.Touched:connect(scriptWaitForChild) Also, local function? I hate the LGBT. Those laser guided battle tanks are just too damn powerful.
#139475092Monday, July 07, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

So would i put this at the begging of each script?

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