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#139470911Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

I'm new to coroutines. local switch_scene= coroutine.wrap(function() for h,f in pairs(game.Lighting:GetChildren()) do f:remove() end local color=nil local trans=0 scene=scenary[math.random(1,#scenary)]:Clone() if scene.Name=="Default" then color="White" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Earth" then color="Institutional White" trans=0.8 end if scene.Name=="Moon" then color="Deep blue" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Nebula" then color="Dark green" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Ocean" then color="Black" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Serenity" then color="Cyan" trans=0.8 end if scene.Name=="Sky blue" then color="Cyan" trans=0.8 end if scene.Name=="Stormy Seas" then color="Brown" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Sunset" then color="Deep orange" trans=0.6 end if scene.Name=="Underworld" then color="Really red" trans=0.6 end for i,v in pairs(windows) do for i=1,100,-1 do wait(0.1) v.Transparency=i/100 end v.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(color) scene.Parent=game.Lighting end wait(2) for i,v in pairs(windows) do for i=1,100 do wait(0.1) v.Transparency=i/100 if i==60 then break end end end end) ---How can I keep running that at specific times without it dying
#139471848Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:58 PM GMT


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