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#139688467Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:06 PM GMT

Here you can find the official ro-CTF rulebook. Gameplay: There are 2 teams, consisting of 3-6 players each. The objective is to get 2 flag captures. Picking up the flag and returning it back to your flag is an official flag capture. Players do this with an arsenal of guns. You're allowed to go retrieve the other flag and/or defend your team's flag. FLAG CARRIERS: When someone picks up the opponents flag, they are now the flag carrier. The flag carrier MAY NOT arm himself during the flag capture, he can only equip the flag. Anyone is allowed to defend him, and he can do anything but use any weapons to defend himself. Team Killing will not be tolerated. TKing on accident is fine, but purposely will result in a ban from the match and/or suspension from the league. There is no official ban on after killing (dying and then still being able to kill with your gun), but it is still a horrible act. There are occasional camera glitches- when your camera is glitched, alert an official and then rejoin the game. Lastly, the 'regular season' will consist of 5 matches being played for each team, each a designated time each. The main goal of Ro-CTF is to have fun!
#139704231Wednesday, July 09, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

3 captures, not 2. 7 matches. not 5. Time limit should be 3 minutes. gg.

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