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#14012986Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:52 PM GMT

(this is a remake of Power of the Cards only now it's a story RPG) In the year 2018, Scientist created a new type of Media, "Card Strike". It has two people, or two teams, fighting eachother. However, they both have a deck of cards that will give them abilities to use in combat. The cards give many different abilties such as Fire Fists or Energy Waves. However, it is all holographic, so no one feels any pain. When someone gets hit, their HP goes down. The contestants start out with 100 HP and the first person to reduce his opponents HP to zero, or knock him out of the arena, wins. Also, every card uses Character Points (CP) if you use up your 20 CP, you have to fight normaly The cards are put into four different types: Attack,Defense,Special and Boost. Attack cards do more damage, Defense cards keep you from taking damage, Special cards give unique abilities and Boost cards enhance other cards. Now the year is 2028, and Card Strike is incredibly popular. Tournaments are held quite ophen, and their's even a tounament that chains to different locations. Whoever completes every tournament in that chain, gets to fight against the Card Strike Champion, Miler. Available cards Fire Fist: Engulfs you hands in fire. Attack Type: 5 Damage Gravity Warp: Lets you jump higher. Special Type Shock Disks: Shoots disks of energy when you punch or kick. Attack Type: 2 Damage per shot Ice Sheilds: Shoots 3 sheilds of ice out at different spots of the arena. Defense Type: 8 Defense per sheild, Water Pole: Shoots a pole of water out of hand, can be used to jump far or hit opponenets back. Special/Defense Type Extra POW: Adds one damage to any attack card. Power Up Type If you want to join the story than fill out this sheet. Name: Gender: Appearence: Personality: Bio: Name: Tain Gender: M Appearence: Brown hair, Red jacket, Blue shorts, Black shoes Personality: Overall a nice guy but can get pretty competitive. Bio: Got into Card Strike when he was young, and has loved it ever since.
#14013308Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:00 AM GMT

Name: Harry Gender: M Appearence: http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0907/d05/0933/82ab593.png Personality: he is a guy who knows strategies, he acepts defeat, and likes to learn new ideas from others Bio: the army has been after him for quite some time because of his stratigising skills, and his fighting skills too, what they forget is that he prefers the virtual world, where nobody dies.
#14013802Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:09 AM GMT

D'OH I forgot this part of the CS Name: Starting Card: (only one) Gender: Appearence: Personality: Bio: Mine Starting Card: Shock Disks
#14013994Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:13 AM GMT

Starting Card: water pole
#14014909Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:32 AM GMT

Qualifications Part 1 Tain: *running through the streeys* THE QUALIFICATION TESTS ARE TODAY!!!! AND I OVERSLEPT!!!!!!!! *makes it to the building* Yes....I... made it.... in... time... *walks inside* {The place has a metal floor and metal walls, with red,blue,yellow and green circels on the floor.} Tair: Man...this place is bigger the inside the inside than on the outside! *walks over to the desk in the corner* Man: Are you here to qualify for the Location Tourney? Tair: Yes I am. Man: Well than here. *randomly picks a card from a hat and gives it to Tair* That's your first card. Tair: Shock Disks? Man: Yes, no go over to that red circle *points* and wait for your opponent. Tair: *does so*
#14014995Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:34 AM GMT

Harry: *walks in, get's his card, and goes over to his circle*
#14015181Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:38 AM GMT

(lol this is a story RPG Harry will be in the next part sry about that DX)
#14015242Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:39 AM GMT

(ok, post when)
#14015360Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:42 AM GMT

Name: Alexis Gender: Female Appearence: Hoodie and jeans, sneakers, black long hair w/ bangs, in ponytail, unusual crimson eyes... Personality: Feirce and brave, shy, and adventurous... Bio: Her father showed her how to play Card Strike when she was little, she loved it and practiced playing evryday and beat everyone she battled. ___________________________________________________________________________ Alexis: '...'
#14015412Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:42 AM GMT

(test) (sorry ell join later mabe)
#14015776Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:49 AM GMT

[Lol , This is alot like bakugan..] Name: Akuma Starting Card:Gravity warp Gender: M Appearence: Personality: http://www.tektek.org/avatar/30917837 Bio: A Sort of strange boy... He Randomly discovered Card Strike and got into it. Age:19
#14015863Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:51 AM GMT

(Appearance = The url , Personality , Sort of weird...
#14015941Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:53 AM GMT

(Omg! Brawl your a Gaia Fan Too?)
#14015997Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:54 AM GMT

(no, i just use the avatar maker)
#14016028Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:55 AM GMT

(-_-|| Oh...)
#14016627Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:07 AM GMT

Qualification Part 2 Tair: *waiting for his opponent* Harry: *walks into the circle with Tair* hello Tair: Hello, are you my opponent? Harry: Yes, I belive so. Tair: Ok then, bring it on! Harry: *gets ready to fight* Tair: *charges toward Harry* *kicks Harry in the side of the head* Harry: *grabs his leg and throws him to the ground* Tair -5 HP 95/100 HP Harry: *runs toward Tair* Tair: *quickly jumps to his feat and punches Harry in the stomach before he can attack* *uppercuts Harry while he's stunned* Harry -15 HP = 85/100 HP Harry: *activates his card and flips to his feat* *shoots a Pole out of his hamd that hits Tair* Tair: *is knocked back to where he's almost out of bounds* Harry -1 CP = 19/20 CP Harry: *uses the pole to jump high in the air starts come down on Tair* Tair: *quickly activates his card and shoots a blast at Harry* Harry: *the blast knocks him off his pole and slams into the ground* Harry -6 HP = 79/100 HP Tair -1 CP = 19/20 CP Tair: *shoots the ground which sends him into the air and shoots a blast down at Harry* Harry: *rolls away and tackels Tair to the ground when he lands* *starts punching Tair repeatedly* Tair -15 HP = 80 HP Tair: *blasts Harry off him and then tackles Harry and starts punching him* Harry -17 HP 62/100 HP Water Pole wears off Tair Shock Disks wear off Harry: *kicks Tair off him and the punches him when he gets back up* Tair - 10 HP 70/100 HP Tair: *rolls and then does a furious uppercut to Harry* Harry - 10 HP 52/100 HP Harry: *lands on his stomach and the pushes him slef upwards and then tackels Tair* Tair: *launches Harry off backwards with his feat* Harry: *falls out of bounds* CRAP! Tair: *sighs* {Match Over}
#14016775Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:10 AM GMT

Akuma:*Walks up to tair* Thats some good Fighting...
#14016796Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:10 AM GMT

(lol rushed ending ftw!) (I've never watched Bakugan) (Alexis what's you strter card?)
#14016890Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:12 AM GMT

[The gameplay of Bakugan is The same as this XD!!!]
#14016949Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:13 AM GMT

(*Raises hand* IHMA GAIA FAANNN! o3o) Fire Fist: Engulfs you hands in fire. Attack Type: 5 Damage Gravity Warp: Lets you jump higher. Special Type Shock Disks: Shoots disks of energy when you punch or kick. Attack Type: 2 Damage per shot Ice Sheilds: Shoots 3 sheilds of ice out at different spots of the arena. Defense Type: 8 Defense per sheild, Water Pole: Shoots a pole of water out of hand, can be used to jump far or hit opponenets back. Special/Defense Type Extra POW: Adds one damage to any attack card. Power Up Type If you want to join the story than fill out this sheet. Name: Hideaki Torao, sometimes just called "Tiger" Starter Card: Water Pole Gender: Male Appearence: http://media.photo[bucket.com/image/anime+boy/Meme11391/Anime%20Boy/00.jpg?o=470 (Remove [ for link) Personality: A very fun person to hang out with, he jokes about all most anything and doesn't take anything seriously, when he was/is in school, he's usually the class clown, doesn't get his work done, and neither does he turn it in. When with friends, he's always going to stand up to them whenever in need and is pretty brave over all, and is not afraid to do something that he thinks is right. Bio: He is very into Card Strike, and has been doing it when he was only two. He's even got a straight F in his report card once to study Card Strike.
#14017002Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:15 AM GMT

Name:Regulus "Zero" Gamma Starting Card:Fire fists Gender:Male Appearence:Cargo pants, grey tank top, tanned, muscled, black hair, brown eyes, black combat boots. Personality:Dark, reclusive, vicous, short-tempered Bio:A brawler who has potential to beat the champion, but his temper gets in the way. He prefers hand to hand combat.
#14017296Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:21 AM GMT

#14017308Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:21 AM GMT

Qualification Part 3 Tair: *walks over to Harry* Hey are you ok? Harry: Ya, I'm fine *gets up* That was some good fighting out their. Tair: Thanks, you did great to. Harry: Well, I'll be rooting for ya. *walks to the stands* Tair: *nods and walks to the desk* Am I qualified now? Man: No, this is a tournament. Tair: Aw man, well who do I fight next? Man *looks at his papers* Alexis and Akuma. Tair: ok Man: However, this is a team battle, and we have an odd number of competitors this time. So, you're going to have to pick a defeated fighter to fight along side you. Tair: No problem, I know just the guy. *walks to Harry* Hey Harry. Do you want to help me out here? Harry: Is it ok if I do? Tair: Ya, I need a partner! Harry: ok. {they both walk to the arena} Alexis: hi Akuma: hello Tair and Harry: hey Tair: *to Harry* Are you ready? Harry: YA, we got this! Alexis: Ready Akuma? Akuma: *nods* {Match Begin}
#14017373Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

(i doubt that's what i'd have done, i'd have put my hand up to tair, then used water staff)
#14017445Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:25 AM GMT

Quick Note I'm going to put EVERYONE in, but I mighte not right away since I have to go through the story.

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