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#140336513Monday, July 14, 2014 9:11 PM GMT

WHO AM I: Quincy Amarikwa Hello and welcome. My name is Quincy Amarikwa, and this is my official website and Blog. As you may (or most likely may not) know, I am an entrepreneur, mentor and online marketer who also just so happens to play professional soccer in the MLS (Major League Soccer). For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a knack for starting businesses and turning what I love into a money-making endeavor. At the age of six, I took my books and created an in-home library, then charged my sisters a fee to borrow from me. Yes, I know, how thoughtful of me. I had a lemonade stand at nine. I discovered a bountiful place called Costco at thirteen and would buy candy in bulk and sell it between classes at a lower price than the school. They didn’t appreciate that too much and eventually shut me down. The man’s always got to hold you down! At sixteen I found out that you can modify your Xbox. I sat in front of my computer for two weeks straight until I learned exactly how to do it myself. There was a line of kids out of my parent’s front door wanting me to do it for them, and their parents were paying 80 bucks a pop to do so. Many Xbox live accounts suffered the consequences. By seventeen, I was in college and discovered eBay and Amazon, this is where things really took off. I bought and sold everything you could think of: school books, iPhones, iPods, computers, wholesale clothing, shoes, watches, classic bicycles, you name it. I made really good money doing this, much more than the typical college student working at the COHO. (I went to UC Davis, this was just our fancy way of saying dinning hall) I never really thought of this as much more than making a little money doing what I liked to do. I was already in school and playing collegiate soccer, which was paying for me to get my Pre-Med degree (I’m Nigerian and if you know anything about Nigerians, you know there are only three possible career paths in the entire world: Engineer, Lawyer, and Doctor), so most of my focus was on these activities. I had demonstrated my soccer abilities well enough to get drafted to the San Jose Earthquakes in 2009. I paused furthering my degree beyond undergraduate studies to pursue this avenue, and in doing so, pretty much forgot about all my business endeavors. Quite honestly, I thought soccer would be my ticket to big money, and fast. How This Website Came To Be: Fast-forward five years to my now six year professional soccer career. Not quite the money train I had expected to be rolling in by now. BUT, this has turned out to be a great thing for me. The fact that I haven’t [yet] exploded on the soccer scene like I know I one day will has rejuvenated my entrepreneurial drive. Knowing now more than ever that soccer isn’t forever, I began looking for a new business venture to develop into something great of my own. While searching, I was introduced to a Multi Level Marketing (MLM), which was completely new to me. I fell in love with the concept of having a “business in a box” and wanted to learn everything I could about how to properly promote and build it. This lead to affiliate marketing, then paid advertising, website creation, product creation, sales funnels, JV partnerships and eventually bringing all these things together to incorporate my marketing company. Through all these avenues, time and money spent investing in my knowledge and self improvement, I really found out what it is I want to do/create in my life. So how does all of that come to the creation of this site? Well, along the way I’ve learned many lessons, concepts, techniques and ways of thinking that have helped me achieve whatever it is I’ve set my mind to. That’s not to say that I haven’t had my fair share of failures along the way, but rather than dwell on “failure”, I use it as learning experience to attain my aspirations. I’ve learned throughout life that those who take this approach are the ones many people consider to be “successful”. I wholeheartedly believe that your outlook and perception is the ultimate determining factor of your success, and this is the reason I created this site. I love sharing what I’ve learned and continue to learn and I hope to help guide you in creating your own ideal version of success, however it is you define it. So, if you like my take on life, business, mindset, or even if if you don’t, please feel free to join the conversation and follow me on this journey.
#140336749Monday, July 14, 2014 9:13 PM GMT


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