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#140610967Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:34 AM GMT

Hi! So, I had an idea today. A little tab under you're picture on the forums that say: "Send friend request" "Party with user" "Send message" 1. Send FR. The most simple one! You can turn it off, in account page. 2. Party. It opens the party tab up. This one you can turn off, too! 3. Send message. It just opens the tab for who ever post you are on. Also able turn off. Thanks.
#140611006Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:35 AM GMT

Yes... But No... OMG so Evil and So Good all in one. I don't know bro. Smells Like a Siggy... Tastes Like a Siggy... But it's not a Siggy.

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