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#140896333Sunday, July 20, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

I am working on a map based around Starship Troopers Invasion. I need some weaponry, suit morph, script I can use in my already made bug(can give the specific for it later), couple other bugs made and scripted, and some others. I can pay you for your services, just shoot me a message and we'll talk. As for the weaponry... A high rate of fire but little less than medium damage assault rifle Minigun type with Very high Rate of fire but low damage Pistol-low damage and semi automatic High Explosive and smoke grenade These are most wanted but others could be possible Bug Script.. I need the bug to "head toward" a player if the player is "Withen Sight" Also need the bugs to have respawns but have spawns set in zones. Each hallway is a zone and bugs can not appear while players are in that hallway Bugs also need to be attracted to sound. So gunfire in one hallway will attract bugs from other hallways Bugs to be built and scripted like above.... Smaller bug which simply jump attacks with low health but medium damage Others could come These are what I can think of currently. Shoot me a message and we'll talk business
#140896565Sunday, July 20, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

When will people start to understand WE AREN'T FOR HIRE/RENT/SALE! Anything! Stop posting these threads!
#140944700Sunday, July 20, 2014 12:54 PM GMT

Sorry mate. Just needing some help. I can offer cookies though
#140945028Sunday, July 20, 2014 1:01 PM GMT

Give poptart some credit for once. You guys freak out on everyone who does this. THIS IS AN ALT. He said sorry and is probably going to switch forums, one person told him, so shut up about it if you're going to continue. One person is enough, it's just pure annoying & bumping when you guys keep saying WRONG FORUM

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