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#140927292Sunday, July 20, 2014 6:05 AM GMT

After receiving your briefing you made all preparations necessary and got a good nights rest. The next day you were immediately put on a plane and transported to your new HQ in Ukraine. Upon arrival you noticed the 2000 US troops under your command had all arrived before you and set up the HQ quite nicely. Tents were set up as well as gates and a water opening existed where amphibious transport was possible up and down the river, passing through Belarus, back into Ukraine, passing Kiev and eventually reaching the black sea. Upon disembarking your transport you are greeted by a rough, yet clean looking soldier. "Greetings Colonel Wood. I am Lieutenant Colonel Sawicki, I oversaw construction of this HQ and I have been informed I am to be your second-in command for the duration of the US military presence here in Ukraine. You can always come to me for advice and I will gladly help you with anything you need to the best of my abilities, which I will explain as I give you an assessment on the forces you have under your control here." He said. "On another note, Polkovnik(Colonel) Kulyk of the Ukranian military is here and requests an audience with you. Would you like to see him now or receive the force assessment first?"
#140949174Sunday, July 20, 2014 2:25 PM GMT

"Alright, bring me to him..." I say in a grouchy voice.
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#140986486Sunday, July 20, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

"Very well Colonel." He said. Leading you to a decent-sized tent with a table inside with enough chairs around it to fit eight people. Polkovnik Kulyk was already seated at the table- as you could tell by his uniform. "This is Polkovnik Kulyk." LT Colonel Sawicki said, closing the tent behind you two as you entered. "Polkovnik Kulyk, this is Colonel Wood." He said as you both take your seats around the table. "Yes good to meet you Colonel Wood. I have been assigned as a military adviser and ambassador to you from the Ukrainian military due to my military expertise and my understanding of your English language. I am able to assist you with any coordinated efforts you wish to make with the Ukrainian military while you are here. I also am in contact with the Ukrainian representative to the United Kingdom's HQ and can help you with collaborative efforts in that regard as well. The Russian Federation have refused to have and Ukrainian representatives in their HQ so unfortunately i cannot help you coordinate any efforts with their forces. It would be wonderful if you would accept my assistance and allow me to live here in the HQ with you and your men; and if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask." "When you feel you're done here Colonel, let me know and I'll bring you to the Operations tent where and give you a force assessment." LT Colonel informs you.
#141005453Monday, July 21, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

Hmm? What does this mean? ... IDK WAT DO
#141009229Monday, July 21, 2014 1:50 AM GMT

(Get out of my thread) I look at the Ukrainian. "Can I have an update on recent rebel movements?"
Top 50 Poster
#141021097Monday, July 21, 2014 3:50 AM GMT

"We know nothing of their movements." He said. "Their movements have always been untraceable. They just appear and attack out of nowhere. Personally, we believe the Russians are letting them move within their borders. One thing you might be interested to hear although, is that we plan on performing a new offensive soon to reclaim one of these cities the rebels currently have control over, as it has been over a week since our last offensive- we plan to initiate one in two days. The majority of the troops taking part will come directly from the Ukrainian military. United Kingdom has contributed some officers to help organize and coordinate the attack along with some supports ranging from CAS vehicles to mortar strikes. Tomorrow we are having a meeting in the UK HQ to finalize the battle plans. If you'd like actually, we would be most gracious if you would personally attend and give your input, along with possibly contributing some forces if possible- yet since we know of your situation with Congress, we understand if you'd like to keep your troops out of this offensive operation. If you agree to come to the meeting we shall provide you any form of transport you'd like as well. I'd say if you want a very in-depth analysis of how the war has been going, this is the meeting to go to- as a Ukrainian General will be attending it, and have much more information to disclose than I have."
#141053359Monday, July 21, 2014 1:39 PM GMT

"Alright. I'll go to the meeting. When is it?"
Top 50 Poster
#141085075Monday, July 21, 2014 7:51 PM GMT

"It takes place tomorrow afternoon at 14:00 hours."
#141086398Monday, July 21, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

I nod. "Alright. Anything else planned, Lieutenant Colonel?"
Top 50 Poster
#141090216Monday, July 21, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

"Well now if you'd like I can show you your troop assessment." Sawicki said.
#141125028Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

I nod.
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#141193464Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

Sawicki leads you to a large tent known as the "operations" tent. When you arrive, you see a map of Ukraine and the surrounding regions on a desk in the center of the room as well as many statistical charts posted everywhere else. Sawicki goes into a desk on the left side of the room and pulls some papers out of a draw, putting them onto the desk, spreading them apart. "Take a look at these." He said. Showing you a complete count of your current forces available. "Your forces are comprised currently of Marines, once congressional approval comes through the Army will bring troops too and with the Army comes a good amount of additional soldiers and vehicles such as those M1A2 tanks, this is what you have now however." LAND FORCES 2000 USMC Soldiers 8 M1A1 Tanks (Main battle tank) 1 M104 Wolverine (Mobile bridge deployment) 3 M1 Assault Breacher Vehicles (M1 variant specializing in clearing minefields.) 10 GCV Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Infantry fighting + limited transport) 27 Stryker APCs (Armored troop transport) 9 M3A3 Bradleys (Reconnaissance/infantry fighting vehicle) 25 Humvee Variants (Light Transport) 11 MIM-104 Patriots (Anti Air) 10 M109 Howitzers (Self-Propelled Artillery) 7 M9 Armored Combat Earthmover (Armored Bulldozers) AIR FORCES 8 AH-1Z Vipers (Attack Helicopter) 6 MV-22 Ospreys (Multi-purpose VTOL) 14 UH-1Y Venoms (Transport Helicopter) 2 UH-60 Black Hawks (VIP transport) "Any questions about the current setup or anything related to your current forces? If not I can show you your personal tent where you'll be staying." Sawicki said.
#141195319Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:38 PM GMT

"Are all the vehicles in exceptional shape?" I ask.
Top 50 Poster
#141195684Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

"Yes." Sawicki said. "Some new, some recently refurbished for their deployment here, such as the older vehicles like the Bradleys."
#141204876Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:09 PM GMT

"Alright. I think I'm about ready to get to my tent." I say, thinking in the statement.
Top 50 Poster
#141206819Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:29 PM GMT

LT Colonel Sawicki shows you to a slightly large tent, just a bit smaller than the Operations tent. Inside is a king-sized bed and a lot of home-like furnishings, as well as your own personal bathroom. "Probably not as bad as you were assuming. Ukraine paid for the furnishings, wanted to treat their American representative like a king." He said, pointing at some air fresheners hanging from the ceiling. "Even wanted to help you ignore the smell of morning rations." He said with a smirk. "Anyway, do you have any questions? If not is there anything you'd like to do on your first day? I understand the trip from America must have been long and you have to adjust to the new time zone, so you can get some sleep now too if you'd like, and then you have your meeting tomorrow at UK's HQ."
#141216994Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

"I'm afraid of the dark. Will you be my teddy bear?" jk "That'll be all, Lt. Colonel. Go take a break, you've done good today. Also, I want on the clock patrols defending this camp against the insurgents." I observe my room and think of sleep.
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#141221802Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

You head to bed, readjusting your sleeping schedule a bit and wake up the next morning. After morning trivialities you are greeted by Ukrainian soldiers who then transport you via an Mi-2 with Mi-24 escorts to your meeting at the UK HQ just east of yours outside Zhytomyr. When you land you are greeted by a a British soldier followed by two guards. "Greetings. You must be Colonel Wood. Welcome to Ukraine! I am Major-General Barney of the UK forces detached here, I oversee all operations here in Ukraine. We're glad to see you on our side of the patch for the meeting. You ready to head on over there or do you have any questions for me first?"
#141235872Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:29 AM GMT

"Let's go." I say, eager to move on the day.
Top 50 Poster
#141262477Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:16 AM GMT

When you arrived in the UK's Operations tent there was another man there who introduced himself as General-Lieutenant Mazur, with the help of a translator standing beside him. On the table in the center of the room was a map of Ukraine and next to it, a map of the city of Odesa. "Let me get you caught up to speed Colonel." Barney said. "Odesa was one of the first cities seized by the rebels. It is one of their two greatest assets at the moment, and it is one we need to deny them. What makes this city so important is that not only does it have naval passage into the black sea, but it also has an airport. We currently have two major cities under our control surrounding Odesa and enough territory to perform a three-prong attack. One from the north, coming from Mykolaiv; one from the south, coming from Kiliya; and one from the west which will be transported into the field from elsewhere via air transport." He said. "Our plan is laid out. Troops will be put into place in the west and will secure the airport outside Odesa before anything. Afterwards, the attacks from the north and south will begin- after fifteen minutes, the western force will split into two groups. One to defend the airfield, one to push into the city. This overall will be a Ukrainian attack as most of the troops will be theirs. We will be supplying CAS vehicles to the western attack as well as the transport for the western force. We shall also be supplying two detachments composed of four infantry squads each- supported by FV510 Warriors. The goal here is to reclaim all of Odesa while attempting to prevent the escape and hopefully capture any rebel leaders. Ukrainian naval forces will be assuring no ships attempt to leave the harbor. We have refined this plan over in three previous meetings." "Ukrainian forces will also be staying in force to make sure the city does not get retaken as we plan our next offensive." Mazur said. "How does the plan look to you then mate?" Barney asked you. "Seem sound or do you have any additions you'd like to make; be it verbally here or in troops on the battlefield?"
#141266509Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:14 PM GMT

I look at the maps. "I'm assuming we have a decent amount of intelligence and reconnaissance about the city's traits and landscape?"

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