#141225393Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

Cole "Ghostbusters are cool." I mumble looking down at my dorky t-shirt with the ghostbusters logo as the centerpiece. I'm not about to pick up the money, that would just make Delacour happy. I ignore the money for now and turn my attention to the stage trying to forget the unpleasant encounter.
#141225638Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

Plaza Aya looked around the people around the plaza, seeing there were more people than that little group she was in from before. Seems like there are more humans alive than it seems, perhaps most of them were hiding in their houses. "What a party," she muttered, crossing her arms, holding her bag by the edges with her left hand.
#141226975Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

Keegan MacDuncan Town Plaza: After a sum of walking, I finally made it to Town Plaza, the walk here was quite relaxing seeing as all he did was kick rocks into puddles and dirty his shoes. He saw a couple of scavengers, and remembered he wasn't the only one who lost his parent. He sighed and looked up at the Town Plaza and began looking around for the Grocery Store, maybe he'd run into some kids who could help him? Maybe... That was a word he used too often now-a-days.
#141227044Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

[ ROLEPLAY STATUS - HIBERNATE ] Please do not post any more posts that further this plot until notified otherwise in the morning. If a recap is asked for, please give one, in the best detailed manner possible. We are still accepting character sheets throughout the night; I will check them in the morning. I am also still working on giving out Silent's and Outs' powers, this too, shall be completed in the morning. [ Good-night all. (; ]
#141230647Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

Lol. Morning now for me. Recap please.
#141249817Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:57 AM GMT

Bump for people with weird time zones so they can see this awesome thread when it is online but you are offline!!!
#141252424Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:31 AM GMT

Character Sheet// name ::: Jay Ravizur alias ::: N/A gender ::: Male age ::: 16 school ::: Savion Local Schooling personality traits ::: Jay is noted to be a quiet and shy person, often keeping to himself and seldom speaking unless required. If someone manages to become his friend, he is usually more open than usual. A great friend to have, Jay is loyal and stubborn as well, never giving up on something until he eventually fails and doubting most facts unless he experiences it. He is also quite adventurous, courageous, intelligent and cunning. detailed appearance ::: Jay has a lean form with tanned skin and piercing ice-blue eyes (he was named after them). His hair is brown with streaks of blonde through them and he has the tattoo of a dragon on his arm, usually hidden by the clothing he wears. A scar can be found on his left cheek due to a slight scratch from a monster when he was 15. clothing ::: Jay wears a black leather jacket with a t-shirt below it, along with ripped jeans and sneakers. If at school, he wears the school uniform (if there's no school uniform then just disregard this and take the casual appearance for his look instead). notable skills ::: Mathematics, reading, writing. inventory ::: A flashlight with four spare batteries, his Samsung Galaxy phone, a notebook he doodles and writes stories in, a eraser-topped pencil with a pencil sharpener, and a small kitchen knife used for self defense. biography::: Jay was born the only child in his family. Originally, he was very talkative at school and had a best friend named Jackson until he died one day by a monster. Ever since then, he became very quiet and shy on the outside, but on the inside he was burning with a fiery vengeance to avenge his friend's death one day. power ::: (You decide the power so yeah c:) lucky number ::: (Is this required? If so then 26...) other ::: you choose confirm Also hi Pawz c:
#141252521Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:32 AM GMT

[silent why would u want people to join who are in opposite timezones as pawz? wouldnt that just make them unable to RP?]
#141267083Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:27 PM GMT

Alrighty.....I need a recap. ._.
#141267359Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:35 PM GMT

So wait, should I just abnormally appear with my two characters or what? Honestly, I have no idea how to introduce myself into the scene ;-;
#141272473Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:03 PM GMT

( I started in my house, since I have no idea how much time has passed in the roleplay I assumed it was a couple days and had my character finally leave his safety zone for food and other resources.)
#141272579Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:05 PM GMT

(People talked about food or whatever. Then Cole and Delacour start a Harry/Malfoy esque rivalry. A minor event started which basically said a storm is coming and you all want to go to the stage whether you like it or not.)
#141273289Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:15 PM GMT

So wait, my characters should just appear out of pure interest to go to the plaza a or wherever you guys are?
#141273454Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:17 PM GMT

(Probably out of pure interest because the post said everyone was strangely drawn to it.)
#141276033Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:54 PM GMT

I should PROBABLY join this considering I wrote half of it.
#141278281Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:28 PM GMT

#141279124Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:40 PM GMT

@Swedish l0l'd. Pawz we starting up?
#141279130Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:40 PM GMT

(Strangely is a vague word.)
#141281638Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:12 PM GMT

Yea, we'll start in a bit. I'm not feeling too good right now, but let me pm people their powers and get the recap.
#141286490Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:09 PM GMT

You know my name is siientsins right? I'm saying that because I has no PM! 3.3
#141286593Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:10 PM GMT

I'm having issues creating your power.
#141286739Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:12 PM GMT

I'm having issues creating you power, Silent, as with Out.
#141287808Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:24 PM GMT

( How is it so hard? ) ~ Si je donnais 80% de ne pas se soucier, que 20% signifierait temps et gaspillé.
#141298125Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:17 PM GMT

[Recap is generally people were mainly heading towards the Plaza, a few met up with others, etc. Then big spooky storm cloud, with a hint of unnatural green tinge to them appeared, and everyone was oddly drawn to the main stage.. So, you could just kind of place your characters in the growing crowd at the stage, since all the characters will be there by the end of the event]
#141298351Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:20 PM GMT

I don't think I can do this second part either, it's late here. Sorry again.