#141298535Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:22 PM GMT

( I see the only way to be excused is post it n parentheses and when everyone is posting when you are on, say 'Late post' and post it. ) Siggy dissappeared due to edit mode.
#141298852Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

(I just want to continue the story ;-;)
#141298903Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

I'm having a hard time making up a twist. ] [ EVENT - ACTIVATED ] Status.. October 4th, 2014.. Savion, Idaho.. 9:00 PM.. A brisk wind swept through the gathered crowd; cold and chilly for such an unusual season. Black smog billowed from the microphone, forming a vaguely humanoid shape, entirely composed of discorporate atoms. "WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE MY AVATAR?" The genderless voice boomed out, the sound sweeping across the crowd.
#141299213Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:30 PM GMT

Plaza "What the hell are you?" Delacour shouted from the crowd, staring at the smoke creature.
#141299442Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:32 PM GMT

Cole Town Plaza (Stage) I took a step back reflexively. This thing was pretty scary. Although I could help but think it was a bit funny also. The voice was low and distorted which egged on a dumb joke. "Smoking isn't good for your lungs." I said without thinking after the voice finished.
#141299456Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:32 PM GMT

Aya Ivyria Town Plaza Aya just stood there in the distance, gazing the strange black smoke form itself into a shape of a person, or something like it. She took another bite of her chips, the bag swaying from the wind, along with the rest of her loose hanging articles and hair. What would being this... thing's "avatar" entail, she wondered, glancing at the rest of the crowd for someone who might speak out, though very much doubting that anyone would.
#141299988Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

[ EVENT - CREATURE ] The being fixated his soulless gaze onto Delacour, "THAT IS NOT YOUR CONCERN, VINCE." It responded, the dark particles separating for a couple of seconds out of agitation. "BUT IF ONE OF YOU DO NOT OFFER YOURSELVES, I SHALL BE FORCED TO CHOOSE."
#141300220Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:41 PM GMT

Plaza Delacour took a step back, his normal cool exterior gone for a moment, before he regained it and shouted out, "Halloween is over buddy, take a walk!" Whoever it was gave it away by saying his name, someone is trying to scare them, but even then, he had strength in numbers.
#141300295Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

Grocery store Zachary snapped out of his trance. He looked out the window and saw everyone looking at this, thing, on the stage. He walked out the door to get a closer look and was startled by the cold air. He still couldn't see it clearly. He walked closer to the stage.
#141300435Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

Adrian Town Plaza ( Stage ) I look up in awe, seeing the disembodyed voice could speak. I take my bandana off my mouth and threw on my hood, trying to stay unnoticed in the back, like others. Siggy gone due to edit mode.
#141300522Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:44 PM GMT

Cole Town Plaza (Stage) I-it knew Delacour's name? That's a bit strange. This day is turning out to be interesting with power outages, missing parents, and now the smoke monster from lost appearing. A crowd has gathered around the stage so maybe I could just migrate my way into a thicker portion so I won't be chosen for whatever this thing wants. I think to myself as I slither my way through the crowd until I get to where it's thickest. I try to make myself stand out as little as possible even trying to make myself disappear entirely. I don't know what it is but being chosen as an 'avatar' doesn't sound good at all.
#141300824Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:47 PM GMT

Aya Ivyria Plaza "Damn it," she cursed loudly at the strange black smoke, kind of mad at what current events that's been going on. First, the lights go out, second, her parents are gone, and now this weird ass thing that appears out of literally no where, bothering them about some avatar? This seriously 𝒘𝒂𝒔 a bad day! "If you're not gonna tell us what you are, can you at least tell us 𝒘𝒉𝒐 you are?!"
#141301487Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:54 PM GMT

Alex I stood up as I awoke from my nap. I saw something unusual, but an odd feeling told me this was not a dream. Then I began to think. "YOU!" I yelled through all the whispering in the shouting. I point at the smoke creature. "TELL US WHERE OUR PARENTS ARE!"
#141301846Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:58 PM GMT

(Alex is willing to accept anything about his parents if it means they are alive or it is info on where they are. So something weird pops up. "HEY YOU TOOK MY PARENTS!")
#141301935Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:59 PM GMT

Adrian Town Plaza ( Stage ) I thought to myself that it was time to stand up, take one for once. I stood up straight, looking at the smog, and said this, "I have seen many things in my life, but never this! Take me! They have something for themselves, me not so much." As I threw my arms in the open, waiting for his response. Siggy gone due to edit mode.
#141302082Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:01 PM GMT

Town plaza Zach got closer and saw it was actually a black cloud. He wasn't seeing things. He was happy. It helped support his 'test' theory: The parents are organizing something and now they're just using some fog machines and a microphone to trick us. His anxiety was going away. Then he remembered about the weird cloud.
#141302127Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:01 PM GMT

Cole Town Plaza (Stage) "Oh look, cool guy is here to save us." I joke looking at 'our hero' sacrificing himself. "I wonder if he has a tragic backstory." I continue without any consideration.
#141302234Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:02 PM GMT

Plaza Alex I look at the kid who said that. "W.T.F..." I say silently... "No take me! But only if you tell them where our parents are, or you are getting no one!" I take out my knife trying to scare the smoke creature, but it probably would do no good.
#141302375Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

Plaza Delacour whispered to Teddy and Mooch, "It's probably one of Cole's buddies, bet that brat is in on it too." He frowned as he peered around at the crowd, all so gullible. "It's not real." He shouted to the rest of the crowd, "This ain't no horror movie where smoke people exsist! I say we find out who is trying to trick us." Delacour finished, looking smug at his quick realization at the situation.
#141302455Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:05 PM GMT

Adrian Town Plaza ( Stage ) I look at the dude who wants to argue. "Stop, I've lost too much. This is my decision. They will return, I promise." I said, looking back at the creature. Siggy gone due to edit mode.
#141302569Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:06 PM GMT

Plaza Alex How dumb could I be... That must be it. I quickly put away my pocket knife. "Okay jokes over come on out y'all old folks." I say nervously. I force myself to laugh at the end.
#141302661Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

Aya Ivyria Plaza She looked to the older boy saying that it must have been a fraud of some sort, not completely believing him. "If it ain't real," Aya said to him in a clear, but clearly angered voice, "Why don't you push that... that thing off the stage yourself?!"
#141302703Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

Alex "Dude this is a joke, we know you are on it!" I say a bit confused. "I mean... this is a joke, right?"
#141302718Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

Cole Town Plaza (Stage) I hate all of you. I think to myself. "Do you see a smoke machine up there Delacour? This wind would blow all of it away anyway!" I argue trying to push my way out of the crowd, some people were getting way to close for comfort and my hunger finally won out.
#141302852Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

Alex I walk up on stage, "I mean look! I can walk right through it and it will just disappear!" I say as I put my hand through it.