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#141124406Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

Scientists all over the world combine forces to create teleportation technology! After years of development, the day is finally here! A space station, high above Mars is the home of the experiment. After years of testing on objects and small animals, the first human is ready to go through the teleporter. The subject? A former Space Marine, retired and with nothing to lose. With one last look and an exhale, he steps through! Silence. He's gone, and the scientists turn to see what comes out of the second teleporters on the other side of the room. It was a long five seconds. Suddenly, a terrible creature bursts forth through the teleporter! A creature of crimson brown, sharp red and yellow eyes and flames bursting from it's spike punctured arms. With a terrible roar, flames ignite the room, scientists and equipment set alight! It is soon followed by several more terrible creatures that look similar, stumbling around the room and causing chaos! Soon, the room is filled with charred corpses, the rest of the staff fleeing the room screaming for their very lives. Two legged, bipedal creatures charge forth out of the teleporter, along with other monsters from another realm. The scientis have unwittingly unleashed the forces of hell, which gates had been undisturbed in another dimension. The bridge between Hell and our Realm had been mars, and the Demons had been waiting for a breach in the space between. Now, they storm out of the teleporter, the more powerful creatures creating more rifts, more demons storming forth. The guards of the space station firing wildly at the demons, the battle for the floors and rooms of the station lasting one month. The body count on the demon side was high, the Space Marines skilled in their craft. But the sheer amount of Demons overwhelmed the Marines and they were forced to pull out. It wasn't long before they commandeered the craft, and launched shuttles to Mars. They rule Mars now, and use it's Celestial power to summon new demons forth. It won't be long before they turn their sights to earth. It was one month later, the the original teleporter room was dark and quiet. The demons and zombiesoldiers roamed the station, checking things, searching through it's corridors. Then, the first teleporter glowed green once more, and the Space Marine stepped out. His armor red and black, veins visible and glowing with power. He looks at his hands. Demonic runes ran up and down his arms. The room was full of charred corpses, and the space marine knew why. His friends live on this station. So many people lost their lives, and this filled the marine with a rage beyond human comprehension. No other emotions other then raw anger. The anger of a demon. He knew that he would bring death and destruction, and so did all of the demons on the ship. Like a hivemind, they all sensed this new being on board, and with it, came the sense of impending doom. --- Ask for your own thread if you want to participate.
#141126447Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:48 AM GMT

sure yolo
#141126986Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:55 AM GMT

is that a thread request?
#141128288Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

yes it is and one for me pls
#141129142Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

mnoookay tomorrow because STUPID REAL LIFE
#141137335Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

okay sure
#141177746Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:33 PM GMT

okaaaay here they cooome
#141178655Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:44 PM GMT

#141180036Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:00 PM GMT

#141180168Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:01 PM GMT

okay den
#141180373Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:04 PM GMT

#141313432Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:59 PM GMT

(okay well, since i've REALLY gotten into DooM recently, I might make another more survival based one. Maybe. Hm.)

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