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#141159443Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:58 PM GMT

wait(15) game.StarterGui.INTRO.Background.Visible = false game.StarterGui.A.Visible = true wait(5) game.StarterGui.A.Visible = false game.StarterGui.B.Visible = true wait(5) game.StarterGui.B.Visible = false game.StarterGui.C.Visible = true wait(5) game.StarterGui.C.Visible = false game.StarterGui.D.Visible = true wait(5) game.StarterGui.D.Visible = false herpderp p.s i have it in a normal script in workspace i simply want it to display a gui and then display some pictures named a-d
#141160405Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:19 PM GMT

bump pls helppls omg
#141161141Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:36 PM GMT

You dont edit it from startguis, loop through the players and get their playerguis I've never bought a suit in my life, but when you go to meet god you know you wanna look nice!
#141161194Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:37 PM GMT

for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do wait(15) v.PlayerGui.INTRO.Background.Visible = false v.PlayerGui.A.Visible = true wait(5) v.PlayerGui.A.Visible = false v.PlayerGui.B.Visible = true wait(5) v.PlayerGui.B.Visible = false v.PlayerGui.C.Visible = true wait(5) v.PlayerGui.C.Visible = false v.PlayerGui.D.Visible = true wait(5) v.PlayerGui.D.Visible = false end try this I've never bought a suit in my life, but when you go to meet god you know you wanna look nice!

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